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Honeymoon Love: You Can Have It! (31 of 54)
by Stan Coffey
AUTHORSHIP: Solomon 1:1 attributes authorship to King Solomon. DATE: Solomonic authorship demands a 10th century date BC. Most scholars consider the book a product of Solomon's early years.THEME: The Song of Solomon is a unique literary master piece filled with figures of speech and descriptive imagery. INTRODUCTION: When Jesus wrote to the church at Ephesus in Revelation 2:1-7, he commended the church for their work, their commitment, their doctrinal stability, their intolerance of false teaching, and their endurance under pressure, but in Vs. 4 he said, "Nevertheless, I have somewhat against thee because...
Marriage Ceremony
by Brian Fletcher
Invocation Family and friends, we are gathered here in the presence of God, to worship God as we celebrate the marriage of this Man and this Woman. Marriage was instituted by God, blessed by our Lord Jesus Christ, upheld by his apostles, and is to be honored by all people through all time. Jesus affirms the words in Genesis when he says, ''a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.'' Today you leave your families and begin a new family. Let's remember that God has established marriage for the welfare and happiness of mankind and as a picture of the way...
A Garden Wedding
by Ken Trivette
Through the years I have heard of some unusual weddings. I read about a couple from Little Rock, Arkansas. Ann Smith and Jim Garner were married atop a telephone pole. They were both telephone linemen. The wedding took place on a gravel road with about 40 people present. The couple, wearing jeans, instead of the customary wedding dress, hitched on climbing gear and ascended to a gaily decorated cross bar where a bucket of champagne and goblets awaited. The Justice of the Peace stood on the ground and shouted out to them their wedding vows. 2. I also read about a Mary Campbell of Elgin, Illinois that...
A Wedding or a Hookup? (7 of 13)
by Jerry Vines
If you should visit an average college campus and just walk around and keep your ears open and listen, it's possible that you might hear a coed say, ''I hooked up last night.'' It is part of a new terminology, unfamiliar to many of us but quite familiar on college campuses and other places. On college campuses young men and women got together and they called that ''hanging out.'' Now they talk about ''hooking up.'' It means that somewhere along in the evening, with alcohol as a very prominent feature of the whole thing, they may stumble into a bed and hook up. It could mean anything from kissing to heavy petting or...
Wedding Bells in Eden
by Adrian Rogers
Take your Bibles, please and turn to Genesis chapter two, Genesis two and lets begin reading in verse eighteen. Genesis chapter two, verse eighteen. We're talking to you today about marriage. And the miracle of marriage. And today we're going to be studying about the first family and not Ronald and Nancy. We're going to be talking about Adam and Eve. And, how exciting it's going to be as we look at wedding bells in Eden. "And the Lord God said, it is not good that the man should be alone, I will make him an helpmeet for him. And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every fowl of the...
Mr. Spurgeon at a Wedding
by Charles H. Spurgeon
We do not look upon the ceremony of marriage as, in itself, a religious service; it is the entrance into a legal contract, binding upon the parties thus united, altogether apart from their position as believers or unbelievers. It is our conviction, however, that everything that is right should be "sanctified by the Word of God and prayer"; therefore it is seemly that there should be a gathering together of Christian friends to witness the pledging of fidelity on the part of those who are to be married, and to commend them specially to the Lord in prayer. Marriage is nearly the most important event in our lives; it has almost...
Weddings, Marriages, and Covenants (4 of 6)
by Roger Thomas
Today, I want to explore the biblical understanding of marriage. Our text from Genesis 2 is where it all begins. It is this passage that is quoted throughout the rest of the Bible to explain why marriage is important and what it is to mean. I want to get to the topic by examining the differences between weddings and marriages. The Bible says a great deal about marriages and very little about weddings. In our culture, however, we tend to concentrate enormous planning and money on the wedding while giving only the slightest thought to the marriage that follows. Consider three differences between a wedding and a marriage...
Wedding Bells Are Ringing (16 of 31)
by Ernest Easley
All right take your Bible and turn please to Genesis 24. We come this morning to the longest chapter in the book of Genesis. Now if you enjoy a good love story, you're going to like Genesis 24. Now in chapter 23 we read that Sarah gets buried. In chapter 24 we read that Isaac gets married. Wedding Bells are Ringing and we're going to discover that it was God who brought these two love-birds together! I want to show you from God's Word that God is interested in your love story and how important it is for you to bring God into it! I'm talking to some young people and single adults this morning and you need to know that God...
A Marriage Made in Heaven (34 of 39)
by James Merritt
I suppose there is nothing more exciting than a beautiful wedding, at least for the major participants. I have performed weddings where I honestly thought the groom was going to faint before the ceremony even began. (in fact, when I got married I thought I was going to faint before the ceremony even began.) But there is always a sense of excitement in the air, particularly on the part of the bride and the groom. John doe on his wedding day was a most excited creature he handed his wife the marriage fee and tried to kiss the preacher! 2. But there is a wedding coming that is going to end all weddings. In fact, there has never...
Lost That Loving Feeling (1 of 6)
by Jeff Schreve
We are starting a new series tonight, a new series for the next several weeks on marriage, a series I have entitled, "And They Lived Happily Ever After." Yesterday, I did two weddings. I'm not really great at doing weddings. And Larry does a lot more weddings than I do, and he does a really good job at weddings. And I've always been one to kind of prefer a funeral over weddings just because you can just kind of preach. And weddings are a ceremony, and they have to be a certain way. But it's exciting when I do a wedding to meet with the bride and the groom and talk about their lives and as they look to that date...
