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Our sermon ideas on the 1st Commandment will help you preach a powerful message. The 1st Commandment is a foundational topic to preach on. It cuts to the core of who we are as individuals wanting to elevate people and/or things to the status of God in our lives. Prepare your message on the 1st Commandment with sermon outlines or an entire sermon series.

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by Jerry Watts

Over the past months I have thought about this phrase; ''Who's Your Daddy?''. As I have thought about this I search for the original use, meaning, and the lack - and have discovered MANY different theories about it. But when someone says to me, ''Who's Your Daddy,'' I think about Juston Watts. He was and is my daddy. When I was young - he trained me, he loved me, he provided for me, he controlled me, he protected me, and he disciplined me. He never said, ''This is going to hurt me more than it will hurt you'' and I was always thankful that my dad was not a liar. When he had to apply the 'board of education to the seat...

by David Cawston

Introduction: Life is a lot like a coin. You can spend it any way you wish, but you can only spend it once. Choosing one thing over all the rest through your life is a difficult thing to do. Life places before us, hundreds of possibilities, but each of us must decide what priority takes first place in my life. Everybody has a God! Something will occupy that first place in your life! Even God realized this nature of man when He laid down the first commandment. Exodus20:3 ''You shall have no other gods before me.'' Keeping God first is the First Law of a Successful life! Why? He is the source of life! He is the provider of food! He is the overseer of...

by Jeff Ginn

There are basically two kinds of people in life: those who follow instructions and those who don't. I began life as one who did not follow directions. I would empty out the contents of a kit and begin assembly, too impatient to read the instructions and too conceited to think that I needed them. But I have slowly become a very committed instructions follower! I've been humbled too many times. Several guys helped me recently put together a basketball goal in my back yard. As we neared the end of the process, I realized that I had incorrectly installed some washers early in the process. We had to go back and reverse some of the work...

by Joe Alain

''You shall have no other gods before Me.'' The first message in a series of ten sermons on the Ten Commandments. A husband and wife were discussing the possibility of taking a trip to the holy land. The husband said to his wife, ''wouldn't it be great to visit the holy land and stand on Mount Sinai and read the Ten Commandments?'' His wife replied, ''It would be even better if we stayed home and kept them!'' Morals today, even among many Christians, have drastically declined. For many people, the Ten Commandments have become the Ten Suggestions. The moral decline hasn't happened over night; it's been steadily...

by Eric McQuitty

''This is what the culture war is all about. It is a conflict between those who recognize an objectively existing God who has spoken about the order of the universe. . . and those who think. . . that God is irrelevant to the debate or doesn't exist and we are on our own'' (Cal Thomas). Introduction: The basic rule of life: God is first. . . I'm fascinated by TV ads because of what they reveal about our culture. A recent auto ad features a grotesque giant in a business suit and a sign that says ''RULES'' stomping around a beautiful field, startling deer. He tries to stomp an Isuzu Rodeo as it flits by, but misses and falls. The narrator says, ''The world...

by Stan Coffey

We are beginning a brand new series of messages entitled ''Timeless Values For Today's Family''. And if you have your Bible, turn to Exodus 20:1 and this is the giving of the Ten Commandments. That is the first commandment, ''thou shalt have no other gods before me.'' Then look at Deuteronomy 6:6, ''Never forget these commands that I am giving you, teach these to your children.'' We want to talk about I the next few weeks, the values that made us what we are, the values that are dear to us, the values that we were taught as children, and we want to talk about communicating these values to the next generation and the...

by Jerry Vines

In our study of Exodus we have come to the Ten Commandments. I thought at first when I was studying Exodus that I would just kind of summarize the Ten Commandments and move one, but truthfully, the more I studied them and the more I looked around in our world the more apparent it was to me that probably there has never been a time when the Ten Commandments need to be studied in detail and depth as they do in the 1990's in America society. These Ten Commandments touch on every problem we have in America. So, I'm going to take up these commandments one after the other, God willing. The children...

