Our sermon ideas on The Upper Room will help you preach a powerful message. After the ascension of Jesus, men and women gathered to devote themselves to prayer. What a powerful message the church could use today. Prepare your message on the upper room with sermon outlines or an entire sermon series.
The Upper Room (2 of 33)
by Jerry Vines
When Jesus came from earth to heaven He was born, He lived, He rose again. We call those events ‘‘the incarnation.’’ When Jesus Christ got ready to go back from earth to heaven from whence He had come, He rose again, He spent 40 days on the earth appearing and disappearing before His disciples. Then the Bible says ‘‘he was taken up’’. In fact, four times in chapter 1 we are told that Jesus was ‘‘taken up’’. Right before the eyes of the disciples, the Lord Jesus Christ was carried back to heaven. When He came we call that the INCARNATION. When He returned we call that the ASCENSION. So, the disciples of Jesus who had...
Behind the Black Curtain in the Upper Room
by Dr. J. Vernon McGee
In the Upper Room our Lord began immediately to deal with those who were His own in a way He had never dealt with them or anyone else before. He began to talk about things He had never before talked about. He was attempting to lift their thinking to a high plane - because these men were frightened. They knew something tremendous was in the offing and that they were facing a crisis. Yonder in the Upper Room sin was knocking at the door, demanding its pound of flesh. Also behind the black curtain in that Upper Room was the long, thin hand of death stretching forth to reach their Savior. These men were rightly frightened...
Come to the Upper Room
by Jerry Watts
In the Upper Room our Lord began immediately to deal with those who were His own in a way He had never dealt with them or anyone else before. He began to talk about things He had never before talked about. He was attempting to lift their thinking to a high plane - because these men were frightened. They knew something tremendous was in the offing and that they were facing a crisis. Yonder in the Upper Room sin was knocking at the door, demanding its pound of flesh. Also behind the black curtain in that Upper Room was the long, thin hand of death stretching forth to reach their Savior. These men were rightly frightened...
Being In Need, The Anticipation Of The Wind (2 of 4)
by Wayne Hinson
The promise of the coming of the Holy Ghost was a conditional promise, at least as far as the disciples were concerned. Their reception was contingent upon several actions that they had to make. Any time a divine manifestation is promised, there will always be certain and detailed instructions that precede that manifestation. The promise had been declared and now the performance had to be delivered. There is a very striking correlation between the coming of the Holy Ghost at Pentecost, and the soon coming return of our Lord Jesus Christ. In this study, we will attempt to expound the actions that were carried out by the...
The Look That Took (2 of 15)
by Ernest Easley
It is easy to get distracted in life by doing good things. Now there’s nothing wrong with doing good things ... that is ... unless those good things take the place of those best things. When those good things replace those best things .. then it’s those good things that rob us of those best things. And I don’t know about you .. but I don’t want to settle for those good things in life ... I want to seize those best things in life. God forgive us for settling for the good at the expense of the best. Now that’s not only true in our personal life .. it’s also true in our spiritual and church life. It’s so easy for us to be satisfied with the good rather than to...
Who Should Pray? (2 of 14)
by Donald Cantrell
Act 1:12 KJV - Then returned they unto Jerusalem from the mount called Olivet, which is from Jerusalem a sabbath day’s journey. Act 1:13 KJV - And when they were come in, they went up into an upper room, where abode both Peter, and James, and John, and Andrew, Philip, and Thomas, Bartholomew, and Matthew, James [the son] of Alphaeus, and Simon Zelotes, and Judas [the brother] of James. Act 1:14 KJV - These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication, with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brethren. Act 1:15 KJV - And in those days Peter stood up in the midst of the disciples, and...
How to Pray for Revival in Your Church
by David Cook
The Church of Jesus Christ is in need of revival. The fastest growing religion in our country is Islam. God’s Word and prayer are no longer desired in schools and government. Christian values such as family, prayer, believing the Word of God is now a rarity. God’s people are no longer bothered with sin in their lives. Over the years we have slowly slipped into attitudes such selfishness, unforgiveness, disobedience, carnality, and lukewarmness in our love to Jesus and others, etc. God’s church, which once turned the world upside down is not being turned upside down by the world...In Such A Time As...
The Basic Elements of a Powerful Life (4 of 5)
by David Davis
Perhaps these men were overcome with the truth that Jesus had ascended into heaven. While they were looking up -- two men in white apparel spoke to them saying, ‘‘Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven.’’ You know what these men were saying? ‘‘Get with it!’’ You have been commissioned! You have been empowered! Get with the task of God’s commandments! Especially with the fact that Jesus is going to return! Get with it!’’ So they followed the instructions and returned to Jerusalem and began to be involved in the fifth basic element. They began to directly communicate in prayer with God. Look as...
Restoring Prayer (8 of 10)
by Roger Thomas
This is a New Testament church. We are part of a heritage commonly known as the Restoration Movement. This means that among our core value is the view that the Apostles Doctrine, the teachings of Jesus’ first followers, is intended to be the pattern of the church for all time. This doesn’t mean that we wear sandals and robes and ride camels or donkeys to and from church meetings. It means rather that we believe a lot of corruption and distortion have entered the life of the church through the centuries and every congregation would be better off, closer to God’s plan, if it restored the doctrine and life of the first church. Two practical and observable results of that core value are our practices of...
