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by Frank Damazio

Introduction: This is a season to go deeper into God, His word and His spirit, a time to grow strong, not in our own strength but in the strength of God, going from weakness to strength, and from strength to strength. Strong in fervent prayer will prepare us to be strong in battle, and, whether or not we accept it, we are in the midst of a fierce spiritual battle. All around us there is a battle taking place in the spiritual realms over our homes, our cities, our nations, and the nations of the world. Through the spirit we can become aware of this battle and know how to live in victory rather than in defeat. The dynamic of the battle and how to be...

by Stan Coffey

As we come to the lesson today, we remember what Paul teaches us in Ephesians about spiritual warfare. The apostle Paul teaches us in Ephesians 6 that there is an invisible battle going on. He talks about our warfare which is no an earthly warfare but a heavenly warfare. It's not warfare against the seen but against the unseen. It's a warfare against principalities and powers and the rulers of the darkness of this world and against spiritual wickedness in high places. Paul talks about that warfare that takes place and about the principalities involved. Principalities has to do with divisions of government. Satan has divisions of government...

by Jerry Vines

If I counted correctly, four times in that passage of Scripture, the Apostle Paul admonishes us as believers to stand. In verse 11 he says, ''stand against the wiles of the devil.'' In verse 13 - ''that you may be able to withstand and having done all to stand.'' In verse 14 - ''stand therefore.'' Here are urgent imperative commands that God's people be prepared to stands against the forces of evil that will assail. It is for this reason that Ephesians 6 - these particular verses - are known as the verses that have to do more than any other passage in the Bible with the subject of spiritual warfare. The Bible teaches that the Christian is in a real war. I was...

by Chris Brown

Immorality is the sin of the ignorant, not the wicked. Avoid the path, not just the person. Never underestimate our sin nature, nor the enemy. The consequences always outweigh the satisfaction. TAKING IT HOME Looking back on this week's sermon and study, what's most important for you to remember? Are there any areas of your life you are currently out of control in or close to being out of control for which you'd like prayer? Can you think of a step you can take to help you move toward self-control in this area? Growth Group Homework QUICK REVIEW Looking back at your notes from this week's teaching, The Art of War, was there...

by Ernest Easley

I just wonder, how many saints do we have here tonight? Just raise your hand! How wonderful to see so many saints here for worship. Now let me ask you saints a question. How many of you saints are soldiers? Thank you. Now learn this: every child of God, every saint is a soldier! We've all been drafted! And do you know why you've been drafted? I'll tell you why: because there is a war on! You see, the Christian life is not a playground, it's a battleground! There's a war on! But I'll let you in on a secret: victory is ours! That's right! Victory is ours. You see, we're not fighting toward victory, we're fighting from victory! Our enemy is a defeated...

by Jeff Schreve

When I was in about third grade, I had my first dream of flying. Has anybody have, ever had a dream that you could fly? It is the coolest thing. remember, first time I was just like wow! I woke up. I was so exhilarated I couldn't wait to go back to bed, you know, because I thought, Man, I'm going to be able to fly again tomorrow night. And I would go to bed at night just thinking, Oh, I want to fly, I want to fly. And about that same time, I had another recurring dream of going to school and forgetting my pants. Have you ever had that dream? (laughter) That's a horrible dream. I'd be in the restroom and look down. I was in such a hurry, I forget...

by James Merritt

1. If you are in the military, and especially in the Navy, you will recognize the command ''Battle Stations.'' Whenever a military man hears this he knows to get to his post, lock and load, make sure the safety is off, the trigger is pulled back, and he is ready to fire and ready to fight. 2. I've already told you that every Christian on earth is at war. We were born at war with God because we are born in sin. But when we lay down our arms at the cross of Jesus Christ in unconditional surrender, God declares peace with us. 3. When God declares peace with us, the devil declares war on us and we must be permanently at our battle stations from...

by Lenny Ports

Man was born to be in fellowship with God What we lost in Adam, we gain back in Christ. Before Jesus, there was no battle. After you come to Christ you enter into a conflict. That conflict is between The Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of darkness The flesh and the Spirit The law and Grace Over the next several weeks we will be covering these topics Last week we talked about not giving into the flesh. 1. If you react, you know you will have to come back to the cross and ask God to forgive you. 2. If you respond in an ungodly way, then you would have to go the person who you sinned against and humbly ask them to forgive you. 3. It is...

