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by Ernest Easley

Now as you are turning to James 2, let me remind you what is taking place here tonight from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. First, our Women's Fall Kick Off event will take place at 6:00 p.m. in the Vision Center tonight. That event is for all of our women and their daughters and Gena Leal tells me it's going to be an exciting event. And I hope that you ladies will take advantage of tonight's event. While the ladies are meeting in the Vision Center, I'm going to be meeting with the Men and Boys behind the SIP area talking about character, the kind of character that God blesses. The topics are listed in the worship folder and I hope to see you...

by Brad Whitt

Intro: I want you to take your Bibles now this morning, and I want you to go ahead and be finding your place at James chapter 2 if you will. James chapter two, beginning in verse number fourteen, as we continue here in our series of messages that we’ve entitled “A Real Look at Real Love For Real Life.” A Real Look at Real Love For Real Life. And for those of you that this is your first time here at Abilene, what we’ve been doing here in this series of messages is simply taking a biblical look at some of the areas that matter most in our life. For example, we’ve already taken a real look at our family and our friends. We’ve taken a real look at our finances and our feelings. And so, what I want to do here this...

by Jesse Hendley

Turn with me now in your Bibles to the Book of James. It is a wonderful book. I have been meditating in it and one of these days soon I hope to go through this marvelous book. It is one of the early epistles, one of the closest to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus from the dead and His ascension back to heaven. This book was written about A. D. 50, very close to the time when He died on the Cross and rose from the dead, ascended back to heaven and took His position at God's right hand. A. D. 50! One of the earliest books of the New Testament period. The Book of James. We read these words in the first verse: ''James, a...

by Dennis Marquardt

While it is true that not all men and women live by faith in God ... all men and women live by faith in something! It is not difficult to know who/what people believe in or where they put their faith ... just look at their life and see where their greatest priorities are placed, this will tell you what they believe in. For some; their faith is in: a.The stock market -- they live for their investments! (Money) b. Careers -- they live for their jobs!c. Themselves -- they live to please only their own life d. Knowing the right people -- they spend countless hours and money getting to know the "right" people! e.Pleasure seeking -- they go from thrill to thrill...

by Jesse Hendley

Now, friends, if you have your Bibles I invite you to turn to the Book of James, and we are taking up chapter 2 today. We are not going through this verse by verse but we are giving to you a picture of the early Christians, the Christians of 2,000 years ago, the Christians of that period immediately after Jesus died on the Cross and went back to heaven. We found thus far from the Book of James, chapter 1 and verse 1, that James said that true Christians are Servants of God. Then in chapter 2, verse 1, we found that they possessed faith in Christ. They believed in Christ as their Saviour and trusted Him to take care of them in life and...

by Daniel Rodgers

Not long ago, in our series, we talked about "Saving Faith", how that people are saved by simple faith in God's redemptive plan of salvation through Christ. We understand that it is the believing part that saves us, not the working part: Ephesians 2:8-9, "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast." 2. Although we understand that good works have no part in our salvation, we do know that salvation will produce good works, and if there are no good works, then according to Scripture, salvation never took place. 3. Let me careful to say, "A man...

by Daniel Rodgers

INTRODUCTION: In our first lesson, we talked about faith and salvation, how that people are saved by simple faith in Christ. We understand that it is the believing part that saves us and not the working part: Ephesians 2:8-9, "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast." We've talked about Faith and Security, and last week, we talked about Faith and Doubt. Tonight, we want to look at Faith and Works. Although, we understand that good works have no part in salvation, salvation will produce good works; and if there are no good works, then...

by Richard Laue

Do you believe there are contradictions in the Bible? Those of you who believe there are no contradictions in the Bible, raise your hand. How many think there might be some! Raise your hand. Listen up now. What do you think of this? Turn to Romans 4:3-5. "For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness. Now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt. But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness." Turn back to James 2:21-22. "Was not Abraham our father, justified by works, when...

by Joe Alain

Much of this message is influenced by Joel Gregory's, Faith Works. A diamond begins by God's creative initiative in the hidden places under the earth's surface. In a mystery that human effort cannot duplicate, heat and pressure transforms carbon into a diamond. Similarly, at God's initiative, He makes salvation available by faith. What He has provided is beyond human effort. He worked that salvation in the heat and pressure of Calvary where Jesus took our sins. People cannot do that. Salvation is God's greatest creation. On the other hand, no one knows a diamond's genuineness until an expert examines it for the "Four C's...

by Stan Coffey

This morning I want you to turn to James 2:14. We have been talking about faith for several Sundays and today we want to talk about "Faith: The Key To Pleasing God." Several times we have referred to Hebrews 11:6 that says, "without faith it is impossible to please God." Faith is the premium in the Christian life. It is not according to your fortune, not according to your friends, not according to your finances; it is according to your faith so be it unto you. Jesus put a great, great premium on faith. And He said to His disciples, "How is it that you have so little faith?" So you have real faith this morning, I pray and trust that you...

