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Our sermon ideas on Parable of the Sower will help you preach a powerful message. Prepare your messages on Parable of the Sower with sermon outlines or an entire sermon series.


by Jeff Strite

OPEN: A man walked into a flower shop and asked for some potted red geraniums. "I'm sorry," said the clerk in flower shop, "we are completely sold out of all of our potted geraniums. But I'd be more than happy to give you a deal on something else. Could you use African violets instead?" Replied the customer sadly, "No, it was geraniums my wife told me to water while she was gone."APPLY: You'd think that a simple task like watering the plants wouldn't be too hard for a guy. But speaking from experience, I can sympathize with this man. I realize there are people here that really like gardening, but I don't. Watering plants...

by J. Gerald Harris

Chapter 13 of Matthew is a crucial chapter in the Bible. It is a chapter that every believer should seek to understand thoroughly. The rebellion against Jesus Christ is beginning to reach its peak. He has now turned His attention from the nation of Israel to all who will come to Him. The big question now is, ''What about the kingdom now that the King has been refused?'' And the answer to that question is in Matthew 13. In this chapter Christ begins to outline the ''mysteries of the kingdom'' and explains what the ''kingdom of heaven'' is like during this present age. And, in this chapter, Jesus seeks to outline the ''mysteries...

by Scott Maze

Everyone loves a story. Stories are remarkably powerful things. They stir-up our imaginations and excite our affections. They instruct us and inspire us. They intoxicate and influence us. They linger with us, often becoming more precious and poignant and powerful over time. During His earthly teaching ministry, the Lord Jesus, who was the master teacher and preacher, often used stories and illustrations as He instructed the crowds of people who flocked to hear Him. Many refer to these types of stories as ''parables.'' There are about fifty different parables of Christ recorded in the Gospels. In fact, about one-third of all of Jesus' recorded...

by Brad Whitt

INTRO: I want you to take your copy of God's Word now this morning and be finding your place at Matthew chapter 13 if you would. Matthew chapter 13, beginning in verse 1 and I want to show you this morning what I want to call, "Three Essentials For An Effective Ministry." One of the many, many hobbies that I've had over the years has been an informal, what you might call a casual collecting, compiling of bloopers and blunders that have made their way into the bulletins, onto bulletin boards or power points of churches. And it never ceases to amazes me how we can say something so wrong when we're trying to say something...

by Bob Wickizer

When I was a teenager and you could still go quail hunting here in the Midwest, one of my favorite fields on my father's old farm had a tree in a ditch standing all by itself. It was a magnificent water oak that provided much needed shade for cattle in the summer and acorns for the wildlife in the fall. I asked my dad one day, ''Did you plant that tree? How did it get out here in a ditch with nothing around?'' Dad replied in his usual taciturn manner, ''Birds.''I recalled that oak tree in the ditch when I read today's parable. Looking closely at the original text, I noticed the part that says ''some seeds fell on the path and the birds came and ate them...

by Jeff Strite

OPEN: A man walked into a flower shop and asked for some potted red geraniums. "I'm sorry," said the clerk in flower shop, "we are completely sold out of all of our potted geraniums. But I'd be more than happy to give you a deal on something else. Could you use African violets instead?" Replied the customer sadly, "No, it was geraniums my wife told me to water while she was gone."APPLY: You'd think that a simple task like watering the plants wouldn't be too hard for a guy. But speaking from experience, I can sympathize with this man. I realize there are people here that really like gardening, but I don't. Watering plants...

by Marvin D. Patterson

Introduction: As we approach Matthew 13, we see Jesus using a different kind of communication method - that of parables. If you will remember, Jesus and the disciples were accused of breaking the Sabbath Day by eating corn. And then Jesus told the Pharisees that he was the Lord of the Sabbath. Jesus said the Pharisees were wicked and adulterous, and that brought on a confrontation with them that would end with Him being nailed to the Cross of Calvary. Chapter twelve was a major turning point in the ministry of Christ, as the religious leaders of the day plotted his death, so he turns from them and instructs His disciples...

