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Our sermon ideas on Homosexuality will help you preach a powerful message on this topic. Prepare your messages about homosexuality with sermon outlines or an entire sermon series.

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by Ernest Easley

Please take your Bible and turn to Romans 1. We're thinking these days under the general heading: The Moral Collapse of America for America is sick! This nation was built on a moral and spiritual foundation, and that foundation is crumbling. The time has come for a restoring of our moral values! I believe for the moral collapse to become the moral's time we stop rejecting and refusing the Word of God and to re-establish the Bible in all we do for morality is not determined by the vote of the people, it is determined by the Word of God...Romans 3.20, ''by the law is the knowledge of sin.'' Now, for the next few weeks...I want to...

by Jason Dees

Are you born gay? In April of 1997, Ellen DeGeneres, the lead character of ABC's Sitcom Series Ellen, became the first openly gay lead character in television. I don't know if you remember the episode. Many of you don't remember the episode because there was so much backlash in the Birmingham market that the ABC affiliate did not even air the show that night. We liberals up in Huntsville did air the show, but it was big news across the whole country that there was an openly gay woman playing an openly gay woman in a TV Sitcom. That was 1997, 16 years ago. And today it is very clear that the cultural landscape has totally...

by Stan Coffey

INTRODUCTION: Earlier this month the Southern Baptist Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana denied representation to any church sanctioning the lifestyles of practicing homosexuals or who had ordained homosexuals to the ministry. The convention also approved an amendment to the constitution of the convention which would bar representation of such churches in future conventions. Homosexual behavior is not new on the world scene. Many of the Roman emperors were homosexuals. Such behavior is also mentioned earlier in the Bible in the book of Genesis in a case of cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. It is interesting to note...

by Steve Jones

Introduction: Little junior said to his dad, ''Why is the grass green?'' Dad said, ''I don't know.'' Junior asked, ''Why is the sky blue?'' Dad said, ''I don't know.'' Junior said, ''What makes the sun rise?'' Dad said, ''I don't know.'' Junior said, ''Dad, I hope you don't mind me asking you all of these questions.'' Dad said, ''No son, if you don't ask questions how are you ever going to learn anything.''Today we want to pose a question and hopefully do a little better with the answer than Dad did for junior! The question on the table today is this: IS HOMOSEXUALITY A CHOICE? If you're new to us this morning you should know that we're in...

by Rick White

Introduction: While ministering in a church in Edmond, Oklahoma in 1976 I was one of two ministers that received an emergency call from a young woman late one Friday evening threatening to end her life in suicide. Her plea was heart breaking, saying that she was beyond help. As we pleaded with her by telephone to consider the hope and help that Jesus Christ offers to all of us, she ended the conversation abruptly , saying that if we really cared we would come to the club from where she was calling. It was nearly midnight when we arrived in the parking lot of the club Free Spirit. It was an old Episcopal church building, where at one time a...

by Jeff Strite

(We opened with a youtube video of a newscast that was aired shortly after Phil Robertson was suspended from Duck Dynasty for comments about homosexuality he made for GQ Magazine. May of the phrases used in that newscast were integrated into this sermon: 2:42) OPEN: As you may recall, about 6 months ago, Phil Robertson was suspended from Duck Dynasty for about 3 weeks. But then AandE realized the family wouldn't continue the program without him, and that would kill a cash cow for the network. So they quietly suspended his suspension....

by Stuart Briscoe

It is often said that ''Marriages are made in heaven,'' but it must be admitted that many are lived elsewhere. The modern solution to marital difficulty is either to bypass marriage entirely or divorce. But is this the way to go? I. The Issue Christ Confronted. A. A personal challenge. B. A moral, spiritual, societal issue. 1. Qumran community: divorce illicit always. 2. Hillel School: divorce permitted for many reasons. 3. Shammal School: divorce permitted for ''gross indecency.'' See Deuteronomy 24:1 4. Josephus: divorce permitted ''for any cause whatsoever.'' II. The Response Christ Gave. A. A statement of divine intention....

by Brad Whitt

INTRO: I want you to take God's Word now this morning, and I want you to be finding your place at Isaiah chapter 3 if you would. We are continuing this morning in our simple, loosely connected, series of messages that we have entitled, ''You Asked For It.'' And this morning, I want to address the issue of, ''Is Gay Really Okay With God?'' ILLUS: The date: June 20, 1997. The article's title: ''Defendants get 15-year prison sentences for stop-sign killings.'' The place: Tampa, FL. The article begins, ''Three defendants were sentenced to 15 years each in state prison Friday for uprooting a stop sign at an intersection where...

by Larry Wynn

Introduction A. The most talked about television program this last year was the show ''Ellen''. 1. In this show the actress Ellen Degeneres openly admitted she was lesbian.2. What does one say to Ellen? B. This subject is not a new issue. 1. It is as old as the bible. 2. We first come into contact with it in genesis 19. A. This is the story of Sodom. B. From Sodom we derive the word Sodomy. C. This word indicates sexual relationships with a member of the same sex. C. The purpose of this issue will be: 1. To examine what the bible says about the issue. A. There are many passages we can turn to. B. Today, I want us to look at...

by Roger Thomas

Introduction: Sometimes I feel like Rip Van Winkle. You remember the lazy New Englander from the Washington Irving story. Rip fell asleep while squirrel hunting. He woke up twenty years later thinking only a few hours had passed. But everything had changed. Children grew up. The colonies fought and won the Revolutionary War. Van Winkle slept through it all. He woke up a stranger in his own hometown. Sometimes I feel like Rip Van Winkle! Sometimes I feel like I fell asleep on the couch watching ''I Love Lucy'' and ''Father Knows Best.'' I awake to ''Will and Grace'' and ''Queer Eye for the Straight Guy.'' I can remember when the great...