Our sermon ideas on the Crucifixion will help you preach a powerful message. This is powerful topic that we need to hear about. It is a difficult topic to preach on, but one that is necessary in order to fully grasp the love God has for us. Prepare your message on the Crucifixion with sermon outlines or an entire sermon series.
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Welcome to Golgotha
by Jeff Strite
A little boy was not exactly happy about going to church on Easter Sunday morning. His new shoes were too tight, his tie pinched his neck, and the weather outside was just too good to be cooped up inside. As he sulked in the back seat of the family car, his parents heard him murmuring: "I don't see why we have to go to church on Easter anyway. They keep telling the same old story, and it always comes out the same in the end." APPLY: Many wonder why there are so many Christmas and Easter Christians. People who only darken the doors on those specific holidays to hear the same old story again and again - but who never fully...
Have You Been Crucified With Christ? (6 of 6)
by Jeff Lynn
I want us to look at three passages that speak to this before we dive into our main passages of Scripture. TEXT: Matthew 16:24-25; Philippians 3:10-11; Galatians 2:20 This is the last message in this series about dying to ourselves in order that we may really live. We have been looking at how Jesus spent the last week of His life on earth in preparation for His death. Jesus INTENTIONALLY died. We've looked at the intentionality and proactive nature of dying to the flesh. We first looked at dying to not begrudging God's generosity to others. We confessed that God is just, God is gracious, and God is sovereign. We cannot...
Kneel at the Cross (2 of 5)
by Stan Coffey
This morning if you have your Bible I want you to turn to Mark 15. We are going to be looking today at the title ''Kneel At The Cross''. As we think today about coming to the cross, you know the cross is the only place where man can meet God and God came down to man. So it is very important that we realize this morning the story of the cross and what it means to our life. And this morning we come to holy ground. We come to the place called Calvary. In the Hebrew, Golgotha, the place of a skull. Everyone in Jerusalem knew that place for it was the place of crucifixion. It was the place of death. The Hill of Golgotha is...
Transformed by the Cross (2 of 3)
by Rick White
There is an impressive prison in Brazil where the inmates are being dramatically transformed by the cross. Charles Colson reported that 25 years ago in the city of San Jose Dos Campos a prison was turned over to 2 Christian laymen who planned to run it on Christian principles. Every prisoner is assigned another inmate to who he is accountable. Every prisoner joins a chapel program or else takes a course in character development. Everyone is required to learn a trade and to make restitution to his victim. In addition, every prisoner is assigned a volunteer family from the outside that works with him during his...
Darkness over the Land
by Daniel Rodgers
Ladies and gentlemen, I submit to you, this was the darkest day in history. On this day the Son of God was on trial--not for His sins (for He had none), but for your sins and for mine. Hebrews 9:28a, "So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many..." There Jesus hung, suspended between heaven and earth, appearing before the judgment bar of God. The Judge was God the Father. The crime was sin. The verdict was "guilty as charged" (even though He had never sinned). Have you ever let your mind dwell on that for a moment--the Son of God, taking your sin on Himself...allowing Himself to be judged in your...
Innocent Blood (67 of 70)
by Jerry Watts
As we have worked our way through the gospel of Mark, we have learned many things. It has been more than a little interesting how we have ''stumbled'' on to the perfect text for the perfect day. It is no accident that we are where we are today! I've entitled this message ''Innocent Blood''. What comes to your mind when you hear that phrase? Candidly for me, those 2 words have an expansive meaning in today's culture. Certainly little babies being aborted will come to our mind because there is no one more innocent than a little unborn baby. They've done nothing to anyone and their only crime is existing. This is truly innocent...
Crucified (3 of 4)
by Jonathan McLeod
It's one thing to be mocked, but it's another thing to be mocked while you are suffering. During his trial, his scourging, and his crucifixion, Jesus was continually mocked. In most people's eyes, Jesus was a pathetic fool who thought he was something that he really wasn't. [Read Mark 15:21-47.] MOCKING THE CRUCIFIED ONE In Mark 15, Jesus was mocked by four groups of people as he was scourged and crucified. The Roman soldiers ''mocked [Jesus]'' (v. 20; cf. vv. 17-19). ''Those who passed by derided him, wagging their heads and saying, 'Aha! You who would destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days, save yourself...
The Crucifixion of Jesus (31 of 34)
by Zach Terry
There is little town in Alabama that I have preached in a few times where the major livelihood used to be raising cotton. One year, when everyone thought they were going to have a bumper crop, a little insect called the "boll weevil" invaded, devastated the crop, and destroyed the economy of that little town. But there were some farmers there who were determined not just to sit back and move into the poor house. One man got the idea that he could plant peanuts instead, because boll weevils don't like peanuts. Another farmer decided to plant peanuts and others followed suite and before long, bumper crops of peanuts...
Jesus Is the Crucified Son of God (6 of 10)
by Ken Trivette
This past weeks issue of Time featured their annual list of the world's 100 most influential people. The list was broken down into categories that consisted of leaders and revolutionaries, builders and titans, heroes and icons, scientist and thinkers, and artist and entertainers. Time referred to those on their list as men and woman whose power, talent or moral example is transforming the world. There is One that I believe tops all the lists of influential people. No one has affected the world as He, and after hundreds of years, He still exercises an influence that is greater all others put together, and that is the Lord Jesus...