by Ernest Easley

This morning we are starting a new series of messages that God is going to use to guide every parent in building a godly home. It appears that Satan has unleashed a full attack on the home in his attempt to divide and destroy what God has put together. Here is what the average family looks like today: Only 34% of families eat one meal together each day. The average Father spends 8-10 minutes a day with his children including meal and television times. Only 12% of America's families pray together. The average couple spends only 4 minutes of uninterrupted time together a day. As a result .. families today are stressed .. stretched and...

by Ken Trivette

This morning we are starting a new series of messages that God is going to use to guide every parent in building a godly home. It appears that Satan has unleashed a full attack on the home in his attempt to divide and destroy what God has put together. Here is what the average family looks like today: Only 34% of families eat one meal together each day. The average Father spends 8-10 minutes a day with his children including meal and television times. Only 12% of America's families pray together. The average couple spends only 4 minutes of uninterrupted time together a day. As a result .. families today are stressed .. stretched...

by James Merritt

1. 9/11 - All of us know that date. Because of that date, another cabinet level department was created to serve the President of the United States - Department of Homeland Security. Note the keyword in that department which is home. The greatest way to protect the homeland is to protect the homes in that land. That is why I am beginning a series of messages I am entitling ''Homeland Security.'' We are going to be dealing with the Ten Commandments, because the greatest way to protect our homes is to teach our homes the what and the why of the Ten Commandments. 2. I am not the first person to say that Homeland Security and the...

by Robert Dawson

The other week when we went to the men's conference @ FBCW we went through Atlanta, all roads lead through Atlanta. Every time I go through a big city like Atlanta I feel so small. It is not just because of the number of people but the massive buildings that dot the landscape. I am amazed at the design and sheer size of them. Some of them are extremely unique and creative in their appearance --- when you look at the end product you are simply in awe of everything that went into them; the materials, the time and labor that it took to complete them is staggering. You can be assured of one thing; the building did not get there by someone driving...

by Jeff Strite

OPEN: Commenting on the Bible, Ronald Reagan once said: ''I have wondered at times what the Ten Commandments would have looked like if Moses had run them through the U.S. Congress.'' History gives a lot of credence to that comment. Someone has made a list of some of our nation's more famous documents and they found that: The Gettysburg address is 286 words. The Declaration of Independence is 1,300 words. BUT, the U.S. Government regulations on cabbage sales: 26,911 words. By contrast: The Lord's prayer: 66 words. The 10 Commandments: 179 words. If you notice, God is the master...

by Rick White

Message Truth: God tells us to have no other gods before Him because He knows that wherever else we focus our ultimate allegiance will only turn to terrible disappointment. Exod. 20:1 Then God spoke all these words, saying, 2"I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. 3"You shall have no other gods before Me.Introduction: In the spring of 1987 the graduating class of Duke University heard a powerful sermon from an unlikely, little known preacher- Ted Koppel, host of ABC's Nightline. Mr. Koppel emphasized truth in its purest form. Koppel stated, "truth is not a polite tap...

by David Cawston

You can make commitments but making the decision is not enough. You must constantly be on guard to make sure that you are living out your commitments. Just as our first Law for Successful Living was "Keep God First" you must "Guard your heart" to maintain that commitment. God was aware that without careful observation our commitments would slowly erode away. That is why God established the second commandment. It was to uphold the first. Exodus20:3 "You shall have no other gods before me." "Keep God First"Now! Exodus 20:4-6 "You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above...

by Doug Tegner

Have you noticed a major frustration of people through the years? To Know or Worship an Invisible God ill. Eastern Orthodox churches in Romania - pictures of God and Cx and people worship and use to picture God. Ill. Of Gargoyles in Church of England older cathedrals ill. Manitou Springs Images of dolphins, unicorns, birds, whales Turn to EX. 20: 4-6 (NOTES IN PROGRAM FOLDER) 1st Command vs. 3 TO NOT HAVE ANY false or substitute gods 2nd Command worshipping the true God, falsely BY IMAGES The WHAT of THIS command: MAKE / HAVE No idols! Found in last study - people of Israel in wilderness created...