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Our sermon ideas on Trusting God will help you preach a powerful message. This is a timeless topic that can and will impact people's lives almost every week. Help your church trust God when everything seems to be going well, as well as during those times that the world seems to be falling apart. Prepare your messages on Trusting God with sermon outlines or an entire sermon series.


by Jerry Vines

Let's talk a little bit about how trouble relates to the Christian life. Bro. Dawson and I were visiting in the home of a young couple the other week. We were talking about the Christian life. I said to them that the Christian life begins with the supernatural birth. You invite the Lord Jesus into your heart and you are instantaneously born into the family of God. But a Christian life continues by growth. God's design, God's purpose for everyone who is saved is that they grow and develop and become the mature, full grown Christian that God intends. One of the ingredients God uses in the process of helping us to grow and...

by Robert Walker

Corrie Ten Boom was at the Nazi death camp Ravensbruck where roll came at 4:30a.m. Every morning. Most mornings were cold and sometimes the women would be forced to stand without moving for hours in the bone-chilling pre-dawn darkness. Nearby, were the punishment barracks where all day and far into the night would come the sounds of cruelty. Blows landing in regular rhythm and screams keeping pace. But Corrie and her sister Betsy had a Bible, and at every opportunity they would gather the women together like the orphans around a blazing fire and read Romans 8: "Who shall separate us from the love of...

by J. Gerald Harris

Now, this morning I want us to look at a demonstration of faith in the life of Simon Peter. Simon Peter was a lot of things. He was boisterous. He was impetuous -- impulsive. Sometimes he was even profane, but he was never complacent. He was never satisfied with the status quo. As we look at our text, we discover that it is illustrative of the adventuresome spirit and the amazing faith of Simon Peter. After preaching to a great multitude of people, Jesus went up into a mountain to pray. The disciples had been sent out back across the lake. It was somewhere between three o'clock and six o'clock in the morning. One of the sudden...

by Stephen Whitney

On December 17, 1903, Orville and Wilbur Wright made history. Their motorized vehicle deified the law of gravity and flew through the air. The idea wasn't new. Years before the Wright brothers got off the ground at Kitty Hawk, mathematicians and scientists had proven that flight was possible. But many people who read the facts couldn't believe that flying would ever become a reality. The Wright brothers believed the facts and they built the first flying machine. When their vehicle flew they demonstrated that you have to believe the facts and act on them to be successful. Definition Dictionary defines faith as: ''sincerity....

by Palitha Jayasooriya

Are you battling an extreme challenge today? If so, Psalm 11 may well be what you need to reflect on right now. The writer of the passage, David, was obviously facing extreme dangers when he penned this beautiful Psalm. His enemies were waiting in the shadows (v 2) to shoot their arrows at him (v 2). This could refer to verbal attacks and very definitely, to attacks on his life. King Saul had already been using him as target practice to enhance his skills in javelin throwing (1 Samuel 19:10)! In verse 3, David speaks about his very foundation being destroyed. At this point, it seems like David's close friends had encouraged him to...

by Stan Coffey

Well, tonight, I want us to continue our thoughts about faith, and about what faith is. When we started this series of messages and series of lessons and studies on faith, we said several things about what faith is. And, we gave several principles in that famous message on seven principles on growing faith, on which I had 8 points, but you may not know how that works, but you would just have to be here to know how that works. And, we want to continue that tonight. We want to talk about: Faith is Trusting God. Faith is Trusting God: a very simple, but a very vital concept to a growing faith, and I want us to turn...

by Jesse Hendley

A mother watched her little boy ride a bicycle out doors and one day while she was watching, he disap- peared. She could not find him anywhere. She went to the neighbor's house where he did go sometimes. They were not at home and she became a bit frantic and as she searched around, she found him at a high school football field, his bike parked and sitting in the stands absorbed in the action going on. She was greatly distressed and said to him, "Didn't you hear me?" He replied, "I heard you, but not loud enough." What he meant was "I heard you but I didn't want to obey you." I thought this was a great lesson as...

by Stan Coffey

We are continuing in our study of the series of messages on "Facing Life With Faith." There are two ways you can face life, either with fear or with faith. And God will bless those who have faith. The Bible says without it, it is impossible to please God. Today we are talking about "Trusting God To Meet My Needs." We are not talking about pie in the sky by and by, we are talking about God meeting our needs in the here and now. The Lord who knows our needs wants to meet our needs because He loves us. And God is a giving God. He wants to bless His people. It is the heart and desire of God to always meet our needs. And yet, we...

by Fenton Moorhead

One of my favorite stories is about a lady going on an airplane trip, and she went into the little shop there in the airport, bought herself a magazine and a package of cookies, and she prepared to go on her trip. And she sat down, and had a little bit of time before her plane was going to leave and so she began to read her magazine, and she heard the distinct sound of cellophane next to her, and she looked over and the man sitting next to her, in a little airport, you know, little table next to the chair there, and that man was actually helping himself to one of her cookies. And she thought, ''What nerve, who does he think he is?'' So she reached...

