Our sermon ideas on the Trinity will help you preach a powerful message on the Trinity. Prepare your messages on God as three persons: the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit, with sermon outlines or an entire sermon series.
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The Trinity: Crisis and Opportunity
by Bob Wickizer
Later this morning you will hear from the vestry about our financial crisis and opportunity. As we celebrate and preach about the ineffable mystery that we call the Holy Trinity we find ourselves in a similar mode of crisis and opportunity. We are in a crisis because we have allowed tradition to blind us for so many centuries that the ancient doctrine of the Trinity causes panic for clergy, bafflement for most Christians and derision from the unchurched. Instead of serving as a touchstone for evangelizing others, the Trinity has become a stumbling block for most. We have an opportunity because if we examine the questions...
Our Family of Origin (13 of 40)
by Jesus Culture Resources
One of the greatest doctrines in the Bible is represented by a word that is not even found in the Bible. That word is trinity. The Bible teaches that God is a triune God. Now there is only one God. ''Hear O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one!'' (Deut. 6:4) But God has manifested himself in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Now...
All for One and One for All
by James Merritt
One of the greatest doctrines in the Bible is represented by a word that is not even found in the Bible. That word is trinity. The Bible teaches that God is a triune God. Now there is only one God. ''Hear O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one!'' (Deut. 6:4) But God has manifested himself in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Now immediately the objection comes, ''Wait: 1 + 1 + 1 = 3.'' Well, your math is correct, but your equation is wrong. Think, for example, about space. Space is length, breadth, and height. But to figure out the cubic area of space you don't add length and breadth and height. You multiply...
Praise to the Trinity
by Adrian Rogers
Amen. I tell you what, that is marvelous and wonderful what Jesus is to us, thank you so much for helping us to worship today in music. Take God's word please and turn with me to Ephesians chapter one. 'This is a Thanksgiving message. The title of our message today is PRAISE TO THE TRINITY. Let me give you a secret friend. The secret of everything, really when you get to the bottom line is just praise. That's what we're going to do in all eternity, we're going to in all eternity, we're going to praise the Lord. That's why we're saved, so we can praise him and worship him and sometimes if your prayers get dry, begin to...
How Can God Exist in Three Persons?
by Dr. J. Vernon McGee
Samuel Taylor Coleridge, the great English poet, in a conversation with Robert Browning remarked, ''I read all your poetry, but nine-tenths of it I do not understand.'' Robert Browning answered him by saying, ''Sir, a person of your caliber ought to be satisfied if he understands one-tenth.'' Well, I have spent over a quarter of a century in a serious study of the Word of God, and I confess to my appalling ignorance in certain areas, especially in the subject of the Trinity. If you could have met me the year I graduated from seminary, you would have heard me give absolute answers to all of your questions. But I am unable to...
Doctrine of the Trinity (5 of 8)
by Eddie Snipes
Why didn't the apostles plainly state doctrine such as the Trinity? In epistles, we only get a snapshot of doctrine. The apostles spent most of their energy planting and building churches and discipling leaders. Their primary method of teaching doctrine was personal instruction. If you look at the epistles of the New Testament, you see that their primary purpose was to address issues that arise in the church and to affirm doctrine that was challenged. Epistles were written when something needed to be addressed and the church planter could not be there in person. The epistles and the entire Bible affirm the Trinity as we...
God the Son (2 of 3)
by Kerry Shook
Let's give a warm welcome to our television audience worldwide and let them know that you are glad they are joining us. We are in a series that I am calling God Cubed as we're exploring the trinity. The Bible says that God is one God revealed in three distinct persons, God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. It's sort of like this watermelon here which I've already thumped to make sure it's ripe. It looks really good. Look at that. You have the outer layer or the rind. Then you have the red juicy part that we love to eat. Then you have the seeds. Three distinct pieces, but they are all one watermelon. That's the way it is...
Blessing of the Trinity
by Stephen Whitney
Biblical illiteracy is widespread in our country as many people have never gone to church and know nothing about the Bible. A mother in Norwood, Missouri told how she sent her12 year-old son to church with a neighbor for the first time. He came home and told her that ''they believe that one guy made everything.'' As she questioned him further it became apparent that for the first time in his life he had heard about God as creator. Life has really changed since the days of the early pioneers when most people knew about God. When these pioneers traveled through Canada along one river they saw the water rush through a chasm...
God in Three Persons (5 of 8)
by Ken Trivette
I have always thought, that if any of our earthly hymns, would one day be employed in heaven, the hymn, ''Holy, Holy, Holy,'' would be certainly be one. It is a hymn with a beautiful melody. But what draws my heart to the hymn is the message. In our day when songs seek to stimulate rather communicate, it is a hymn that the body of Christ should become reacquainted. I think of the first stanza: Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty! Early in the morning Our song shall rise to Thee; Holy, holy, holy! Merciful and mighty! God in three persons, blessed Trinity! 2. Now there is some doctrine and depth in that stanza. It...
The Birds Teach Us the Trinity
by J. Gerald Harris
The young Episcopalian minister asked his bishop, ''What should I preach about?'' And the answer was, ''Preach about God, and preach about twenty minutes.'' Well, I suppose you would expect a preacher to say something about God in a doctrinal sermon. But I'm not sure we can confine our remarks to twenty minutes. For how can God, the holy, the eternal, the immutable, the infinite One be defined at all, let alone in one sermon. And especially in terms of me, a sinful, finite, mortal. Such a thought is ridiculous. Actually, what I want to do in this message is speak to you about the Trinity. I don't know that I've ever...
