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by James Merritt

Theologically speaking, there is not a greater chapter in all of the Bible than the 8th chapter of the Book of Romans. Without question, it is a high watermark of biblical revelation. It leads us from salvation to glorification. It tells us how we are saved, how we are sanctified, and how we are secure. The theme of this entire chapter is the Holy Spirit. One time is the Holy Spirit mentioned in the first seven chapters of Romans. But in this chapter He is mentioned almost twenty times. The Holy Spirit is to a believer what God the Creator is to this physical world. Without God, this world would not exist. Likewise, without the Holy...

by Stan Coffey

I have studied the work of the Holy Spirit all my life. I'm in the twenty-first year in this church out of thirty-four years of ministry. I have always been one interested in everything I can know about the work of the Holy Spirit, because I realized in the early days of my life that apart from Him, I can do nothing. I've never prayed more about a message than I've prayed about this message. Because as I began to research this subject, although I have mentioned to you many times the anointing of the Holy Spirit, I have never preached an entire sermon on the anointing. This is for sure and for real a brand new area for me to...

by Jeff Schreve

If you have your Bible, please turn to Romans chapter 8 follow along in your Bible the verses. How many of you have ever been to New York City, can I see your hand?? You've been to New York. What a cool place. You know, anybody who visits New York for the purpose of sight-seeing, there's one place that you have to go. You have to go to the Statue of Liberty. I mean, that's just common fare for those people who are visiting in New York., because in the New York harbor there is this statue. The statue is 150' tall and sits on an 89' pedestal you've seen the Statue of Liberty. It's Lady Liberty the symbol of freedom, with...

by Benny Perez

Some 290 verses in the N.T refer specifically to the Holy Spirit. 59 of those verses are found in the four gospels. I. Who Is The Holy Spirit? A. He is God, Part of the Triune God Head. 1. The Holy Spirit is coequal, coeternal and coexistent with the Father and Son. 2. The Holy Spirit is operating in harmony with the Father and Son. B. He is a Person, not a Force or Power. John 14:16 1. Jesus spoke of Him as a Person not a Force. 2. The Holy Spirit is a person who has power and exerts His Presence. C. He has the attributes of Mind, Will and Feelings. Romans 8:27, I Cor. 12:11, Ephesians 4:30. 1. The Holy Spirit...

by Jim Perdue

This morning, we continue our study called, Foundations: what every Christian ought to know. We have talked about how to know you're saved, how to trust and obey the Bible, how to walk by faith, and so much more. Today, I want you to find Ephesians 5:15-18 in your Bible and I want to talk to you about How to be Filled with the Holy Spirit. *Many of us think that the Holy Spirit is like our pituitary gland. You know it's there, you're glad you've got it, and you don't want to lose it, but you're not exactly sure what it does. Well, the Holy Spirit does a lot. He is our teacher, reminder, and enabler.*1

by Jonathan McLeod

THE MYSTERY OF THE SPIRIT ''The Holy Spirit leaves no footprints in the sand'' (Abraham Kuyper, The Work of the Holy Spirit). ''The wind [pneuma] blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit [pneuma]'' (John 3:8). Pneuma - ''breath, wind, spirit.'' THE PROMISE OF THE SPIRIT ''And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws'' (Ezekiel 36:25-27). • The Holy Spirit was ALWAYS in the world. (1) The CREATION of the world In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth...

by Daniel Rodgers

As we think about our message this morning-''The work of the Holy Spirit,'' let's define who the Holy Spirit is: a. He is the Third Person of the Trinity-''The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.'' b. He is co-equal with the Father and the Son. That's why we baptize ''In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.'' c. He was present at and had part in creation: Gen1:2, ''And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.'' Job 26:13b, ''By His Spirit he hath garnished the heavens.'' c. He was active both in the Old...

by Frank Damazio

We are talking about the activity of the early church in Acts 4:30-31. We believe the model of the first church is our model and pattern to follow. Our desire for this church is that the Spirit of God will be ''on'' and ''in'' the church, covering every aspect of church life, just like the early church. The church today needs to experience the empowering presence of God in and among us. The Holy Spirit is the enabler, the powerful force in the church. In this message, we are looking for powerful prayer to take place as the Holy Spirit fills us. Spirit-filled, Spirit-driven, Spirit-empowered praying happens when ''they were all filled with the...

by Ken Trivette

Through the years I have stayed in many situations. I have stayed in about every kind of motel you can image. I confess that I have on several occasions stayed in situations in which I was not comfortable. I remember on one occasion being in a meeting where they put me a cot in a Sunday school classroom. The Holy Spirit indwells every believer. He has made the believer His earthly dwelling place. The believer's body is His earthly home. However, as we see in our text, He is not always comfortable. The Apostle Paul speaks of the relationship that exists between the Holy Spirit and every saved person. He describes this relationship...

by Adrian Rogers

I want you to take your bibles and open please to John chapter fourteen and keep your bibles open there in your laps because we're going to be in John chapter fourteen, fifteen and sixteen tonight as our sermon subject is the work of the Holy Spirit. I know that's a very prosaic, prosaic title but it is a very important subject. The work of the Holy Spirit. You will never be successful as a Christian, you will never be overcomer, you will never be victorious, you will never be a soul winner you will never be a prayer warrior, you will never give glory to Jesus Christ in any realm, in any way if you're ignorant of the ministry of the Holy Spirit of...

