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by Stan Coffey

This morning I want to invite our attention to the Matthew 16 as we begin a series of messages on the church. Today we are going to talk about ''The Founder of the Church''. And next week we will be looking at ''The Faith of the Church'' or ''The Fundamentals of the Church''. I am excited to be a part of a New Testament church. I have been in the church all most all of my life. I was saved when I was six years of age in a Southern Baptist Church and baptized and became a part of that fellowship. And ever since then the church has been the center of my life. That is where I met my wife. And that is where I found God's will for my life, God's direction for my life. That is where I found the foundation for my life...

by Jerry Vines

''Then had the churches rest throughout all Judaea and Galilee and Samaria, and were edified; and walking in the fear of the Lord, and in the comfort of the Holy Ghost, were multiplied.'' The churches were edified, and they were multiplied. Let's bow in a moment of prayer. Any institution if it is to be effective must have clearly defined goals and must carry those goals out. No institution can do what it ought to do until it understands what its purpose is and gives itself to accomplishing that purpose. For instance, the purpose of the school is to educate and its function properly only when it does. A grocery store exists to dispense groceries...

by Stuart Briscoe

Paul was well aware that the Church of Jesus Christ is made up exclusively of sinners-in fact he called himself the chief of sinners. But he was insistent that the Church is also the work of God and its members are ''fellow workers.'' We need to know, therefore, what God is working on in the Church and how we can help. I. God's Desire for a Cultivated Field. A. A place to enjoy the fruits of righteousness. Philippians 1:11 B. A place to experience the fragrance of Christ. 2 Corinthians 2:15 C. A place to express the flourishing of steadfastness. Psalm 92:12-15 D. A place to exult in the freshness of worship. Psalm 133:1-3 II. God's Design...

by Ernest Easley

Now join me tonight in Colossians chapter 1. We are beginning a new series of messages tonight that I believe will not only set our course throughout 2003, but for the years to come. And my, how we need a course set! And not only us, but every New Testament church! But here's the tragedy: most churches don't know where they are going! Most churches across America are like sailboats without a rudder, they are just drifting aimlessly along with no direction and no purpose. Without a rudder for growth, without direction for growth, without priorities for growth, without a plan for growth, churches stagnate! Among...

by Dave Gustavsen

One of the values of Jacksonville Chapel is Expository Preaching. And what that means is that the main way we teach is by taking books of the Bible and going through them front to back. If you don't do that, it's very easy to miss the original meaning, and you can take a passage out of context and use it to say anything you want to say. So Expository Preaching means that you're exposing the original meaning, and then we're asking the question: How do we plug our lives into this, and let God change us through it? So, we're studying the book of 1 Timothy. It's a letter that Paul the Apostle wrote to a young pastor named...

by James Merritt

1. A recent article entitled ''What the World Needs Now'' reported the results of a Gallup poll which reported seven needs of the average American:2. As I studied those seven needs, it occurred to me that there is not one need listed that the church cannot meet and is not best equipped to meet.3. But then I turned that question around, and I wondered if we were to take a poll of the church and entitle it ''What the Church Needs Now,'' what would the results of that poll be? 4. Well I speak as the pastor of a church; one who has been in the ministry now for over twenty years; who has grown up in the church; whose life...

by Steve Jones

Introduction: I worked in software sales for several years in Orlando. One of the skills I had to learn as a salesman was how to ''overcome objections.'' You see, to a salesperson, if ''no'' doesn't really mean ''no,'' it just means you have objections that must be uncovered and overcome. The most challenging people to sell to were salesmen or former salesmen because they already know all your ''techniques.'' They would raise an objection and I would begin to maneuver and they'd say ''Oh, you're using a little TOM HOPKINS on me aren't you?'' Or, ''Hey, you got that from Zig Zigglar didn't you?''In the world of Christianity, sometimes the...

by J. Gerald Harris

Several months ago I was going over to the headquarters of the Presbyterian Church in America - over in northeast Atlanta on Century Plaza. I was going to see a friend of mine, Archie Parrish. He's a church statesman, a prolific writer, a wonderful communicator, a great man of God. Not ever having been to the Presbyterian Church in America headquarters before, I got lost. And I saw this very well-dressed man walking across a parking lot. And so I pulled into the parking lot and asked him, ''Do you know where the headquarters of the Presbyterian Church in America is located?''And he threw up his hands and said, ''Don't...

by Jeff Strite

I opened the sermon by asking the congregation to join with me in singing: ''I'm So Glad I'm A Part Of The Family of God I've been washed in the fountain, cleansed by His blood Joint heirs with Jesus as we travel this sod For I'm part of the family, the family of God.'' If you're a Christian here to day - you are a part of the family of God. You are part of the Church. At one point in His ministry, Jesus told His disciples that one of His purposes for coming was to ''build my church'' Matthew 16:18. And Ephesians tells us this church was so important to Jesus that ''(He) loved the church and gave himself up for her'' Ephesians 5:25b The Church is the...

