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Our sermon ideas on The Burning Bush will help you preach a powerful message. This passage, found in Exodus 3:1-22, is a powerful passage that speaks to God's sovereignty, holiness, love, compassion, and so much more. Prepare your messages on The Burning Bush with sermon outlines or an entire sermon series.

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by Donald Cantrell

Theme: ‘‘Moses was barefooted but blessed at this bush’’Introduction; In this text we find Moses standing in the vicinity of Mount Horeb or Mount Sinai. This particular Mount would be linked to the Nation of Israel for the entirety of their existence. It was here that God spoke to one of the greatest leaders of their nation, at the base of this Mount God called Moses to lead Israel from Egyptian bondage. It was on this same Mount that God called for the encampment of Israel and allowed Moses to spend forty days at the top of the Mount and to eventually pen the Ten Commandments. At the base of this Mount Moses was to have...

by Tony Nester

The Bible teaches us that God has an affinity with fire. The burning flame is one of God's most frequently chosen forms of presence. Fire and flame have a lot to teach us about God. It was through fire that God reached one of the Bible's greatest leaders: Moses. Moses is shepherding sheep in the desert. He's there because he has killed an Egyptian taskmaster and fled from Pharaoh's anger. He does not know what will come of his life. He is alone. Or so he thinks. But then Moses sees a bush burning in a very strange way. The bush is burning, but not burning up. He becomes fascinated with the sight and discovers that this bush is burning...

by Dave Gustavsen

Good morning. We're studying the book of Exodus, the second book of the Bible-both the Christian and the Jewish Bible. And we've been saying that the journey of the Israelite people is, in a lot of ways, our journey. Because so many of the things that God needed to show them, He needs to show us. And just like God was taking them from where they were and leading them to where they needed to be, God is taking us-as a church, and as individual people-from where we are, and he's leading us to where we need to be. And the question always is: are we listening, and are we following? So the first week, we talked about how miserable life...

by Donald Cantrell

Theme: ‘‘Moses and the divine providence of God’’Introduction: There was a boy whose dad died when he was five years old. This boy dropped out of school after the sixth grade. By the time he was 17 he had lost job after job after job. He married at 18, had a baby at 19, and was separated from his wife at 20. He became a railroad conductor, but he got fired. He joined the army, but he washed out. He became a farmer and lost his shirt. He applied to law school but got turned down. He became an insurance salesman and couldn’t give it away. Finally, he became a dishwasher and a cook in a two-bit restaurant. One thing he was able to do was...

by Ken Trivette

(A discouraged preacher came home one day and told his wife he was going to quit. When she asked why, he replied, ''I just feel used.'' She replied, ''I don't see why you are upset about that. I have heard you say many times you wanted to be used.''1. I do not want to be used by people, but I do want to be used by God. I desire to be used. I long to be used. I pray to be used. (The great violinist, Paganini, willed his violin to his home city of Genoa. His bequest carried one condition: the violin was never to be played and would simply be put on display. But as time has proven, a finely crafted instrument as the violin of Paganini needs to be...

by Dick Onarecker

When did you say, "after this"? Was it, "After this, I will never do that again?" or, "After this, I'll know better next time," or, "After this I'll understand"? After this... after this... When did you say that? Think about the event that caused you to think: after this. This passage summarizes a journey to spiritual maturity and the blessing of seeing God's activity in a single life. It can be the guide to a place of increased spiritual maturity for you. It may lead you to recognize the particular blessing of witnessing the visible activity of god in your life. Each step is significant. First, memorable events can be God's particular preparation for your...

by Ernest Easley

Now as you're turning to Exodus 3, let me welcome you to this study of the names of God! In this study, we're taking a look at some of the names of God and after every name, we're stepping back and saying: What A Wonderful Name! Every name God bears is a wonderful name and do you know what makes them so wonderful? Here's what makes them all so wonderful: Every name He bears is a blessing that He shares. Every name reveals to us His not only His character, but His activity; who He is and what He does! And we've discovered that by understanding more about His names, that our worship is strengthened, our walk is...

by Kerry Shook

''When the Lord saw that He had caught Moses' attention, God called to him from the bush, 'Moses! Moses!' 'Here I am!' Moses replied.'' Ex. 3:4 (NLT) 1. EMBRACE GOD'S CALLING''So I have come to rescue them ... and lead them out of Egypt into their own good and spacious land. Now go, for I am sending you to Pharaoh. You will lead my people, the Israelites, out of Egypt.'' Ex. 3:8,10 (NLT) I'm called to influence 2. STOP GIVING GOD EXCUSES Excuse #1 ''But Moses pleaded with the Lord, 'O Lord, I'm just not a good speaker.... I'm clumsy with words.'' Ex. 4:10 (NLT) ''I have too many faults.''Excuse #2 ''Moses answered...

by Dennis Marquardt

INTRO: What does it mean to be a ''Christian?'' If someone who had never heard of Christianity spent time observing Christians how would they describe us? What would they say a Christian is and what the call of Christian is? a. They would say Christians are called to go to Church meetings once or twice a week.b. Christians are called to give money in offering plates and sing a few songs. c. Christians are called to listen to some guy stand up front and explain the meaning of this book called the Bible! d. Christians are called to hope some day for a place called heaven! etc. (in some churches they would not hear about this anymore...

by Donald Cantrell

Theme: ''Moses and his recruitment at the burning bush''Introduction: In 2014 the NUFORC (National UFO Reporting Center) reported 8,562 UFO sightings. The sightings are documented by three categories: 1) Event date, 2) State or Region, and 3) Shape of the UFO. The months of July and August are the most noted months for UFO sightings. If you look up UFO's online you will find that many astronauts seemed to encounter something they would have deem as an ''unidentified flying object''. On one of the sights I visited it claimed that six US presidents claimed to have seen a UFO. In 1492 Christopher Columbus claimed to have...

