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Our sermon ideas on Commitment will help you preach a powerful message. This is a wide ranging topic that can span from God's commitment to His glory, to our commitment to Him, to His commitment to His promises and more. Prepare your messages on commitment with sermon outlines or an entire sermon series.

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by David Cawston

Introduction:We focus so often on the task that we forget the tools! In business we are so goal oriented that we lose sight of the instruments that help us achieve our goals.-People Lampoons Christmas Vacation Boss who is kidnapped Bonus check at Christmas Instead Jelly bean of the month club. Boss was more interested in the bottom line instead of the people that helped him get there. God's work is people not goals and numbers! It is People! We have been so influenced by the thinking of society and the world we have a tendency even in the church to use, abuse, and discard. We steam roll to the goal and...

by J. Gerald Harris

I enjoy reading biographies about great people in order to satisfy my curiosity about what made them great and in hopes of discovering their secret of an excellent life. In recent years I have read the biographies of C. T. Studd, Charles Hadden Spurgeon, W. A. Criswell and George Mueller. These are men of God who have achieved a level of success and excellence in their lives and ministry. In one of Warren Wiersbe's books, he recalls a time in his boyhood when he was sitting in a grade school assembly program listening to an aged doctor who promised to tell the secret of his long, healthy life. Wiersbe writes that...

by Stan Coffey

We are in a study on fear. It is called "Know Fear". A little bit different study than what we have been doing. Instead of using outlines, we are using a little book. There is devotion for you to read each day for forty days. We are on day fourteen today and as you read this devotion each day it relates to the fears that we deal with in our lives. As we begin today, we are going to be talking about the "Fear Of Commitment." There are all kinds of commitments that we make in life. Commitments to our marriage, commitment to children, commitments that we make in business, all kinds of commitments. We have a fear...

by Ernest Easley

Take God's Word and turn please to the gospel according to Luke! The good news according to Dr. Luke. And what good-news he gives us! Friend ... I want to show you from the Word of God this morning the secret to ultimate living! How you can live life at it's best! Now .. it would be foolish for you to say to me, "Pastor Easley, I don't want to live life at it's best. I don't care to know how to live the ultimate life." I believe you really want too! I believe you want to live the best life possible! I really do! And I can prove it! You wouldn't be here this morning if you didn't! You wouldn't have turned your television set on if you weren't looking...

by Rick White

Illustration: The rabbit that would not die. One day Ed notices his dog romping through the yard with a lifeless dead rabbit clutched in his teeth. Realizing this to be the favorite pet rabbit of his next door neighbor he sprang into action. After washing the dirt and blood from the rabbits fur he pulls out his blow dryer and fluffs up the fur. After nightfall he climbs over the fence and under the cover of darkness places the rabbit back in its hutch. The next morning in shock and dismay the neighbor comes over to warn Ed to be on the lookout for the sick person in the neighborhood who has committed this deed. It seems that the rabbit had...

by Ron Clarkson

Dear Friends: We are assembled here in the presence of God to worship him and celebrate him in a unique way this morning. We are here so these couples, and each one who desires, may renew their commitment of life and love to one another. We are here to renew our vows of holy marriage, which is instituted by God, regulated by his commandments, blessed by our Lord Jesus Christ, and to be held in honor among all people. Let us reverently remember that God has established and sanctified marriage, for the welfare and happiness of his creation. Jesus Christ reiterated that a Man should leave his father and mother and be united...

by David Cawston

Commitment is a word that has lost its meaning in our culture. Jesus said about commitment: Luke 9:23 23 Then he said to them all: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. NIV In America we have more people going to church than ever before, but it seems we are having little impact on the moral decay of our society. Are we expecting too little from the folk who come to our churches? It is not uncommon to hear of someone leaving a church with the complaint, "My needs were just not being met." Carrying a cross focuses us upon the needs of others! Jesus does say...

by Tony Nester

Last Sunday I talked with you about character as a source of lasting security in life. What's going on inside of us is more important that what's happening outside of us. We saw how the Bible encourages us to focus on the Torah or Way of God in order to live a life of meaning and significance, and how Jesus is God's Living Torah for Christians -- the Way, the Truth, and the Life.Today I want to identify a second source of security which the Bible holds up for our attention: making and keeping commitments. Just as our character shapes our lives, so too do our commitments and our faithfulness in keeping them...

by Bob Wickizer

We need to spend some time today reflecting on the first Native American clergy person in Indian Territory along with the challenges of Christian mission. It's a tall order. The Reverend David Pendleton Oakerhater had many names, titles and careers during his long life. We recognize him today for what he did with the latter half of his life. But if we were to pick a modern term to describe his early days, that term would be ''terrorist.'' While there is some truth to the saying that one man's terrorist is another person's folk hero; Oakerhater, also known as Making Medicine, waged war for many years on the white man and the U.S....

by Jerry Branch

We've been working through Paul's letter to the Colossian church, and we've found out that Paul makes it quite clear, that one of the marks of the committed Christian, is that he and she are committed to offering CONTINUOUS PRAYER to God. I find it appropriate once again that the Lord has taken us to this particular book of the Bible for His message to us, because One of the things we discovered last weekend at our Church Health Retreat was that IF a church is going to turn around from a declining condition, and become healthy and vibrant again, then her leaders and her people must be very committed to Prayer...

