Our sermon ideas on Discipleship will help you preach a powerful message. Prepare your messages on becoming a disciple of Jesus and what it means to be a lifelong follower of God's Word with sermon outlines or an entire sermon series.
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The Demands of Discipleship
by Jerry Vines
These words of the Lord Jesus provide quite a contrast to what Jesus has previously said. If you will look at the previous verses you will notice that Jesus tells the familiar parable of the Great Supper. The purpose of this parable of the Great Supper was to invite all who would to come and to be saved. It is the parable that reminds us that whosoever will can come to the Lord Jesus Christ and they can receive salvation without price and without cost to them. Right after these words the Lord Jesus now gives these words where He says three times, ''You cannot be my disciple.'' Keep in mind in verse 25 that there were great...
The Design for Discipleship
by Adrian Rogers
We begin tonight a brand new series on the miracles of Elisha. Elisha is one of the lesser known prophets in the bible but certainly but one of less importance. And there is a great, great benefit and blessing for us in studying the life and ministry of the man called Elisha because he is the prophet of abundant life. And abundant life is God's plan for me, and abundant life is God's plan for you. And the Lord Jesus Christ said in John the tenth chapter and the tenth verse, ''I have come that you might have life and that you might have it abundantly.'' What is abundant life? Well, abundant life is life where all of your needs are being...
Discipleship Distinctives Series
by Stuart Briscoe
During His relatively brief public ministry, Jesus spent a disproportionate amount of time with a small group of disciples. In His final hours, He clarified why He had done so and what He planned for them. His words must resonate with modern day disciples. I. They Had Been ''Given Out of the World.'' 17:6 A. The world in which they lived. 1. The world that God loved. 3:16 2. The world that ''hated'' God. 15:18 B. The word they had received. 1. The ''name'' had been revealed. 2. The word they had obeyed. 3. The claim they had believed. 4. The allegiance they had now embraced. II. They Were Intentionally ''Still in the...
The Terms of Discipleship
by J. Gerald Harris
This morning I want to speak to you about discipleship. And I want to remind you that a disciple is someone who has a desire ''to know Him and to make Him known.'' A Christian disciple is one who follows Christ, one who submits to His authority, one who hungers to learn His truths and follow through obedience. Someone has said, ''As the soldier follows his general; as the servant follows his master; as the scholar follows his teacher; as the sheep follows its shepherd, just so ought the professing Christian to follow the Lord Jesus Christ.'' Dear church. God is continuing to convict me in my ministry to quit making decisions...
Discipleship (12 of 14)
by Stan Coffey
Today we're looking at Luke chapter 14:25-33 and we're looking at the Bible doctrine of discipleship. Discipleship is that ongoing process in our life of growing to be like Jesus. A disciple is one who is like his master. Once we come to know Christ we are to follow Christ. You remember that Jesus called twelve disciples to follow him. He took aside twelve men and they were to be with him day and day out in his ministry. When Jesus left the earth and went back to be with the Father, he left in the hands of his disciples the work of evangelizing the world and carrying on the ministry that he started when he was on this earth. Now the...
Christ-Centered Discipleship (3 of 4)
by Fred Lowery
So I wanna wrap up this Old Time Religion series and I really want you to listen carefully because Old Time Religion should never be used as an excuse for holding on to old ways or to be stuck in the past. Old Time Religion should never be used as an excuse for holding on to old ways and being stuck in the past. What I hope you've understood is, you know there - change is never an option. Anything growing is changing but we never change for change sake. We're always changing to find better ways to do God's work - to reach people - to engage the culture and there are things that we wanna never give up. As I mentioned...
The Master's Plan for Discipleship (4 of 8)
by Jeff Schreve
If you have your Bible, please turn to Titus chapter 2. We're going through the Book of Titus in a sermon series called, ''Setting the House in Order,'' because that's what Paul, had called Titus to do - ''Set in order what remains.'' Now I want to know by a show of hands, how many in here have seen the movie, ''The Ten Commandments?'' All right. Has anybody not seen ''The Ten Commandments?'' Okay. So that was going to be your homework assignment if you haven't seen it, to go see it. But I was thinking about the movie, ''The Ten Commandments,'' and as you know the story from the Bible and also from the...
Discipleship in a Difficult Day
by Robert Walker
No one has better captured the journey of the Christian life than the 17th century Baptist preacher John Bunyan. His Pilgrim's Progress is a must read and re-read for every one of us. His picture of the Christian life mirrors our text, as Christian, Faithful, and Hopeful learn to deny self, die to earthly desires, and follow the narrow path of Christ. I think that it is appropriate to consider these words of Christ to be a description of the Christian pilgrim's journey through this life to eternity. When you look at Matthew 16 verse 24 the words of our Lord are a little hard to swallow. If any man come after me let him deny himself and take...