by Robert Walker

Corrie Ten Boom was at the Nazi death camp Ravensbruck where roll came at 4:30a.m. Every morning. Most mornings were cold and sometimes the women would be forced to stand without moving for hours in the bone-chilling pre-dawn darkness. Nearby, were the punishment barracks where all day and far into the night would come the sounds of cruelty. Blows landing in regular rhythm and screams keeping pace. But Corrie and her sister Betsy had a Bible, and at every opportunity they would gather the women together like the orphans around a blazing fire and read Romans 8: "Who shall separate us from the love of...

by Drew Hunter

We're starting into Paul's' second letter to the Thessalonian church this morning. Paul is writing this to people who were experiencing social displacement. They had still only recently become Christians. And with that decision, their place in society changed. The word repeated throughout these letters is ''affliction.'' It refers to the various forms of suffering they experienced as Christians. Todd Still wrote a thorough study of their affliction. He says that non-Christian family, friends, and acquaintances would have seen conversion to Christianity as ''subversive'' to the key institutions of their society. And so, here's how he...

by Scott Maze

Job is one of the most unique stories you’ll hear – not just inside the Bible but anywhere. Today is third installment in our series and we arrive at highpoint of the story – the place where God breaks His silence and speaks from Heaven. Job is the story of man named Job, a man whose character was tremendously strong but he suffered greatly. Job is a book about the pain we experience in life. It’s a book about the loss of people closest to us, the family with autistic children, and the wife and mother who is diagnosed with a terminal disease. The book of Job causes us to reflect on the unjust suffering in our lives and it’s frustrating...

by Christopher Harbin

At times, we have to make decisions to trust when the future seems very uncertain or unclear. As we recognize there is no way for us to make demands of God, that may make us feel even more insecure. That is especially the case when life presents options calling us to decisions and actions we would rather leave unmade. Is it really possible to trust God in difficult circumstances? Is it worth the risk of following God into the unknown? Can we be confident that we matter enough to God to extend that trust? We tend to look at most of the Old Testament as history, but the Jews have called most of those books ''The Prophets.'' Ruth...

by John Barnett

Sometimes it's good to pull over and look at the map. Just to see where you are, where you're headed, and how far you have come. This morning we are on a wonderful journey finding all the sites in God's Word where Christ is our refuge. We arrived at the third truth--Christ the Refuge for the Lonely. Then we began to look at David. We have found that David's life is often described in the Bible. But is there any significance to the items about David captured in the Old Testament? To find out, open with me to Ruth 4 this morning and look at the last verse. I'd like to show you the person God chose to write about more than any other person in...

by Kerry Shook

''And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.'' Romans 8:28 (NASB) ''And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don't know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words. And the Father who knows all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with God's own will. And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them. For God...

by Patrick Edwards

In August of 1975 a new song hit the airways which would become a modest hit across America. However, in 1986 it would be remixed and re-released becoming a global phenomenon, that music historians hail as a landmark event in the American music history. The song tells the story of a young man, naïve in the ways of the world and especially of women. His father encourages him to be patient, assuring him that one-day he'll get to experience all of the joys of being intimate with a woman. The song fast-forwards to few years later when at a school dance an older cheerleader suddenly approaches him. In the song we hear the young man...

by John Barnett

One of the most powerful truth to strengthen and guide you through life is found in Jeremiah 1:12. The Creator and Redeemer, the Lord God Almighty who is the Sovereign Ruler of the Universe tells us that there is something He is very focused upon. The Book you hold in your hands this morning, the Bible God's Word is like none other-because God says, "I am watching over my Word-to perform it!" Perhaps the greatest way that you and I can affirm the reality of God today is through this facet of His Sovereignty. God's rule over the nations is the context of this claim-and the clearest way to see God's Rule over the nations is through...

by Scott Maze

Today I begin a series of five sermons where I speak to the NRH family. In these messages I want to speak to the framing values for our church going forward. Paying attention to the values that have framed our church’s past, I want to speak to the clarifying values that will frame our future. We examine Scripture’s charge to the church in a time where the values have shifted.? As recently as last week, The New York Times, did a piece on the new pope, Pope Francis. What was noteworthy about the article was its correction. The article has mistakenly described the holiday of Easter as the day people celebrate Christ’s resurrection to...

by Rex Yancey

If there was ever any doubt about it before, there isn't now. We live in a dangerous world. Over the past few years we have become supersensitive to terrorists. Airplanes have wrecked devastation. Rogue states are developing nuclear weapons. The Middle East is on fire. Strange diseases have spread in Africa. Predators are preying on children. Why do bad things happen to good people? The disciples of Jesus faced a dangerous situation. And to top it off, it was Jesus who commanded them to go to the other side. Let's get this straight, bad things happen to all people whether they are good or bad. Jesus didn't...