by Josh Malone

There are three basic ways to live life this morning. Morally- Seeking to best you are able live the right way by the law of morality, religion, etc. It's a frustrating way because you realize you can't be perfect at it. Immorally- Living life to your enjoyment even breaking rules you know you should live by. But doing what you want giving little thought to ramifications beyond self. Most people live life in a combo of these two realms. - We do some moral things, some immoral. The more religious the more moral usually, though not always. But both lack power. The mere moral person has not the power to really live up to even his own rules much...

by David Cawston

Introduction: The resurrection opened up the allowance for the residency of the third person of the Trinity, The Holy Spirit to dwell with us. John 16:7 7 "But I tell you the truth: It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you."(NIV) The New Covenant is a better covenant because there is the provision of the residency of the Holy Spirit in the life of every believer. John 14:16-19 16 "And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever-- 17 "the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it...

by Adrian Rogers

Okay, take God's Word. And turn with me to the eight chapter of Romans. And I don't know of a more pertinent passage on praying in the spirit than Romans chapter eight, the entire chapter, but specially verses twenty-six and twenty-seven. Romans eight, twenty-six and twenty-seven. Likewise, the Spirit, that's speaking, of the Holy Spirit, also helpeth our infirmities. Now, another word for infirmities is weaknesses. For we know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit itself--that's the translation in the King James, but a better translation is the Spirit himself--maketh intercession for us with groaning's which...

by Ken Trivette

A.W. Tozer said, ""Any tiny work that God has ever done through me and through my ministry for Him dates back to that hour when I was filled with the Spirit." If you read Christian biographies, especially of those of earlier generations, you will find that their life and ministry were changed when they were filled with the Spirit. Moody, Finney, Whitefield; all speak of the difference that was made when they were filled with the Holy Spirit. If one knows anything about the fullness of the Spirit in their life, they wholeheartedly agree with Richard Owen Roberts who said, "Living one day in the Spirit is worth more than a thousand lived in...

by Tony Nester

The wind that blew upon the disciples on the Day of Pentecost was no mild breeze. The Scripture describes it as ''the rush of a violent wind'' and suggests that it shook the rafters of the house which the disciples had occupied. One preacher I know describes the Day of Pentecost as a ''holy hurricane.'' (1). That's a great description. Why did the Holy Spirit come with such force? I believe the answer is that God was changing his people and changing people is never easy. Sometimes changing people takes a holy hurricane. A few years ago I attended a mental health conference at which the featured speaker was Joel Slack who...

by Robert Walker

Billy Sunday once told the story of a terrible blizzard that was raging over the eastern part of the states making more and more difficult the progress of a train that was slowly facing its way along. Among the passengers was a woman with a child, who was much concerned lest she should not get off at the right station. A gentleman, seeing her anxiety said. "Do not worry, I know the road well, and I will tell you when you come to your station". In due course the train stopped at the station before the one at which the woman was to get off. "The next station will be yours, ma`am" said the gentleman. Then they went on and in...

by Jesse Hendley

Turn with me to Joel, the second chapter. I'm not going to try just now to consider this prophecy in all of its fullness. I have studied this passage, but there's only a portion of it that is in my heart, the portion regarding the Holy Spirit of God. I pray that we will look at this Scripture concerning what we believe is going to take place when this world comes to an end. I'm not talking about the burning up of the heavens and the earth, but about the passing away of the present world-system at the return of Jesus. There is a sense in which the world will come to an end at His return. He is the Crushing Stone of Daniel and is...

by Dr. J. Vernon McGee

How wonderful it is to know that every believer has a gift from the Holy Spirit. I can't think of anything more thrilling than to know that God has given you and me a gift to function in this world, and that we are to be partners with Jesus Christ in the tremendous enterprise of making Him known! But now God has set the members, each one of them, in the body just as He pleased. (1 Corinthians 12:18) God is the one who sovereignly gives the gifts, and He gives them as it pleases Him. He is the one to be pleased, you see, and these gifts are in the body so that the body can function. A man in one of my congregations had an...

by Brian Fletcher

Intro: Can you tell if a person is lying? There are some tell-tale signs like, a pause before responding to a question, sweaty palms, clearing the throat, avoiding eye-contact, fidgeting. These signs are usually magnified when it's a toddler lying about something they did and know is wrong. This passage talks about false spirits. Yes, there are people who claim to be Christians, who claim to speak the truth but are teaching false doctrine or simply trying to deceive people, usually for personal gain. I know it's not easy to hear but sometimes, people lie to you. This can be especially tricky in the theological world when you really think...

by Stan Coffey

I want us to look at several passages of scripture. If you'll turn to James Chapter 4 first of all and then we are going to turn to Romans Chapter 8. First of all James Chapter 4. I'm speaking tonight on the subject, "Praying in the Spirit" and continuing that theme of prayer. We preached last Sunday night on Victorious Prayer and I want to continue that theme and preach tonight on praying in the spirit. James Chapter 4 Verse 5 is an unusual verse but a very important verse and the verse tells us something about the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. He says, "DO YOU THINK THAT THE SCRIPTURE SAYETH IN VAIN, "THE...