by Jonathan McLeod

You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone (James 2:24). SCRIPTURE READING In this series, we are comparing what the apostles Paul and James have written concerning justi-fication, faith, and works. Many people think that Paul and James contradict each other. Paul writes that we are ''justified by faith'' (Rom. 3:28). James writes that we are ''justified by works'' (James 2:24). But I believe that what Paul and James write about justification, faith, and works is complementary, not contradictory. Why is this important? First, if there are contradictions in the Bible, our trust in what it says will be lowered. Second, there...

by Scott Maze

Churches and Christians talk a great deal about faith. And yet faith is invisible. Faith in and of itself cannot be seen. Paul points to the invisible nature of faith in the classic verse of Romans 10:9: ''because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved'' (Romans 10:9). You cannot look inside my heart. While faith is invisible, yet it still leaves its impact in a tangible, visible way. For faith is like calories. You can see neither of them but can always see their results. A June 2006 report from the National Prison Commission states, ''What happens...

by Michael White

There are a number of candidates running for the Republican primary right now. They all say they have conservative values. They claim to be strong on traditional marriage, that if elected they will fight to protect the unborn, and to maintain a strong military. They know that in order to win the primary they have to make these claims to get votes. Yet, we all know that not all of them are as conservative as they claim to be. And all you have to do is look at their voting record and see what they have supported- or not supported- in the past- to determine whether they are really conservative or not. We have one guy who has supported partial birth...

by Jerry Vines

This is a very important subject, and it is not an easy subject to understand. You do know that you need to put on your thinking cap when you come to God's house because when you deal with the Word of God, you need to do some good solid thinking. I'm going to try to break it down for you and help you to understand it because really what I'm going to deal with this evening is what I call "Show Me Faith." I think that is the great theme of this passage of scripture. This is the passage where it is believed by many that James contradicts the Apostle Paul. The Apostle Paul in his letters makes it very clear that we are justified...

by Jerry Watts

To establish a historical event is to depend on two principles; a) evidence. Evidence is all we have left of past events because we cannot recreate them and, b) determine what is probable, not what is possible. All kinds of things are 'possible', but generally, the probable is accepted as the established facts. In the matter of faith, we can view evidence, but there also must be proof. Proof is something which can be recreated and authentic faith recreates almost daily those spiritual things which points people to Christ. Tonight, I am keenly aware of my call to this congregation to a spiritual reawakening or 'revival' and...

by Rick Ferguson

Intro: Please fill in the blanks as I quote 2 Corinthians 5:7: ''We walk by FAITH, not by SIGHT.'' I really believe God's great desire for each of us is to teach us to learn how to live by faith, not by sight. He wants us to learn how to: *live in loving relationship with Him *recognize His voice and commune with Him *discover His will for our lives *make right decisions to follow His direction *have the courage to live up to our full potential by living out His perfect plan for us Walking by Faith is simply being where God is and doing what God is doing. Corrie Ten Boom made an acrostic out of Faith and said faith is a: Fantastic, Adventure, In...

by Jerry Vines

In our study of the book of James we have moved very carefully through the wide variety of subjects which James has laid before us. Sometimes we've looked at just two or three verses. But these particular verses all hang together. If you don't get all of these together you really miss the point of what James is trying to say. These verses of Scripture are some of the most helpful you will ever find in the whole Bible. They explain the relationship between faith and works. I'm raising the question from these verses in this Bible study-Does your faith work? This is the passage of Scripture where some people feel that James contradicts the...

by Miles Seaborn

Introduction: James has challenged us to welcome the Word into every area of our lives. I wonder where the blue beard's closet is in your daily Christian life? ILL. You remember the story, Bluebeard says to his young wife, ''Here are the keys to every room in the castle. Open them all but this one!'' If you fail to welcome God's Word into every room and closet of your life you are a lawbreaker! Verse 10 (read) Stumble at one point, you are guilty of all ! Everyone of us has at least one area of our lives where we justify our sin (stumbling). Bitterness - Look what they did/didn't do. Anger - I have every right to be angry. Lust - I can't help myself...

by Jerry Vines

This is the passage that some people believe that James contradicts the Apostle Paul. It certainly seems on the surface that this is true. In Romans 3:28 Paul specifically says that a person is justified by faith without the works of the law. Yet, we are told specifically here in verse 24 by James that it is by works a man is justified and not by faith only. Also Paul uses Abraham as an illustration of how a person is justified by faith before God. Yet, in this same passage of Scripture in verse 21 James specifically uses Abraham as an illustration of how a person is justified by works. On the surface it does seem that there is a contradiction between...