Discipleship: Moving from Consumers to Contributors
by Rick Ferguson
My generation and younger especially are total consumers. We live, think and act with a total consumer mind-set. My generation moved off the family farm where we were PRODUCERS and migrated to the suburbs where we became total CONSUMERS. The shift in American life from a primarily agrarian culture to a primarily urban culture, was a shift from PRODUCTION to CONSUMPTION. This is exactly why in the last 20 years, INDUSTRY related jobs have decreased in number while SERVICE related jobs and RETAIL related jobs have soared. All most all new jobs created in the United States in the last 20 years...
Maturing: Discipleship (5 of 5)
by David Cawston
Introduction: This series is built on two of the most important scriptures of the Bible. They are: The Great Commandment: Matt 22:37-39 ''Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.'' (NIV) The Great Commission: Matt 28:19-20 ''go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.'' (NIV) There are 5 purposes defined for each of us in these two selections...
Fruit of Discipleship
by Christopher Harbin
Salvation cannot exist without discipleship. There is no discipleship without fruit. A desire for salvation without commitment to Christ Jesus misses the whole point of faith, redemption, and salvation. Being saved does not begin with issues of eternity. It begins with the issues of living life according to the pattern of God's will in the here and now. After all, salvation is not so much rescue from hell, as it is being introduced to the presence of God, there to dwell forever. It is rescue from our selves and a new participation in the life of Christ Jesus. I'm not much of a fan of Mormon theology. It has been said, however, that...
Growing In Christian Discipleship
by Rick Ferguson
Most of us gathered here this evening have come because we desire to be better disciples of Christ. We want to grow and mature spiritually. None of us are at a point where we can say we have reached full spiritual maturity - we have arrived. We all need to be in a continual state of growth. In spite of our age or education or position in the church, we all need to be growing. Let me ask you, are you growing as a Christian? Are you, day by day, experiencing new dimensions in Christian living? Do you feel like you're l0 moment by moment becoming a little more like Christ? Can you honestly say that you are regularly gaining...
Our Need for Discipleship
by Fred Lowery
You know, I think everybody wants salvation, certainly this crowd this morning in this room wants salvation but many don't want to put in the work that comes with salvation. I think, it's like, many people wanna audit. Did you ever take a course where you audited the course and you didn't have to do the work? I audited a couple of courses and that's best courses I've ever taken 'cause you didn't have to do the work, you just got the information and I'm afraid that's how many people look at their Christian faith. They want the information without the responsibility and they either get stuck at a certain point in their Christian life or they...
A Snapshot of Discipleship or (Disciple)
by William Wyne
A Pastor had invited a preacher that he knew well to be the guest of a grand and glorious occasion to be held at the church. This preacher had been an acquaintance of his for years, and he knew that his presence would bless the service. He was scheduled to arrive at the airport at a certain time, and the pastor had planned to pick him up, have dinner and then get him to his place of lodging. However, a pastoral emergency arose just a few hours before the preacher was arriving that would demand him to give his attention to. He now had a friend coming in and an emergency that he needed to handle. He then called one of the...
The Value of Discipleship (3 of 6)
by Michael Romero
I am enjoying the vision that God has given us as a church. I have gone deep into Gods word and found absolute pleasure in discovering the reason why we hold the value of Biblical Authority so high. Through prayer I have found a never-ending connection to our God and savior and I have found a strength that cannot be measured. Knowing that our church will value prayer and Biblical Authority in order that we might abide in Christ is something that thrills and excites me. These two values cannot be forgotten because they are the foundation of all other values we will be studying. Now today we are going to start focusing...
The Tests of Discipleship (3 of 7)
by Tony Thomas
We're in a series from 1 John called Authentic Christianity, and today we're in 1 John 2: 15 Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in them. 16 For everything in the world-the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life-comes not from the Father but from the world. 17 The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever. Everything that glitters isn't gold, and the Christian life has some acid tests that verify the genuine from the counterfeit. Is it possible to know if a person really knows the Lord? Can you...
Following the King: Discipleship and Training (19 of 40)
by Jesus Culture Resources
The Bible says that we love God because He first loved us (1 John 4:19). We don't have to try to compel Him to love us - we love Him because He first loved us! He loves us more than we could ever imagine. His love ''surpasses knowledge'' (Ephesians 3:19). This week, we're going to look at what Jesus calls the most important commandments: loving God and loving others. Main Scriptures: Luke 14:26-35; Matthew 22:37-40; Luke 10:25-29 EQUIP: Becoming like God means being completely devoted to following Him. Teaching Point 1: Our first step in following the King is to love Him with all our hearts! Read Matthew...
Given the Gospel to Give the Gospel (3 of 10)
by Drew Hunter
Here is an important question for every Christian to ask: ''what should the feel and tone of the Christian life be like?'' I wonder what many people would say about the Christian life - whether you are a Christian or not. When Jesus calls people to be his disciples, his followers, his people; what kind of lifestyle is he calling them to? What images come to mind? If we took a survey of America, and gave several options, I don't think the ones in this text would be chosen very frequently. This text is first about what pastoral ministry looks like. So this gives us all a vision for what to expect of pastors and elders. And this is also what...