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Our sermon ideas on The Blood of Jesus will help you preach a powerful message. Prepare your messages on The Blood of Jesus with sermon outlines or an entire sermon series.


by Terry J. Hallock

As we conclude this teaching series on the divine design and dynamic desire God has for our lives, allow me to quickly review the five key truths we have learned: 1. Your real identity is in God, not the world. Genesis 1 andamp; 2 declares you were created by and for God so you might fulfill the purposes of God. The ugly duckling in the age-old children's story only found suffering until he discovered he was really a swan. It is no different with you. Only when you know your real identity can you achieve your real potential. 2. Who you once were doesn't have to be who you now are. In the same way you received the color of your eyes from your...

by Jesse Hendley

Now, friends, if you have your Bibles, turn with me to Genesis 3:21 and we are beginning a study of the wonderful truth of Sacrifice For Sin, or what Sacrifice means in the Bible, what the meaning of the Blood is, in the Bible, and the meaning of the Cross. We find it all through the Bible. Someone has well said that there are two threads that run through the Bible. One is the golden thread of the Coming of the Lord, and the other is the scarlet thread of the Blood Atonement, the fact that God says (as recorded in the New Testament) that without the shedding of blood there is NO FORGIVENESS of sins. Along with that passage, ''Without...

by Daniel Rodgers

ILLUS: In the magazine, Christianity Today, they tell an interesting story about a man by the name of Paul Brand...Paul Brand's career in medicine traces back to one dreary night at Connaught Hospital in East London. Hospital orderlies wheeled a beautiful young woman into his ward. She had lost much blood in an accident. It had drained from her skin, leaving her an unearthly pale color, and her oxygen-starved brain had shut down into an unconscious mode. The hospital staff lurched into their controlled-panic response to any patient near death. A nurse dashed down a corridor for a blood transfusion bottle while a doctor fumbled with the...

by Christopher Harbin

There is something in the human psyche that seems to be enamored of war, violence, revenge, and other means of leveraging power and influence over others. One would be hard pressed to find a twenty year span in which the United States has not had some wartime involvement in its history of less than 250 years. Jesus' comments in Matthew about wars and rumors of wars reflect the norm of human history around the globe. War, fighting, conflict, and turmoil have been at the heart of human history from its inception. The church has found itself caught up in conflicts like the Crusades, the Inquisition, various schisms of denominational...

by Jeff Strite

A woman once wrote that at a garage sale she had spotted a handsome antique copper kettle for only $2.50. It was badly tarnished, so she asked the woman running the sale if the discoloration would come out. She cheerfully offered to try some copper cleaner on it and disappeared with it into the house. Reappearing with the gleaming kettle, she handed it to the buyer for inspection. It was indeed a more attractive item, plus it also had a new tag attached. It read: "Like new-$10." APPLY: Interesting. When the copper kettle 1st went on sale, it's owner practically gave it away. But something changed its worth. What made the kettle more...

by Lenny Ports

All this month we are preparing our hearts for Easter, so we are focused on the Passion of Jesus which took place from the time He was arrested all the way through His crucifixion. What Jesus did for us was a full package. At Easter we will be celebrating the new life that we were given through the Resurrection, but Jesus has done so much more for us. In His passion, He was tortured and whipped, beaten and crucified for us. He shed His blood and He died for us. He was buried for us in a borrowed tomb. He descended into hell to set the Old Testament believers free, and He ROSE FROM THE DEAD on the third day. He appeared to...

by Will McGee

INTRODUCTION: This week, I have been so proud to be the pastor of this church. - On Saturday, a group of you woke up early on your day off and we went to downtown Brooklyn where we served the homeless with our friends at RHOW. Also... On Tuesday night, a group of 10-11 of us went to the NYC Rescue Mission and helped with their chapel service for the homeless there. Everyone knows that homelessness is a major epidemic in our city, yet most people walk right on by everyday. It leaves these men and women feeling invisible. What a testimony it is to this church and to God's Spirit within you that you would take the time to see those...