We Believe in the Trinity (2 of 9)
by Scott Maze
Today, we continue a series of messages entitled Creed: 9 Essentials to the Christian Faith Why This Series? The reason for this series is that beliefs matter. Beliefs fundamentally alter the shape of our lives. This series, Creed, is designed to answer those who wonder what really lies at the heart of Christianity. Creed is intended to identify the ''bottom-line'' of Christian's central concerns for both believers and non-believer's alike. The Shack was a surprise best seller when it was published privately by two pastors in Los Angeles. The author, William P. Young, was a former office manager and hotel night clerk. Despite...
The Work of the Holy Spirit
by Adrian Rogers
I want you to take your bibles and open please to John chapter fourteen and keep your bibles open there in your laps because we're going to be in John chapter fourteen, fifteen and sixteen tonight as our sermon subject is the work of the Holy Spirit. I know that's a very prosaic, prosaic title but it is a very important subject. The work of the Holy Spirit. You will never be successful as a Christian, you will never be overcomer, you will never be victorious, you will never be a soul winner you will never be a prayer warrior, you will never give glory to Jesus Christ in any realm, in any way if you're ignorant of the ministry of the Holy Spirit of...
God The Father (1 of 3)
by Kerry Shook
I heard about a dad who went into his five year old boy's room and noticed he was drawing a picture so he ask what he was drawing. The little boy said, ''Well, I'm drawing a picture of God.'' The dad said, ''Well, son, no one really knows what God looks like.'' The little boy confidently looked up at his dad and said, ''Well they will when I get done.'' That's my real hope that by the time we are done with this series we'll all have a clearer picture of who God is and what He wants to do in our lives. That's why I'm starting a new series today that I'm calling God Cubed, Exploring the Trinity. The word trinity comes from a combination...
The Holy Spirit and You
by James Merritt
Theologically speaking, there is not a greater chapter in all of the Bible than the 8th chapter of the Book of Romans. Without question, it is a high watermark of biblical revelation. It leads us from salvation to glorification. It tells us how we are saved, how we are sanctified, and how we are secure. The theme of this entire chapter is the Holy Spirit. One time is the Holy Spirit mentioned in the first seven chapters of Romans. But in this chapter He is mentioned almost twenty times. The Holy Spirit is to a believer what God the Creator is to this physical world. Without God, this world would not exist. Likewise, without the Holy...
Ministry of the Holy Spirit
by Steve Jones
The cartoons of Buck Rogers in the 1930's showed uniforms that turned out to be remarkably similar to what American astronauts wore when they actually landed on the moon. No one was greatly surprised by the success of the moon shot. The prediction of a moon voyage runs through history. But science fiction writer Isaac Asimov reminds us that not one of the writers has predicted the most remarkable thing about this event - that when it happened the whole world would be watching on television. Ordinary men can't predict the future with consistent accuracy but Jesus could. In John 16 He described the future of His...
Like Father, Like Son (18 of 31)
by Ernest Easley
I'm speaking primarily to our men today. But ladies, there is indeed a message from God to you! Take your Bible and turn please to Genesis 26. The book of Genesis provides for us a blueprint for building a strong and sturdy foundation to build our lives upon! And I pray God that your building your life and home upon the solid rock: the Lord Jesus Christ! Well we come to chapter 26 in our study of the book of Genesis. Now I want to show you today from the Word of God how the sins of a Father are often times passed along to a son! Just as physicians tell us that diseases and physical problems are often passed down from one...
The Holy Spirit: Person Or Power?
by Claude Thomas
The Holy Spirit is a Divine Person. Application of the Text - There is a misconception that the Holy Spirit is not a person. The first misconception is that the Holy Spirit cannot be a personality because the infinite cannot be a person. This position makes ''God in the image of man'' rather than ''man in the image of God.'' The second misconception is that The Holy Spirit is not a personality but a power. This view was first taught by Paul of Samasota in the third century A.D., and it was revived by Laelius and Faustus Socinus about the time of the Reformation. Socianism is found in contemporary Christians who empahsize the Holy...
The Great Advantage Of The Holy Spirit
by Jimmy Evans
As believers, we have a tremendous advantage because of the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives. However, this advantage can be easily missed or forfeited because of neglect or disobedience. It is incumbent upon us to make sure that we take full advantage of the relationship that is available to us with the Holy Spirit. John 16:7 - Amplified Version ''However, I am telling you nothing but the truth when I say, it is profitable-good, expedient, advantageous-for you that I go away. Because if I do not go away, the Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Advocate, Intercessor, Strengthener, Standby) will not come to you...
Satan's Unholy Trinity (25 of 40)
by Ernest Easley
We find ourselves this morning in the middle of the 13th chapter of the Apocalypse. And by now you know that the word Apocalypse comes from the Greek word which is translated "Revelation." It means: "to unveil, to uncover." Now you read throughout the book of Revelation about seals and trumpets and bowls, dragons and beasts, but at center stage the focus of the book is the Lord Jesus Christ. John's Revelation is the unveiling, the uncovering of Jesus! And that unveiling continues as we wrap-up this morning the 13th chapter. Now let me remind you where we are in God's prophetic calendar. When you...
The Trinity in the New Testament and Three at Once (8 of 8)
by Eddie Snipes
The New Testament is filled with references to the uniqueness of the persons of the Godhead while affirming the One God. Those who affirm the deity of Christ and still deny His eternal distinction from the Father have to explain away Trinity-supporting scriptures. Some argue that the Son was a thought in the mind of God and that each person of the Godhead is a different mode that God enters. However, if God does not change, as the Bible claims, different modes are unbiblical. It is also impossible to explain scripture that reveals more than one 'mode' at the same time. We should never have to explain...