Tower Of Babel - Disobedience To God
by Eddie Snipes
When people think about the biblical account of the tower of Babel, they usually associate as the Bible's explanation of diverse languages. Confusing their language is a part of this story, but it is not the main focus of this account. The language issue is only one of the details to this story. This is an account of the generations after Noah rejecting the commands of God. There are four key areas I see in this passage that this study will examine. 1. Preserve Our Group The flood ended with the command in Genesis 9: 1 So God blessed Noah and his sons, and said to them: "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth. 2 "And the fear...
Babel Versus Bethlehem
by J. Gerald Harris
This morning I want to draw a contrast between Babel and Bethlehem. It is interesting to note that the Bible is filled with various events, places, personalities, circumstances and terms which stand diametrically opposed one to the other. For example, the realm of heaven is diametrically opposed to the realm of hell. The terms good and evil stand at opposite poles. God and His angels represent all that is holy and good; whereas, Satan and his angels represent all that is evil and unrighteous. The sheep spoken of in the Bible figuratively stand for one thing; the goats stand for something else entirely. Jesus told of two men who went...
The Humility of Abraham or Pride of Babel
by Eddie Snipes
I want to start by looking at Isaiah 57:15 (read verse). God has a plan for each person's life. Pride kills our ability to follow God's plan. 1 Peter 5:5 and James 4:6 warn us that God gives grace to the humble but resists the proud. From Genesis to Revelation this warning is echoed over and over again: God hates pride. Proverbs 16:18 - 19 warns us that pride leads to destruction and a haughty spirit comes before a person falls. This passage goes on to warn that it is better to be lowly and humble than to be rich and proud. Benjamin Franklin said it best. He said, "Humility is a virtue so difficult to grasp that if I should ever attain to it, I would...
The Tower of Confusion (9 of 34)
by Jerry Vines
We are coming to the fourth division of the first section of the book of Genesis. Genesis divides itself into two great sections. The first eleven chapters have to do with the human race in general. The remaining chapters, 12 to the conclusion of the book, have to do with the Hebrew race in particular. We will study four great lives as we move into these final chapters of Genesis. We will study the lives of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph. In the first eleven chapters of Genesis, which give us the history of the human race in general, there are four great historical events. This is the fourth one we will consider this evening. The first great...
The Higher The Climb, The Longer The Fall
by James Merritt
1. Printed on the reverse side of every United States one dollar bill is what is called The Great Seal of the United States. This seal was adopted by Congress in 1782. 2. Both faces of the seal are printed on the currency. One shows the American eagle with an olive branch of peace in one claw, and thirteen arrows of war in the other. The second face of the seal depicts an unfinished pyramid, above which is an eye set in a blaze of glory. At the base of the pyramid are inspired the Roman numerals MDCCLXXVI or 1776. 3. Over-arching the pyramid are the Latin words "Annuit coeptis" loosely translated "as He looks favorably...
Positive Lessons from a Negative Example
by Robert Dawson
Have you ever seen someone do something that made absolutely no sense, something that you felt was incredibly stupid or tasteless and then say to yourself, ''I will never do that. I will never make the same mistake? What were they thinking?'' We all have. We have watched people try to do something and then fail miserably at it and make a mental note, file it on the mental hard drive in the old noggin and say, ''I will never try to do that the same way.''Not only have we seen people do something that made absolutely no sense, something that was incredibly stupid or was just the wrong way to go about a certain task we have been that person...
Yes, We Can! (8 of 32)
by Zach Terry
OPENING ILLUSTRATION: Who would you consider the greatest politician our Nation has ever witnessed? I suppose we would have several different answers to that question - but we can probably all agree that a good politician is a person who can get people to do what the politician wants… because the people want to do it. You can see that the successful politicians get the, "What's in it for you?" platform when you do a brief study of the slogans of American Presidents. These were not the first to employ this slogan to energize the masses in a singular direction. They all borrowed a page out of the play book of another great...
Pride and Cowardice (1 of 7)
by Central Christian Church of Arizona
1) Today we begin our summer series called Pixelated a) Definition: of an image on a computer or television screen: made up of a small number of large pixels that produce a picture which is not clear or sharp b) Let's play a little game i) Picture - Mona Lisa Pixelated ii) Picture - Mona Lisa iii) Picture - The Scream Pixelated iv) Picture - The Scream v) Picture - Starry Night Pixelated vi) Picture - The Starry Night c) Journal week 1 i) There are actually 4 different covers, so find some friends! ii) Title: Pride and Cowardice iii)Turn in your Bibles to Genesis 11 2) Life is pixelated a) We tend to assume everything we see and observe is accurate...
