Our sermon ideas on the 4th Commandment will help you preach a powerful message. The 4th Commandment tells us to remember the Sabbath and to keep it holy. Prepare your message on the 4th Commandment with sermon outlines or an entire sermon series.
All Sermons $5.99 each.
The Rhythm of Life (4 of 10)
by Robert Dawson
Many of you know I love music and not just music in general but music that exalts and honors God as well as communicating the great truths of what God has done in our lives. Though I am not exactly musically talented or gifted I occasionally enjoy leading worship. For years in small out of the way churches I did that.One thing I learned about music and about organizing a worship service is that rhythm and flow are important. Every service and every song that lifts and encourages not only communicates great truth but has a discernible rhythm and flow. That beat/cadence helps create a great dynamic that keeps a song...
Remember the Sabbath (4 of 10)
by Ike Reighard
William Wilberforce was a member of the English Parliament in the early years of the nineteenth century. He was also a committed, outspoken Christian, especially concerning the political hot potato called slavery. He was the man who helped to pass the historic bill outlawing slavery. It took him 20 years to accomplish the task. His spiritual strength and moral courage were immense. Wilberforce was then asked to serve on the Prime Minister's Cabinet. Wilberforce faced his greatest temptation. He called it "Risings of Ambition."Wilberforce, though, had a system of checks and balances. "Sunday," he said, "brought the cure."His daily journal...
Remember the Sabbath (3 of 14)
by Dennis Marquardt
INTRO: Out of the 10 commandments the one taken the lightest has got to be #4: "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy." Against "Thou shall not kill, steal, lie, commit adultery, etc." it seems to pale in comparison – YET, this commandment is the longest of all 10, because it affected Israel's life on a daily basis – "6 days thou shall work, the 7th you shall rest." Thus it covered every day of their lives! This commandment was not just about 1 day a week, it was about 7 days. This was probably the final commandment on tablet #1 -- those dealing with man's relationship to God, the final six commandments dealt with man's...
Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath
by Marvin D. Patterson
A man and his young son went to church, and when they came out the father was complaining that the service was too long, the preacher was no good, and the singing was off-key. Finally the little boy said, "Daddy, I thought it was pretty good for a dime." WHY DOESN'T GOD ANSWER? The preacher's 5 year-old daughter noticed that her preacher father always paused and bowed his head for a moment before starting his sermon. One day she asked him why. "Well, Honey," he began, proud that his daughter was so observant of his messages, "I'm asking the Lord to help me to preach a good sermon." "Well then, how come He...
The Fourth Commandment
by Adrian Rogers
Now, take your Bibles please and turn to Exodus chapter twenty as we continue our sojourn through the Ten Commandments. I don't know about you but my heart has been refreshed and my heart has been challenged as we have studied these ten commandments and I will begin reading in chapter twenty, verse one, read the commandments we've already studied and then come to the fourth commandment remembering the Sabbath day which will be the commandment that we'll study this morning!, Exodus chapter twenty. And God spake all these words saying I am the Lord thy God which hath brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the....
God's Word to Workaholics (5 of 10)
by M. Kenneth Lyon
How many of you have ever bought a used car, otherwise known as a previously owned vehicle? Would you raise your hand? The rest of you all bought new cars your whole life! I'm impressed. That's really good! That's good! Wow! Well, you know if you've ever bought a used vehicle that sometimes you get just a peach. I mean that car gives you great service for years. It's cost effective. It's wonderful. And some of you know that you've bought a car that was just a money pit. You paid the initial payment on that thing and it cost you an arm and a leg just to keep running. Every week somethin' else broke, and it was a very unpleasant...
Keeping the Sabbath (4 of 9)
by Ernest Easley
So ... how are things going on the home front these days? I was in a home Monday night of a family who has recently been visiting our church. The conversation soon turned to the challenge Christian parents have today in raising godly children in a godless society. Well ... I've got good news for every Christian parent this morning: You Can Do It! You can build a godly home! You can ... but you're going to need some help Again ... that's why God gave these 10 guide lines to the parents of the nation of Israel! After being in bondage to the Egyptian taskmasters for 400 years ... they were about to enter into the Promised Land! And don't...