by Stan Coffey

Exodus 3:1-6 –" Now Moses kept the flock of Jethro his father in law, the priest of Midian: and he led the flock to the backside of the desert, and came to the mountain of God, even Horeb.And the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush; and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed. And Moses said, I will now turn aside, and see this great sight, why the bush is not burnt. And when the Lord saw that he turned aside to see, God called unto him out of the midst of the bush, and said, Moses, Moses. And he said, Here I am. And he said, Draw not nigh...

by Jeff Schreve

If you have your Bibles please turn to Exodus chapter 3. We're going to start a new series today entitled "What is His Name?" Now names are an interesting thing. Many parents when they're getting ready to have a baby they will agonize over what name to name their child. Debbie and I went through all sorts of names you know we got the book The Baby Names and went how does this sound? And then you have family names should we have a family name in there? And we spent a lot of time thinking about names, the meaning of names, unless you're Frank Zappa and you name your kid Moon Unit and Weevil, you didn't think a lot...

by Michael Romero

Introduction: We are in the middle of our current sermon series, Experiencing the Call of God. When we experience God's calling on our life it is an amazing and exciting thing. However, in last weeks sermon on "hearing the call" we discovered that part of that experience is to know how to recognize, listen to, and affirm God's voice in order to hear what He would have us do. We studied this last week in the story of Samuel. In 1 Samuel chapter three God called to him a total of three times before he recognized God's voice. The fourth time, Samuel listened to what God had to say. Afterwards, the Word of the Lord was affirmed by...

by Tony Nester

One of the discoveries we make in life is that things change for us when we start asking different questions. For example, couples stop asking themselves, "Do we LOVE each other?" and start asking, "Do we TRUST each other?" Here's another example. Lots of people say that they believe in God but think in new ways about their faith when asked, "Have you given God any reason to believe in YOU?" Here's the question I'd like to get you to ask yourself for a while: "Might God have a calling for me?" This is a very different question than the kind of questions many people are asking themselves. It's very different from asking: "Can I...

by Tony Nester

Today we're continuing our series on the Book of Exodus. We're in Chapter 3 and verses 1-10. Moses has fled from Egypt to Midian having murdered an Egyptian taskmaster and come under threat from Pharaoh. He's settled down with a wife and family. He works for his father-in-law, Jethro, as a shepherd. Moses has taken the flock far from the usual grazing grounds and its there, on a mountain side, in a wilderness setting, that he encounters God in the famous story of the burning bush. Here's the story from Exodus 3:1-10 and it's printed in your worship folder for you to read. Listen now to verses 1-5. (Exodus 3:1-10 NRSV)...

by Donald Cantrell

Theme: ‘‘God would make Moses into someone usable’’ Insight: If you look online you will find a book with this title ‘‘Character Makeover: 40 Days with a Life Coach to Create the Best You’’, authored by Katherine Brazelton and Shelley Leith. The book takes you on a deeply personal forty-day journey of developing your character. Discover how to close the gap between understanding God’s purpose for your life and carrying it out as you put an end to well-worn patterns of defeat, woundedness, insecurity, unworthiness, and self-centeredness. Brazelton focuses on eight character traits essential to living a purpose-filled life:...

by Robert Walker

Not long after arriving in New Hebrides as a pioneer missionary, John G. Paton and his wife rejoiced in the coming of a baby son to gladden their home. But the joy was short-lived. Soon death took both his wife and children, and Dr. Paton had to dig their graves and bury his loved ones with his own hands. In writing of this experience, he testified, "If it had not been for Jesus and the fellowship and grace He afforded me, I am certain I would have gone mad or died of grief beside their lonely graves." Marvelously strengthened from above, the bereaved servant of God found that the promises of the Word were able to sustain him through...

by Dennis Marquardt

INTRO: Moses' first excuse failed, "Who am I?" ... so now he tries a second excuse, paraphrased it is, "Who are you?" His point is simple, "these Israelites hardly know you Lord ... if I go to them they are surely going to want to know how you are different from the gods of Egypt, so what do I tell them?" While they knew about the God of their fathers, they will need something new and fresh to encourage them to leave Egypt, what was he supposed to tell them? Lots of people know about God, but this is not enough to get them to follow God as Savior and lord of their lives: ILLUS: A famous German atheist wrote about Christ...

by Tony Nester

Today we're going to spend some time with the story of Moses. It's a powerful story as evidenced in the success of the movie The Prince of Egypt. If you learned Bible stories in Sunday School or saw the movie at the theater you might remember that Moses started out as a hot-headed young man. Although he was a Hebrew he had been adopted into the Pharaoh's royal family - he was indeed the Prince of Egypt. But he never forgot that he was not Egyptian but a Hebrew. He grew angry at the way the Egyptians had enslaved and oppressed his own people. One day he watched an Egyptian taskmaster abusing a Hebrew slave....

by Wayne Hinson

The story of Moses and his encounter with God at the burning bush, strongly illustrates that God takes "the weak things of the world to confound the mighty; the things that are not to bring to nought the things that are". 40 years had passed since that day that he had jumped the gun on God's will and murdered the Egyptian. That is a long time, regardless of what dispensation you are living in. In the first 40 years of his life, he had risen to a place of importance and renown, but these last 40 years had been spent tending a flock of sheep and raising a family. We must not overlook that even in this setting, God was preparing...