The Sovereignty of God in the Mission - Part 2 (15 of 48)
by Patrick Edwards
Two weeks ago we began to look at the sovereign mission of God by looking at the Table of Nations in Genesis 10 and then how those nations were dispersed through the episode of the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11. Genesis 10 and the first part of chapter 11 focused on the nations of humanity in relation to the mission of God. In Genesis 10 we saw them scatter across the earth in order to fill it, as they were told to. In Genesis 11, again they are scattering, but in a state of confusion and division that thwarts their arrogant attempts at self-built unification and worship. As we continue on this morning, then, we must not forget this context...
The Spread of the Nations (13 of 54)
by Keith Krell
An airline flight attendant shared the story of a passenger from Bombay, India, on the way to his first visit to the United States. As the man was served, he nodded his head and replied, ''From the heart of my bottom, I am thanking you.'' The flight attendant learned that this was one of the only English expressions he knew, and was quite proud to say it with every gesture: ''From the heart of my bottom, I am thanking you.'' The attendant said, ''Now, if I were to thank people from the heart of my bottom, I am sure they would be offended. I think what he was trying to say was, 'from the bottom of my heart,' but there was no way...
The Man Who Pioneered Faith (1 of 9)
by Rick White
Message Truth: God often doesn't reveal His plans for our life in full. He wants to teach us that the walk of faith consists of going . . . . not knowing. Hebr. 11:8 By faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed by going out to a place which he was to receive for an inheritance; and he went out, not knowing where he was going. Gen. 12:1 Now the LORD said to Abram, "Go forth from your country, And from your relatives And from your father's house, To the land which I will show you; 2 And I will make you a great nation, And I will bless you, And make your name great; And so you shall be a blessing; 3 And I will bless those who bless you, And the...
When Your Faith Fails (10 of 31)
by Ernest Easley
Take God's Word and turn please to Genesis chapter 11. We're thinking these days about foundations for life and I pray God that you're building your life on a strong on a solid on a sure foundation! You ask, "Pastor, why is it so important for me to build my life on a solid foundation?" Well here's why: because sooner or later the storms of life will blow across your life. And when it does, if you haven't built your life on a firm foundation, that storm that crisis that tragedy, that reversal will blow you away. But on the other hand when life deals you a crisis a difficulty a tragedy and your foundation is solid and strong, when the storm passes, you'll still...
The Tower of Babel: The Plans of Man and The Purposes of God (10 of 10)
by Josh Malone
What drives your life? What is at the center? What is the reason behind every reason. Set up: Recap Gen. 1-10. Gen. 11:1-9- Now the whole earth had one language and the same words. [2] And as people migrated from the east, they found a plain in the land of Shinar and settled there. [3] And they said to one another, ''Come, let us make bricks, and burn them thoroughly.'' And they had brick for stone, and bitumen for mortar. [4] Then they said, ''Come, let us build ourselves a city and a tower with its top in the heavens, and let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be dispersed over the face of the whole earth.'' [5] And the LORD came down...
It’s Definition, Detection, Doctrines, and Dangers (1 of 6)
by Stan Coffey
We’re grateful that you are here and we want to welcome you to the Pastor’s Class. Today we’re going to begin a new study. It’s very kin to the study on the cults that we’ve been looking at and yet it deals with something a little bit different. This is the study entitled “The New Age Movement – The Occult Devil Worship.” Those are the three things we’re going to be talking about for six weeks. The New Age Movement, the occult, and devil worship. This morning we’re going to look at the New Age Movement, its definition, detection, doctrines, and dangers and one of the most profound influences upon modern thought is what...
A Study Of The Nations (1 of 3)
by Jesse Hendley
Today we are taking up a study of THE NATIONS, and in this study you will find two different truths. You will find a PESSIMISTIC viewpoint. The Bible HAS a pessimistic viewpoint, pessimistic because God says there is no peace to the wicked, and as long as wickedness abides there must be pessimism in that regard. But there will be OPTIMISM for the children of God, because God presents plainly the victory of the saved. Nations of the people who are saved shall walk in the light of the Holy City! That is one of God's "shall's" and He means what He says. GOD LOVES MEN, and everything that God does is in love: I want to remind...
The Sovereignty of God in the Mission- Part 1 (14 of 48)
by Patrick Edwards
It has been our purpose these past months to look at these first eleven chapters of the Bible in order that you and I would understand God's foundational work in establishing His kingdom over creation. Moreover, it's been our purpose to engage in this study so that we might have a more biblical understanding of ourselves...