Wind Warning in Effect (2 of 13)
by Jeff Lynn
Whenever the National Weather Service issues a wind advisory or a wind warning, they are communicating that unusually high winds are expected that could have a powerful effect.Boaters are warned to stay off the water. You are encouraged to secure certain items that might get blown away. In fact, high winds are so normal down here that homeowners are required to have wind storm insurance From what I understand, everyone down here has to have some type of cover for their windows in the case of a hurricane. You’ve got to be prepared for high winds. Talk about us waiting for the hurricane in The Woodlands. We knew it was coming...
The Second Coming of Christ (9 of 9)
by Stan Coffey
What a time it must have been for those disciples as they stood on the Mount of Olives, Jesus had spent forty days with them after His resurrection from the dead. He had comforted them concerning the future. He had convinced them beyond any shadow of a doubt that He was alive. And He had commissioned them to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. And the Bible says, “HE HAD SPOKEN THESE THINGS, WHILE THEY BEHELD” and the word behold means to look intently. While they were looking intently on Him, His gravity was suspended, He began to rise in the air and those disciples...
Waiting on God
by Christopher Harbin
Sometimes the hardest thing for us to hear is the phrase, "Wait." We get impatient, anxious. We feel like the waiting is unproductive. We feel we are losing something while waiting for something we anticipate. We truly don't know how to value and live in the moment. Rather, we live in anticipation. We try to live in the "not yet." There may yet be much to accomplish during our time of waiting, yet in our anxiety over moving forward, we might find ourselves unprepared for the future we anticipate. What do we do with our time of waiting? Do we trust God with issues of timing? Jesus had been crucified, was placed in a tomb, and then had risen from the dead. Over the next six weeks, he had appeared...
The Seven Wonders of the Christian World
by J. Gerald Harris
If you could get in a time machine and in some mysterious way travel back in time to the first century, you would be shocked at how much it was like the world you know today. First century Christians lived in an hour of high prices and hardship. Half the people were in slavery. Another multitude was on relief. No fewer than 300,000 adult males in Caesar's day received their needs from the government treasury. With this was the problem of unused time. Workers had 135 days a year of leisure; and the appetite and looseness of that ancient world hung over the people like a dark cloud. Family life was breaking down; homes were going...
The Holy Spirit: The Wind Of God (3 of 16)
by Stan Coffey
If you're not filled with God's Holy Spirit and living the spirit-filled life, allowing the Spirit of God to control you, to live through you, to do His dynamic work in you, then you're living beneath your privileges. God told every believer in the Word to be filled with the Holy Spirit. If Christianity is dull and boring and monotonous, and it's just going through the motions for you, then this message might particularly be for you. Because God didn't intend that kind of Christianity. God didn't want you to have an average, ordinary kind of life; He wanted you to have a supernatural, dynamic, exciting, joy-filled kind of life. That's only possible...
Pentecost: The Arrival of the Holy Spirit (3 of 3)
by Scott Maze
This morning I want to conclude a short series on the Holy Spirit by looking at what the Spirit does to transform us. Today, we are looking at a famous account inside the New Testament, called Pentecost. Let me set up our story for those of you who may have missed earlier messages. The miracle of ''speaking in tongues'' had worked liked shooting a flare up into the air. Now, a large crowd had gathered around the disciples and there's all this confusion because of the incredible phenomenon. It is still the Feast of Pentecost and Peter explains why everyone has heard people speak in foreign languages that had not previously learned...
Seven Significant Strategies of a Special Church
by Donald Cantrell
The early church had no models or examples to follow, they were the prototype of church 101, and in reading their record they did a pretty great job. We live in an age of tepidness as far as people's attitude towards the church. There is an atmosphere of disdain for organized religion and people are abandoning our churches faster than many can close the doors for the last time. If all you think of is ''organized religion'' when you think about the church, then you are woefully misguided and you have misunderstood the bibles teachings. There are many that have convinced themselves that they can be right with God and not attend....
Four Questions on Speaking in Tongues (2 of 3)
by Scott Maze
Video of University of Alabama's 2018 NCAA championship game appears before me. Shortly after the game, the young, inexperience QB was asked: ''How, in the name of Bear Bryant, did [you] rise to this ridiculously pressurized occasion and become an instant hero?'' ''I was praying,'' Tagovailoa said. ''I was speaking in tongues. It kept me calm.'' This morning, I want to speak to you about ''Experiencing on the Holy Spirit'' by looking at the relationship between the Holy Spirit and the speaking in tongues. Is there untapped power in the speaking in tongues that all of us need? I invite you to turn to Acts 2 and 1 Corinthian...
The Power Unleashed (5 of 15)
by Ernest Easley
We are learning these days about getting back to basics of being a true follower of Jesus Christ. What does it mean to be a Christian? Is it possible to live the Christian life in today's world? And what about our church life? Is being a part of a local fellowship of believers really all that important? And if so, why? Well that's what we find Dr. Luke writing about throughout the book of Acts: the basics of Christianity and the Church. Today ... we pick up where we left off last time together in Acts 2. Now remember .. back in chapter 1 the followers of Jesus were preparing for the power of God to fall upon them. They were now living back...
When Revival Comes (4 of 4)
by Brad Whitt
INTRO: I want you to take God's Word now this morning and be finding your place at Acts chapter 2 if you will. We have been in a series of studies on the person, promise, prescription and power of revival that we have entitled, "Revival In Our Time." Because if there is anything that the church, and indeed the world, desperately needs today it is a real heaven sent, Holy Ghost empowered movement of God. We need it desperately. We need it immediately. We need it personally. ILLUS: As Dr. Martin Lloyd-Jones, the great preacher from Wales once said, "I am profoundly convinced that the greatest need in the world today is a revival in the Church of God." Now, if that was true over half of a century...