by Brian Fletcher

Taking on leadership is not easy. Sometimes we want to do it but sometimes we don't. We may not feel adequate, or we may not be interested in the people we've been called to lead. But the truth is, as leaders of a church we are called to shepherd and lead God's people. And this is not only a significant responsibility but also a great honor. In this passage we read about Peter ''exhorting'' the elders and leaders of the churches in the dispersion to take up the mantle of leadership and shepherd the people in their churches. But Peter also makes sure they know that there is a godly ''attitude'' that goes...

by Richard Bradley

At the core of things the average 21st. century church can have a lot of problems. But then the local church has always had a lot of problems because no matter how saved we are we are still people of flesh. There are a lot of people out there looking for a perfect church but there are none because churches are populated by imperfect people. It won't always be that way. In heaven all that will change. If I could rank the top problems of the average church today facilities and money would be nowhere near the top. With God's help those needs can be overcome and yet money and facilities are the two major assets...

by Robert Dawson

Church growth has been a buzz word for quite some time in evangelical and church circles. Everyone wants the church to grow. They especially want their church to grow. Every time I turn around there is another book, blog, study or conference being promoted to help churches grow. There are endless perspectives on how to grow a church. You have people who are promoters and disciples of one methodology or the other. They tell us if you want your church to grow then you need to be doing this or that. I am not disparaging the church growth movement. A lot of things they promote and teach and studies they publish are very...

by Lenny Ports

The New Testament church began on the Day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit was poured out on the 120 in the upper room waiting for the ''promise of the Father.'' Despite what some modern-day theologians and religious leaders want you to believe, the TRUTH is that the church was founded in the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Period. Too many of us have seen abuses or misuses of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, true, but you can't ''throw the baby out with the bath water.'' Here at Encounter, we desire a PURE, AUTHENTIC, and POWERFUL move of the Holy Spirit. What does that look like? First, it looks like Jesus. The...

by Donald Cantrell

This sermon contains a fully alliterated outline, with sub-points. NO RUNS, NO HITS, NO ERRORS In one little Midwestern town, Miss Jones had the distinction of being the oldest resident in town. So when she died, the editor of the local paper wanted to print a little article remembering this dear old lady, except he couldn't think of anything to say when he sat down to write the article. Miss Jones had never done anything terribly wrong. She had never spent a night in jail or had ever been drunk. On the other hand, she had never done anything significant. With this still on his mind, the editor went down to the local café, and there, ran into...

by Patrick Edwards

Introduction [Begin with clip of young boy who is devastated upon learning that his favorite football player has been traded to another team]. Just to give you some context to what you just saw, Steve Smith was a famous wide receiver for the Carolina Panthers who a couple of years ago was released by the team. This mean father, in turn, sought to exploit the fragile emotions of his son by recording his son's reaction to the news. Now why I chose to begin our study this morning with this clip was not just to entertain you, but to make a point. I mean, why is it that young little Gavin is so devastated by news of Steve Smith's release? Well it's...

by John McKain

Poor Paul. He was so discouraged. At Philippi he had a promising beginning smashed by the opposition of fanatical Jews. The same thing had happened at Thessalonica and at Beroea. In Athens he had little success. Small wonder that when he came to busy, proud, intellectual Corinth, he came "in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling.(Cor. 2:3) And his preaching did not prove acceptable to the Jews at Corinth either. Paul went to preach Jesus in the synagogue and they threw him out. He might would have abandoned the city entirely, and gone on to Ephesus except for a special revelation of encouragement from...

by Doug Tegner

Gallup shows that 81% of American people claim to be Christians...yet lifestyles and current moral climate in our country say otherwise. Seems like a Paradox increased religious interest; decreased morality BUT, Approximately 80% of American people say they agree that an individual should arrive at his or her own religious belief independent of any church or synagogue. Key to the paradox of Religion Up Morality down is the fact that those who claim to be Christians are arriving at faith on their own terms that make no demands on behavior. An example was given by Chuck Colson in Against the Night A woman named Sheila was...

by Jimmy Evans

INTRODUCTION: It's comforting to know that the condition of the world and of the church today is no surprise to God. Thousands of years ago in the book of Ezekiel, God prophesied what would be happening in the last days. These prophecies should give us great hope, especially the prophecy concerning the valley of the dry bones. This passage speaks clearly about what God is doing in the Church today! Background: a. This portion of Scripture is the final portion dealing with the restoration of Israel. b. There is a Scriptural parallel between national Israel and the Church. - Church is spiritual Israel Romans 2:28/Galatians 3:29...

by Adrian Rogers

Would you take God's precious word tonight and turn with me please to Psalm one hundred and thirty three, It's a short Psalm, only three verses but what a magnificent message it has for us tonight. It speaks of unity in the body of Christ, let's look at that Psalm and let me read it for you. Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard on Aaron's beard that went down to the skirts of his garments, the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion, for there the Lord commanded the blessing...