The Cross of Calvary (32 of 33)
by Ernest Easley
We come this morning to ''the cross of calvary''... where we find man at his worst and God at His best! We come to the cross... where the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world was sacrificed! In John chapter 2 when Jesus was at a celebration... He told his mother in verse 4, ''My hour has not yet come.'' But when you come to chapter 19 at His crucifixion... His hour has come! Simon Peter described His hour in 1 Peter 3.18, ''For Christ also suffered once for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive by the Spirit.'' Paul said it this way in 1 Timothy 2.6, ''He...
The Brutality of the Crucifixion (3 of 4)
by Jerry Vines
We are in a series of messages on the passion. This morning I speak on the brutality of the crucifixion. Luke 23:33 says, ‘‘And when they were come to the place which is called Calvary, there they crucified him and the malefactors (thieves), one on the right hand and the other on the left.’’ In Mel Gibson’s movie, The Passion of the Christ, the crucifixion is portrayed so graphically and so brutally it stunned the entire world. When you turn to the New Testament you are surprised to find how very little description there is of the crucifixion of Jesus. In fact, Luke’s account we have just read. Luke is a physician. He spent more time than...
The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ
by Jesse Hendley
Let us turn to a passage of Scripture that has helped untold thousands of people to see the basis of their salvation. Luke 23:32-48. ''And there were also two others, malefactors, led with Him to be put to death. And when they were come to the place, which is called The Skull, there they crucified Him, and the malefactors, one on the right hand and the other on the left. Then Jesus said, Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. And parting His garments among them, they cast lots. And the people stood beholding. And the rulers also with them scoffed at Him saying, He saved others; let Him save himself, if this...
Glimpses of the Cross: Crucifixion
by Rex Yancey
Psalm 22 is one of the great messianic psalms. Those who deny the inspiration of the Bible or the deity of Christ try hard to rob this psalm of its prophetic character. Some say it is only an expression of some kind of suffering that David experienced. But we have no record that David ever endured this kind of rejection, scorn, and violence. David was the author of this psalm and according to Acts 2:29-30 he was a prophet. ''Men and brethren let me freely speak to you of the patriarch David that he is both dead and buried, and his sepulcher is with us unto this day. Therefore being a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn...
The Crucifixion and Burial of Jesus Christ (1 of 3)
by Marvin D. Patterson
We have seen that Pilate has sentenced Jesus to death. The Jewish charge against our Lord was blasphemy, and the Roman charge is treason. Jesus was condemned without sufficient evidence of the charges that were made against Him. Jesus was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane early on Friday Morning, and now He has been up all night being abused at the hands of these wicked religious rulers and priests. The disciples have forsook Him and fled. Judas has sold out the Lord for thirty pieces of silver. Peter denied the Lord three times. These religious leaders are so jealous of Jesus, and yet Jesus...
Jesus and His Death (6 of 13)
by Donald Cantrell
In this sermon we are going to look at the death Jesus. In normal situations most people will evade death and flee from it. In cases of illness people will spend every dollar they have to live one more minute, hour, or day. Jesus did not just come to this world to be born, he did not just come to this world to be socially active, but ultimately he came to die. He was not going to be deterred until he finished the task and the task was ''his death''. It is interesting to note some oddities that occurred at his birth and his death. The birth of Christ was at night and it was announced with a bright light. Luk 2:8 KJV - And there were in the same...
Death Ain't No Big Deal (10 of 15)
by Robert Dawson
In one Peanuts cartoon Linus and Lucy are looking out the window watching it rain when Lucy says, ''Boy, look at it rain .... What if it floods the whole world?'' Linus says, ''Lucy it will never do it. In the 9th chapter of Genesis God promised Noah it would never happen again and God gave Noah a sign of this promise, the rainbow.'' Lucy responds, ''Man, you have taken a great load off my mind.'' Linus says, ''sound theology has a way of doing that.'' Paul was writing to encourage and instruct a church filled with new believers. He has been showing them how what they believe affects how they live their lives. Faith, what we believe...
Why Jesus Died!
by Dr. J. Vernon McGee
The subject before us, why Jesus died, is not an explanation but it is a declaration. I could only wish that I had the pungent genius of a Paul or the lofty inspiration of a John or the pregnant imagination of a Chrysostom or the scintillating brilliance of an Augustine to present this subject, Why Jesus Died. I am very conscious of the real danger in treating this topic with flavorless and colorless mediocrity. I think it's well acknowledged today and accepted that liberal theology has long since departed from the biblical basis of the death of Christ. But, my friends, all too often biblical Christianity babbles about the death of Christ...
Why Jesus Died (6 of 7)
by Roger Thomas
Mel Gibson's blockbuster film, The Passion of the Christ continues to create quite a stir. The movie could become the all time box office hit. Currently, Star Wars and Titanic head the list. But many think that with Easter coming and a possible re-release next Christmas, The Passion could easily surpass even those classics. The movie has its critics. Some label it anti-Semitic because the film dares to portray the conspiracy of some of the Jewish authorities against Jesus. I addressed that last week. Other movie critics have blasted the film for it's graphic nature. The movie is graphic! It portrays the final twelve hours of...
Whom Did They Crucify? - A Good Friday Message
by John Barnett
Today we are gathered at what for centuries has been called: Good Friday.Good Friday is just one of a string of events that fill of the greatest week in the Universe since Creation. These are: The Momentous Events of Passion Week Now, where are we in this Passion Week? Here is a quick reminder of the momentous events of Passion Week: Day: Sunday Event: Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem References: Matthew 21:1-11; Mark 11:1-10; Luke 19:29-40; John 12:12-19 Day: Monday Event: Jesus clears the temple References: Matthew 21:12, 13; Mark 11:15-17; Luke 19:45, 46 Day: Tuesday Events: Jesus' authority...