by Zach Terry

OPENING: How are you doing on Christmas shopping? I know you are all very busy so I wanted to share this with you, it’s called, ‘‘The meaning of life in under 5 minutes’’. On the first day God created the cow. God said, ‘‘You must go to the field with the farmer all day long and suffer under the sun, have calves and give milk to support the farmer I will give you a life span of sixty years.’’ The cow said, ‘‘That’s a kind of a tough life you want me to live for sixty years. Let me do it for twenty years and I’ll give back the other forty.’’ And God agreed. On the second day God created the monkey. God said, ‘‘Entertain people, do monkey tricks...

by Christopher Harbin

We often talk about salvation in terms of escaping hell or getting a ticket to heaven as an eternal destination. The Biblical picture of salvation is much more complex than our simplified concepts. Salvation is about wholeness, it is about being all we can be, it is about being in proper relationship with God and one another. From that perspective, it also requires much more than we tend to consider. It involves the radical change of our lives from the inside out. It requires the commitment to a new way of living. Are we prepared to take up the challenge of salvation? Gideon is an interesting Old Testament character. He was called by God to rescue...

by Jeff Strite

A college man walked into a photography studio with a framed picture of his girlfriend. He wanted the picture duplicated. This involved removing it from the frame. In doing this, the studio owner noticed the inscription on the back of the photograph''My dearest Tom, I love you with all my heart. I love you more and more each day. I will love you forever and ever. I am yours for all eternity.''It was signed ''Helen,'' and it contained a P.S.: ''If we ever break up, I want this picture back.'' APPLY: How many of you think she was NOT totally committed to that relationship? Real commitment is a highly prized commodity and those who have experienced...

by David Davis

Make no mistake about it! God always rewards commitment and obedience to Him. Obedience involves more than just financial commitments to the Lord. The truth is -- if the Lord Jesus doesn't have YOU -- then chances are -- He won't have the other areas of your life. God always rewards obedience, but there is a companion truth to that -- our failure to obey God leads to pain and suffering eventually. Neither the reward nor the suffering are always immediately recognizable in one's life, but eventually they are going to surface - either the joy of our rewards, or the pain of our suffering. None of us should be obedient just...

by Jim Perdue

Let's take a moment and review what's been happening in the book of Joshua. Moses, the great leader of Israel, was now dead. Joshua was the new leader. He challenged the people to step out and claim the victory in Christ; as a result, the people followed the voice of God and walked through the Jordan River on dry ground. They left the wilderness and entered the Promised Land. God instructed the people to erect a monument that would be a sign for all time of God's miraculous power, presence and provision. And now, the nation of Israel finds themselves in the Promised Land for the very first time. They are stationed...

by Stan Coffey

This morning if you have your Bibles I would like for you to turn with me to II Corinthians 8:1. I want to speak this morning on "Connected Through Commitment". Today is your opportunity to be connected to God's kingdom work through your commitment to Destinies and Dreams. I am so excited about what God is doing. Here we are at the Thanksgiving season and it is an opportunity that we have to give thanks today because we can rejoice as a family of God for what He has done and what He is doing and what He is going to do through Destinies and Dreams. I heard about a man who joined a unique Monastery in which for...

by Miles Seaborn

Intro: This morning we are thinking about a father's gift to his family and that gift is commitment, both in his personal life and in transmitting that to his family. Turn in your Bible to Heb. 11:13. This verse reminds us that there were many people who lived a life of faith without ever having seen with their eyes what God had promised. In other words, they lived a commitment that endured until they died without having envisioned what God had promised. vv. 1-12 speak of the Hero's Hall of Fame and all the things that we could think about the lives of these individuals. He has named Noah, Abraham, Enoch, Able, and on and on....

by James Merritt

Envision: such a powerful word. In 1969 America did something that had only been dreamed of and fantasized about in books and novels-she put a man on the moon. How did this happen? Because john f. Kennedy on may 25, 1961 envisioned putting a man on the moon by the end of the decade. Just 44 years ago 22,000 acres of Orlando, Florida was a wasteland southwest of Orlando where alligators outnumbered people. Porous limestone underlay the vegetal muck. It was land no one wanted until Nov. 22, 1963 when a chartered airplane flew over this huge expanse of muck and mire and a man named walt disney pointed to it and...

by Rex Yancey

Dr. Jim Futral is challenging Mississippi Baptists to pray every day next year before eight 0’clock for Self, Servants, and Souls. At the invitation today you will be given an opportunity to make that commitment. You will receive this form to fill out. I need you to return that form to me. You will also be given this pin for your lapel or dress. If you will wear it, you will have an opportunity to tell others what it is all about. Someone shared a story with me once about an elderly blind lady that was in a nursing home. This lady would make vocal requests to God in prayer. One morning a worker heard her praying as she was trying to fumble...

by John Barnett

We have come to our fourth and final element of how to Raise Godly Families – One Prayer at a Time. This is the area Paul commands us as he says "Lay Hold on Eternal Life". We have been examining just how to do that and have found that we must lay hold on contentment, and consecration, and now this morning – on commitment! May I challenge you with Laying Hold on Commitment this morning? Our text is Luke 9.57-62. What I am about to say to you is common knowledge. In fact all of us who ever traveled on a highway have learned exactly what I am about to share. But to underline our text in your minds, I'll remind...