Wedding Sale (31 of 52)
by Christopher Harbin
Often as not, the Bible includes stories that call for interpretation. They do not all give us examples of how we are to live. Instead, they call us to be reflective and interactive with the text. They call us to ask questions and make sense of the stories before us. A standard joke among the Jewish people is that if you get four rabbis together, you have five opinions. There is a point to that joke. The Bible is not all cut and dried. There is room for discussion, dialogue, interpretation, and seeking to make meaning out of the text, especially as we apply it to new circumstances. The story of Isaac's wedding would and should indeed strike us...
The Wedding (4 of 4)
by Jeff Strite
(This was a ceremony to celebrate marriage. The sanctuary was decorated as for a wedding, with a trellis at the foyer, youth escorting people to their seats, and a set of candelabras on stage. We opened the sermon with Wedding March being played. As the music was played, two of our young men lit the candles. When they were finished lighting the candles, the pianist played the part of the march where the bride would enter).Please Stand. We are gathered today in the presence of God to celebrate marriage. Who is it that gives - those who desire to wed - to be married each other? Is it not God, our Father...
Wedding Bells are Ringing (1 of 2)
by Ernest Easley
We are back in our study of the book of Genesis. And tonight … let me say that if you enjoy a good love story, then you're going to like the 24th chapter of Genesis. In fact .. I've entitled tonight's message: Wedding Bells are Ringing. In preparing this message in how God brought Isaac and Rebekah together … I couldn't help but think about how God brought Julie and I together. She was growing up in Minnesota and I was growing up in Texas … a 1000 miles a part .. and yet the distance was no problem for God who made a way for us to meet. Back in the 70's … Julie's Father was a church planter for what is today the NAMB...
Welcome to the Wedding Feast (3 of 3)
by Jeff Strite
OPEN: Weddings are times of excitement and great celebration, and different cultures have different ways of celebrating their marriages.- In Bulgaria - the bride tosses a dish filled with wheat, coins and a raw egg over her head. If the dish breaks it signifies good luck to come. - African weddings often involve wine, wheat, pepper, salt, honey, bitter herbs, water, a pot and spoon, a broom, a spear, a shield, and a copy of the Bible. Each one represents a different aspect of the love and strength which unites two families. - In the Caribbean it's customary for the mother of the bride to make and then pass on the recipe...
Wedding Homily: What the Lord Requires
by Marion Clark
For none of us lives to himself, and none of us dies to himself. 8 If we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord. So then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord's. 9 For to this end Christ died and lived again, that he might be Lord both of the dead and of the living. E and K, you have chosen two passages that fit well together, and which provide a solid foundation upon which to build your marriage. Let's go through, beginning with the passage, Romans 14:7-9. For none of us lives to himself, and none of us dies to himself. Immediately a statement is made that marks the follower of Christ. If there is a value which our...
What You Love Is the True Test (2 of 9)
by David Cawston
Still dealing with Sin! The Power and price of sin has been taken care of! No he summarizes his previous teaching. Again with endearing tone to fulfill his desire not to judge but rather to encourage as he state in I Jn 1:4: We write this to make our joy complete. (NIV) Now he uses again the endearing tone: My dear children, (read verses 1 and 2) John is an encourager and realist. He knows that even with all the knowledge about the provision of Christ and about our desire to walk in the light, that we will sometimes fail. So he lets us know again that we have a defense attorney in Jesus Christ who can plead our case and get...
True Love Is Kind Love (2 of 4)
by Steve Jones
Herndon's Life Of Lincoln gives a firsthand account of the President-elect about to give his first inaugural address: "He was completely metamorphosed - partly by his own fault, and partly through the efforts of injudicious friends and ambitious dress coat, instead of the usual frock, black cloth or satin vest, black pantaloons, and a glossy hat evidently just out of the box. To cap the climax of novelty, he carried a huge ebony cane, with a gold head the size of an egg. In these, to him, strange habiliments, he looked so miserably uncomfortable that I could not help pitying him. Reaching the platform, his...
True Love Waits
by Tony Nester
Unless you've been hiding out somewhere beyond the reach of television, radio, newspapers, the Internet, and local gossip, you've been hearing a lot about sex. All due, of course, to the Starr Report about President Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky. With all this talk about sex going on around us, what do you think the church ought to be saying about sex? Some time ago Josh McDowell conducted a survey of teenagers from evangelical churches and discovered they had learned about sex from the following sources (respondents could select more than one): friends (28 percent) movies (26 percent) classes at school...
How Do I Know If I Found True Love? (3 of 6)
by Scott Maze
Just a reminder as we continue in the marriage series, we have free counseling available in the Encourager's Room today. Here's our focus today: How Do I Know if I Have Found True Love? Now, I'm going to only answer this question for the men, today. Women, I'll help you find your true love in the weeks to come. But all the ladies, you can relax and take today off . Next week: What Happens When We Cannot Get Along? I'll share some recent stories of how Traci has done me wrong and I have forgiven her. There's ancient view of marriage and there's a modern view of marriage. The ancient view of marriage is often...
The Kind of Husband Every Wife Needs (2 of 4)
by Stan Coffey
We are in a series of messages called ‘‘Family First’’. We began last week talking about the family, the importance of the family and having a Christian home, having a Christian family. Today we are going to be talking to the men. Don’t worry ladies, we will be talking to you a little bit later but today we are talking specifically to the men. Now, if you are not married today, this still applies to you because if you are a single man, hoping to be married and you are dating, this applies to you because it applies to relationships. But the title of the message is ‘‘The Kind of Husband Every Wife Needs’’. We are going to...