by J. Gerald Harris

Think with me about the last hours in the life of Jesus. Everyone falters. Caiphas judges. Peter denies. Judas betrays. Simon of Cyrene balks. Mark runs away. Pilate equivocates. The crowd mocks. The soldiers gamble. Longinus still stabs with his pilus. The centurion still carries out his orders. And as blood and water spew from his side, the complacency of all creation is eternally shattered. "The scourging alone seems to never end, and you cringe at the sound and splatter of every blow - no matter how steely your nerves. Even those who have known combat or prison would have trouble viewing this scene, no matter their experience...

by John Barnett

Revelation 1:5 " And from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler over the kings of the earth. To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood." NKJV Sin is a Deadly Defilement Listen to the testimony of one[1] who experienced the amazing cleansing power of Christ's blood: Who am I? My godly mother died when I was a young child. Reared by a sea-captain father, taken to sea at age eleven, I soon forgot the Scriptures she had taught me. Several years later, I was pressed into the British navy and became a midshipman. By then I had earned the reputation of being able to curse for two...

by Jesse Hendley

Friends, turn with me now, if you will, to Genesis 8:20, and we are studying here a wonderful statement. We are studying "Man's Way and God's Way to Heaven." If you go man's way, you won't get there! If you go God's way, you WILL. It is very important that weKNOW THE Way to Heaven, and God makes it plain all the way through the Bible, Old Testament and New, that the way back to God is through the shedding of blood, the innocent dying for the guilty. We have already studied about the Garden of Eden, and about Abel and Cain. Now let's come today to NOAH. We are moving forward in human history. More than....

by Ernest Easley

Now as you're turning to the book of Exodus .. keep in mind that this book is all about "the way out." That is … the way out of bondage. And for you who are living in bondage .. whether you're in bondage to an ungodly lifestyle or some habit that has dogged you for years .. the good news is that there is a way out! And that way out is what I want to talk to you about today. So take God's word and turn with me to Exodus 12. When Moses confronted Pharaoh with the message from God, "Let My people go" … Pharaoh asked in 5.2, "Who is the Lord, that I should obey His voice to let Israel go? I do not know the Lord, nor will I let Israel go." Today...

by Adrian Rogers

I want you to take God's word please and turn if you have your bibles with you to John chapter six and if you did not bring a bible there probably is one there in the pew rack in front you John chapter six, the title of our message, THERE IS POWER IN THE BLOOD. I begin reading a very strange passage of scripture now, John chapter six and verse fifty three. Then Jesus said unto them verily, verily, I say unto you, except ye eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, ye have no life in you, whosoever eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood hath eternal life and I will raise him up at the last day. For my flesh is meat, that means...

by James Merritt

INTRODUCTION 1. The greatest evangelist of the Twentieth Century, without question, was Billy Graham. The greatest evangelist before him of the Nineteenth Century undoubtedly was Dwight L. Moody. Both shared a common trait. They were criticized because of a particular subject they preached about. 2. When Billy Graham was getting started, a professor from Cornell University wrote him a letter and said, "Mr. Graham, you have great talent, and you have what it takes to be a successful minister. But if you want to continue to be successful, you are going to have to leave out the preaching on the blood. It is out of...

by Duane Bemis

From the above statistics you and I can see that our church going people are full of old sin issues. Even if they are not active in these things anymore the images of these sins linger inside their temples. The time has come to set the captive truly free by teaching everyone about the power that is in the shed blood of Jesus. Knowing what God's word says about His blood is of the utmost importance. This is why the enemy has kept this silent in the church. The enemy does not want understanding brought to the body because of its supernatural power to clean the conscience of man. The shed blood of Jesus and learning how to...

by Adrian Rogers

Take your bibles please and turn to Genesis chapter four. Genesis chapter four. I want to speak to you today on this subject. The Blood Atonement. The blood atonement. And I read here from Genesis chapter four, verse one. "And Adam knew Eve his wife and she conceived and bare Cain and said, I have gotten a man from the Lord, and again she bare his brother Abel. And Able was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground." One son was a shepherd. The other son was a farmer. "And in the process of time it came to pass that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the Lord. And Abel, he also...