by James Merritt

1. Of all the topics that a pastor talks about, by common consensus everybody would agree, the most sensitive topic that a pastor talks about is - money. However, the most difficult topic that a pastor deals with is the one we have been talking about for the last couple of weeks in the series we've entitled, ''Missing Person.'' We have said that a missing person is any person who is far from God - any person who does not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The very first command that Jesus ever gave to anyone was to be a finder of missing persons or the way He put it to His first disciples was ''to be a fisher of men.''2. The...

by Ken Trivette

As you read the Gospels you find there were two things that caused Jesus to marvel. In Luke 7:9 we read that He marveled at the presence of faith. Jesus declared of a certain Centurion, ''I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel.'' Then in Mark's account of our text, we read that Jesus ''marveled because of their unbelief'' (Mark 6:6). Jesus not only marveled at the presence of faith, but He also marveled at the absence of faith. Jesus marveled because He saw in one a faith that was mastering and saw in others a faith that was missing. One great truth that is clearly declared in the Bible is the place and role of faith in our...

by Jeff Strite

OPEN: There's a story about a student from MIT who spent an entire summer going to the Harvard football field every day wearing a black and white striped shirt walking up and down the field for ten or fifteen minutes throwing birdseed and blowing a whistle. Then he would walk off the field. At the end of the summer, it came time for the first Harvard home football game. As the game was about ot begin, the referee walked onto the field and blew the whistle... (pause).The game had to be delayed for a half hour to wait for the birds to get off of the field. The student from MIT wrote his thesis on this, and graduated. APPLY: Now, had you been...

by Stan Coffey

I know you are ready to hear God's word today and I want you to take word and turn to Matthew Chapter 13 and we've been looking at God's lost and found department and today I want us to move into thinking about the strange mysteries of the kingdom of heaven. Now if you are a part of the kingdom of heaven, you can understand the mysterious things about how the kingdom of heaven operates that people who are not saved cannot understand. Jesus came to a point in His ministry when He began to speak to His disciples in parables. When He did this it was to reveal to them the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven. At the same...

by David Cawston

Introduction: Jesus taught in parables many times to describe something that is very commonplace to us in order to teach us the deeper meaning. He also taught in parables for another reason. Pure truth is usually unpalatable. People resist pure truth as they resist pure medicine. It often has to be put in another form to help us digest the truth. Here Jesus and His disciples are up in the northern Galilee region. Jesus had done what He often did - He turned the boat into a pulpit. He pulled the boat up along the shore and stood up in the front of the boat. It gave Him a little platform to stand on. The people were milling around the shore...

by Jeff Strite

APPLY: There is a basic definition of the difference between garden plants and weeds: Weeds are anything you don't have to plant, water, or fertilize. Weeds just grow up all on their own. But now - here in this parable about the weeds, we find that the weeds didn't just happen. The weeds didn't just grow up by chance amongst the good crop.They were planted by an enemy. In the parables found in Matthew 13, Jesus is trying tho help us understand some of the dynamics we can expect to encounter as Christians in this world. For example: His 1st parable talked about a farmer spreading seed on 4 different kinds of soils. I believe...

by Dennis Marquardt

INTRO:How well grounded is the Gospel in your life? Your walk with God is determined by what kind of receiver you are and how prepared you are to let the Gospel establish itself in your life. The Gospel itself is never the issue; it is the quality of the reception and what happens after it is received that is always the determining factor of what quality or what life springs from that Gospel. ILLUS:My garden has taught me to think ahead. For it to be fruitful, I must plan. I must build soil, plant, and nurture what I have planted. It has also taught me to hold the harvest lightly. Over the course of a season I can lose a crop to spring rains that...

by Bob Wickizer

The apostle Paul was right, "the letter kills" (2 Cor 3:6) At the beach recently an old friend and I talked about religion. As a dentist my friend could not understand how I as a scientist could embrace religion so heartily. After all he said, churches are full of all those people praying all the time. They just stand there and say words that they sometimes don't even mean. He went on and on about this and when he finished I replied that prayer is much more about listening than talking. Prayer is about being fully present and quiet before the holy in order to hear that still small voice. Harrummph he retorted. I'll have to think about that...