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The Fellowship Factor
by Ernest Easley
Now before we share in the Lord's Supper, join me for a few minutes in 1 Corinthians 11 as we think together about The Fellowship Factor. Let's begin reading in verse 17 and read down to verse 22: ''17 Now in giving these instructions I do not praise you, since you come together not for the better but for the worse. 18 For first of all, when you come together as a church, I hear that there are divisions among you, and in part I believe it. 19 For there must also be factions among you, that those who are approved may be recognized among you. 20 Therefore when you come together in one place, it is not to eat the Lord's...
The Church: It's Fellowship
by Jerry Vines
Now lets turn this morning to the book of Philippians first chapter. I want you to open your Bible , and read along with us today. We want to look at the Word of God together, and we will be turning to some of the verses that the Lord has laid upon my heart for the message today. Philippians chapter 1 verses 3, 4, and 5. I want to read verses 3, 4, and 5 and bring the message this morning. FDE several weeks now as I have said to you, we are on the theme of The Church. What the church is, what it is intended to do, how the church is to function, and just everything we can learn about a church. If you don't know what the Bible...
Christian Fellowship
by Jesse Hendley
There are four chapters in the Book of Philippians. You know, it is rather difficult to outline this book. Someone has well said,''You don't outline a love-letter; you just read it and enjoy it.'' And so it is with Philippians. Yet there are certain great truths here, consistent in the thinking of the writer Paul, and he brings out one theme: it is the word ''mind.'' You know, God is wonderful in the Bible. Some Christians do so little studying in the Bible! One time in a certain church I preached on The Second Coming of Christ. It was a plain, Biblical message, passage after passage of the Word of God. A middle- aged lady came to me afterward and...
Through Fellowship (7 of 8)
by Stan Coffey
This morning, I would like to invite you to look inside your bulletin for a leaflet like this, and you will notice the outline of the message for today: Growing Strong Through Fellowship.We have been talking for some weeks now about how to grow in the Christian life, and particularly about discipleship. You see again on your outline the disciple's cross. I would like for you to look at that cross for a moment, and you will notice that it has Christ in the center.Then you will notice that on the horizontal beam that on the one side it has tithing. We talked about that. On the other side there is fellowship. We are talking about that today. Then...
Christian Fellowship (4 of 8)
by Zach Terry
HISTORY - One way to view History, at least biblical history is as a series of meals. In the Garden of Eden, Gen. 3 - SEPARATION FROM GOD In Egypt, the Passover in Exodus 12 - DELIVERANCE FROM SLAVERY In Jerusalem, The Lord's Supper in Matthew 26 - DELIVERANCE FROM SIN In Heaven at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb - Rev - RESTORATION TO GOD So recorded human history begins with a meal and ends with a meal and it has two major meals in between. EARLY CHURCH - In our day the dominant aspect of a church service may be preaching, it may be singing, in some circles it may...
Appreciation of Fellowship (1 of 3)
by Stephen Whitney
It was ''fellowship'' that brought the village tinker John Bunyan, the future writer of Pilgrim's Progress, to faith in Christ. In his book Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners, he recalls being a lost young man who became interested in Christ by overhearing the conversation of a group of village women enjoying fellowship. He wrote, ''Upon a day, the good providence of God did cast me to Bedford, to work and in one of the streets of that town, I came to where there were three or four women sitting at a door in the sun and talking about the things of God; and being now willing to hear them talk, I drew near to hear what they said . . . But I...
What a Fellowship, What a Joy Divine
by Joe Alain
Outline: Fellowship is demonstrated in four areas. 1. Serving together to Advance the Gospel (1:5) 2. Submitting to the Spirit of God Leading to Unity (2:1) 3. Showing Sympathy in Suffering (3:10; 4:14) 4. Sacrificial Giving (4:15) Introduction: J. Vernon McGee relates the following experience: ''Years ago I was invited down to Huntington Beach about once a year to give a message at a Rotary Club luncheon. A Christian doctor was chairman of the program committee down there, and he would invite me to come at Christmastime and Eastertime and give them the gospel - both barrels, which is what I always tried...
Victory through Fellowship
by Ron Dunn
The basic difference between the Christian and the non-Christian, between a saved person and a lost person, is not the absence of sin but rather is THE ATTITUDE TOWARD SIN.. When God saves a person this does not necessarily mean that this person will no longer make any mistakes. This does not mean that the sinful nature has been eradicated and that he will never sin again; it simply means that his attitude toward sin is going to be changed. In these verses John establishes the truth that all of us sin and then he says that if we do sin and confess our sins to God. He is faithful and just and will forgive us and...
Cultivating Fellowship within the Church
by Eddie Snipes
In today's modern church, true fellowship is often lacking. As group dynamics takes place, people naturally form into groups. This is plainly observed both in and out of the church. This point was driven home during a recent conference I attended. Three hundred and seventy-five Christian writers assembled together for five days, and I was amazed at how easy it was to get to know others. Everyone was eager to know each other, and within hours, we were sitting together and talking about our Christian walks and other interests. In a few days, I got to know more people, and had deeper fellowship, than I have experienced in...
The Fellowship of Believers and the Forgiveness of Release of Sins (3 of 4)
by Lenny Ports
According to Psalm 133 when believers exalt Jesus as the Head of the church as their High Priest, there the Oil of the Spirit or the Power of God available to the Believer to do the works of God (Isaiah 61). We all have access to it - Unity of the Spirit - Power of Worship - Presence of God - Principle of Agreement - Today - the Fellowship of Believers and the Forgiveness of Release of Sins. Fellowship of Believers - There is an anointing on the gathering of believers. To be together with those of "like precious faith". God pours His oil on those who are united in Him, bought by the blood of the Lamb. - We're the People of...