by Josh Malone

Today we begin a new series where we are dealing with various subjects and answering the questions, ''What does the Bible say about that?'' - Easter Survey... This week we are dealing with Spiritual Warfare. Spiritual Warfare... it's real. It's taking place right now as we are about to study God's Word, it will continue throughout the message. It takes place when your alarm clock goes off and your day begins. It's takes place at work, in your friendships, etc. Just because something is unseen doesn't make it unreal, and ignoring it doesn't make it go away. - An invisible enemy is a dangerous enemy, and an enemy that is...

by Jerry Vines

In our study of Ephesians we find ourselves in a suddenly changing atmosphere. We discover we are in the midst of a war. We are in the midst of flashing guns, booming cannons, clashing swords - all around us we have the nomenclator and the names and the words that have to do with a great war. There is a great war that is going on in the world. It is not the war that is going on in Bosia Hertza Kavenia. It is not the war that is going on in Iraq or Iran. But the greatest war that is going on in the world is the war that is going on between good and evil, between God and the Devil. So, when we come to Ephesians 6 the Word of God gives...

by Brian Fletcher

There is a cosmic battle taking place between good and evil. God is good and Satan or the devil is evil. God is full of light and satan is full of darkness. We believe that Christ's life, death and resurrection has conquered satan. Satan is still allowed to run rampant, although he is on a leash, and he will try to destroy us. Satan and his minions may run around and frustrate, decieve, accuse and distract God's people, God is supremely in control at all times. It is like a small colony of sugar ants versus the full force of the United States Military. God has His angels and ministers of light to fight in this battle and satan has his...

by Stan Coffey

I want you to take your Bible tonight and turn to Ezekiel Chapter 28. This fall I had felt lead to the Lord to study the subject of spiritual warfare as a topic for Sunday nights. I feel that we have been going through spiritual warfare not only in the last months but also just in all the years that I have been part of this church. I don't believe that a church that is trying to honor the Lord, a church that is moving for God is ever going to be out of spiritual warfare. And I don't believe that a believer that wants to grow and wants their life to count is going to be out of spiritual warfare. So I am going to be talking about some of the aspects of spiritual warfare...

by Will McGee

Introduction: Last week, we began a study on the topic of spiritual warfare. For many, this topic may seem odd... But I think that the events in our nation this week remind us that perhaps it is much more relevant than we could have imagined. We were reminded again this week... 3 days in a row. That we live in a world where there is evil, injustice, fear, violence, racism, misunderstanding, lack of empathy. Two black men and five cops lost their lives this week... All of which were unnecessary deaths. Alton Sterling, Philando Castille, and the slain officers in Dallas (as well as all of their families...) Have acutely felt this week, the effects of the...

by Brad Whitt

ntro: I want you to take God's Word now this morning and I want you to be finding your place at 2nd Corinthians chapter 10 and in just a moment we're going to be reading verses 3 through 5 together. 2nd Corinthians chapter 10, and again we'll be looking at verses 3-5 this morning as we conclude our series of studies that we've entitled ''Angels and Demons: What The Bible Really Teaches.'' Now, for those of you who haven't been here during this series or perhaps you were out traveling on one of the Sundays that we were in this series, let me encourage you to get this series of messages, you can just fill out that portion on the back...

by Rick White

Ephesians 6:10-16 (The Message) And that about wraps it up. God is strong, and he wants you strong. So take everything the Master has set out for you, well-made weapons of the best materials. And put them to use so you will be able to stand up to everything the Devil throws your way. This is no afternoon athletic contest that we'll walk away from and forget about in a couple of hours. This is for keeps, a life-or death fight to the finish against the Devil and all his angels. Introduction: Once again this week the soul of this nation has been saddened by the actions of a Texas man who gunned down hymn- sinning teenagers at the...

by J. Gerald Harris

Tonight we're going to think about warfare. There were two high school wrestling teams that qualified to play for the state wrestling championship over in Arkansas several years ago. The coach of the high school in the south warned his wrestlers about the high school team from north Arkansas. He said the coach of the wrestlers in the north Arkansas high school had taught his wrestlers to do what they called a double reverse. His wrestlers would get the opposing wrestler and bend him double one way, and then bend him double the other way, and then turn him upside down until he had no feeling in his arms and legs. He would...

by Ernest Easley

Vance Havner, one of the most quoted preachers of the 20th century, tells when he was a boy that his father would take him out in the country to an old-fashion mill operated by a water wheel. The stream would flow into the wheel, making it turn. That would operate the mechanism inside and the miller could grind his grain. Now suppose the miller was to come one morning and find the creek was clogged. Without the water power, the wheel would not turn. He could shove the wheel, he could strain, he could call in the neighbors to help him, but it would be fruitless until he went up the creek and removed the hindrances: the dead logs and debris...