Time Out (4 of 10)
by Eric McQuitty
''Sabbath is the biblical tool for protecting time against desecration. It is the rhythmic setting apart of one day each week for praying and playing--the two activities fort which we don't get paid, but which are necessary for a blessed life'' (Eugene Peterson). Introduction: The Sabbath is God's maintenance schedule for you. When I was in High School, my dad had a vintage 1950 Ford Coupe. I don't know how many hundreds of thousands of miles it had traveled. But I do know it was a kick to purr down the highway in a car older than I was that ran smoother than a sewing machine! And so it continued to run until I wrecked it one night...
A Day That Is More Than A Weekend (5 of 11)
by Ken Trivette
Someone who had noticed the change in the way people observed Sunday gave these comments. ''Our great-grandfathers called it the Holy Sabbath; our grandfathers, the Sabbath; our fathers, Sunday; but today we call it the weekend. And many think it is getting weaker all the time.'' In the fourth commandment God gave instructions about the observance of one day in our week that is more than a weekend. ''Remember the Sabbath day.'' D.L. Moody in his book entitled The Ten Commandments said, ''There has been an awful letting down in this country regarding the Sabbath during the last 25 years, and many a man has been...
What a Difference a Day Makes (4 of 10)
by James Merritt
I want you to think about something I just recently read. It will make you tired just listening to it, but think about it. There are 365 days in the year, but you take weekends off, so you have to subtract 104 days. That leaves you with 261 working days, but you only work 8 hours a day; the other 16 you are either sleeping or tending to your own business, so you have to subtract 174 days. That leaves 87, but wait, we are not through subtracting yet. You eat lunch every day and although lunch hours vary, it is estimated that the average worker consumes 45 days per year at lunch. Coffee breaks? Figure 21 days over the course of the year. Take...
God's Word To Workaholics
by Miles Seaborn
Do you ever get tired just thinking of what you have to do? Are you as fatigued on Monday mornings as you are on Friday afternoon? Have you ever brought homework in a brief case and used the weekends to ''catch up''? Do you ever feel guilty when you relax? Today we are going to see what God's Word says about taking a day off! Our messages are about ten values that help build strong families. Would you agree that Workaholism hurts families? The 4th commandment is about taking a day off. ILL. God has more to say about taking a day off than He does about murder/adultery. It is the longest of the Ten Commandments...
The Sabbath -- Rest
by Jesse Hendley
Now, friends, if you have your Bibles, turn with me to Exodus 16:22, and we have the Sabbath coming up now as God speaks to the people in the desert in the wilderness. He has fed them with quail's flesh, and bread, the manna; and now we come to the Sabbath rest. And they were to gather on Friday enough for the Saturday also. This was not to be done during the week. They could gather only one day at a time. But on the week-end, we have the Sabbath, which was Saturday for them, and the time of rest. So we read in verse 22: "And it came to pass, that on the sixth day they gathered twice as much bread, two omers for one...
Rest for Stressed out Families (4 of 10)
by Stan Coffey
We have been studying a series of messages on ''Timeless Values For Today's Family''. We have been talking about returning to the values that many of us grew up with. The values, that in large part, many of the people of our nation have drifted away from. Many of the leaders of our nation have drifted away from. And today we come to part 4 in this series and the title of the message is ''Rest For Stressed Out Families''. Anybody who doesn't need this, I guess you can leave at this time. I don't see anybody leaving, including my self, ''Rest For Stressed Out Families''. I want us to turn in our Bibles to Exodus 20:8. As we look at...
Why We Need a Sabbath More than Ever (4 of 10)
by Joe Alain
The fourth message in a series of ten sermons on the Ten Commandments. 8 Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. 9 Six days you shall labor, and do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, you, or your son, or your daughter, your male servant, or your female servant, or your livestock, or the sojourner who is within your gates [to be a blessing to all]. 11 For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore, the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy. Exodus, 20:8-11...
Time for Some "R & R"...& R (5 of 11)
by Jeff Ginn
Children are funny. Have you ever tried to get a cranky, tired toddler to take a nap? They will resist you at every turn. They need a rest. The people around them need to rest! The more the toddler presses ahead, the worse the situation becomes. We wonder why they resist something that would be so good for them. I am told that I was an active child. One of my parents favorite stories was the time that I fell asleep in the mashed potatoes. I was so tired. Yet I wouldn't stop. So the result was that when I finally did get still, I just keeled over-plop, right into the mashed potatoes. Aren't we like them?! We are tired, we are cranky. We are running...