Fellowship with God (2 of 7)
by Jerry Branch
As we progress forward looking at 1 John 1 and how it can help show us how to live lives that more and more demonstrate or reflect us BEING IN Christ, today we are going to look to verse 3. I find that there is really a lot of deep stuff in just this one verse...But what is even more compelling, is that I find that verse 3 is closely TIED to verse 4, where John wrote that 'our joy may be complete.' So what God is showing us here is that IF we really do want to find out HOW to EXPERIENCE absolute true joy, then we'll find the answer in verse 3 which gives us the answers that HOW question...and that is that it take FELLOWSHIP with...
The Fellowship of the Unashamed
by Daniel Rodgers
There seems to be some disagreement as to who wrote this following piece. Some say it was written by Dr. Bob Moorehead, a retired pastor in Washington. Others say it was written by a young African pastor, who had been martyred for his faith. It's not my place to decide who wrote it, but my intention this morning is to borrow a few thoughts from it and bring you a message. Here's what he said: "I am part of the "Fellowship of the Unashamed." I have Holy Spirit power. The die has been cast. I've stepped over the line. The decision has been made. I am a disciple of His. I won't look back, let up, slow down, back away, or...
The Fellowship of the Father
by Mark Baker
Ephesians 2:4 But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, It is so important for us to know that we are greatly loved by God the Father. How can we come into any kind of a close personal relationship with some one including our Heavenly Father if we think that person is out to get us? This is completely opposite of the truth, and not at all what our Heavenly Father wants from us. 1 John 4:19 We love Him because He first loved us. It is because He first loved us that He wanted to restore the fellowship that was lost in the Garden of Eden. After all, He went to great lengths to redeem us. He...
Fellowship of the Gospel
by Marion Clark
And so began the journey of the Fellowship of the Ring, nine companions with one mission - to take the ring of power to its place of destruction. You know the rest of the story that befell Frodo and his companions - a marvelous story, indeed, a fantastical tale of a strange fellowship of man and hobbit and dwarf and elf and whatever a wizard is. And yet it copies a much older story of a fellowship no less strange, with a mission much more mysterious and grand, and the oddest part of all - is real. It is the fellowship of the gospel. It is to this fellowship that the apostle Paul speaks in his epistle to the Philippians. Indeed, he uses...
Fellowship With God (2 of 20)
by Stan Coffey
I pray these messages will be a blessing to you. I believe that these messages are very important to the life of our church right now because we have so many new Christians and so many who are hungry for the word of God. I John is so vital to the life of a Christian, and I believe they're going to be a blessing to us. I want to speak under the title, "Fellowship with God." This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth: but if we walk in the light, as...
Fellowship: Belonging (4 of 5)
by David Cawston
There are 5 purposes defined for each of us in these two selections of verses that make up the totality of God's purposes in our lives individually and for the church collectively. These five purposes are the foundation of this series of messages. 1. ''Worship'' ''Love the Lord with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind'' 2. ''Ministry'' ''Love your neighbor as yourself'' 3. Evangelism'' ''Go make disciples'' 4. ''Fellowship ''Baptizing them'' 5. ''Maturing'' ''Teaching them to obey'' Today I want to look at the subject of ''Fellowship'' ''Baptizing them'' In the text that we read of the great Commission, there are three verbs...
Fellowship through Suffering
by Duane Bemis
I was struggling one day with my chronic 24/7 physical pain when a person at the Veteran Administration gave me a verse that allowed me to anchor my faith once again upon the ROCK of Christ. Come with me on this scriptural journey through the third chapter of Philippians. List with your heart, mind, and soul to make sure you receive your portion of this spiritual meat. In 1973 I was in a head on accident that killed 5 people two of which were my son Andrew and my daughter to be Nicole. From that accident, before shoulder harnesses I injured my neck. 40 years later and 5 neck surgeries and I still have chronic pain every...
Fellowship's Purpose (13 of 52)
by Christopher Harbin
Fellowship is a word we often don't really know what to do with. We talk about fellowship. We gather in sacred spaces we call fellowship halls. We have meals in those same halls and call them fellowship meals. We know from church growth studies that those gatherings are very important to the growth of a church. We understand that we need to foster events that build community. When we look at what the Bible tells us about fellowship, however, our halls, meals, spaces, and gatherings, however, suddenly look very inadequate. Perhaps here in Philippians is one of those texts that give us the most well-rounded grasp on what...
The Fellowship of the Ring (2 of 4)
by Jeff Strite
On a spring break trip to Italy, a tour group was standing just inside St. Peter's Basilica, the 2nd largest church building in the world. The tour guide was trying to explain the enormity of the building and part of his presentation went like this: ''This church is so large no man on earth could hit a baseball from one end to the other. Not Lou Gehrig, Babe Ruth or even Mark McGwire.'' The group stared in silence at the beautiful marble sculptures, intricate paintings and glorious mosaics all around all around the enormous building. Then in an astonished voice one girl interrupted the silence. She said: ''You mean, they actually let...
Purpose of Biblical Fellowship (2 of 7)
by Michael Romero
Today I want to continue part two of our series entitled, "Managing Your Spiritual Investment Portfolio." We are discovering together what every Christian and every church needs to have in their spiritual portfolio. We are discovering where every Christian and every church needs to invest their time. We are basing our study on Acts 2:42 which is the foundational verse that describes the character and nature of the first century church. In Part One we began by unfolding Acts 2:42. We talked about the four things that were at the top of the first century church's list. For a quick review they are, 1. Apostle's doctrine. 2. Fellowship...