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Preaching And Church Growth
by Nelson Price
As a lovely flower grows into full bloom it matures in form and essence. It releases its fragrance as its beauty is beheld. Likewise, a church grows in its form by numerical increase and in its essence by evidencing spiritual attributes; the fruit of the Spirit. Good preaching is essential to both aspects of church growth. There can be good preaching without growth but there can’t be growth without good preaching. It is conceivable that there could be numerical growth without good preaching but spiritual growth without good preaching can’t be envisioned. With preaching the church rises or falls because it is the proclamation...
Six Pillars of Church Growth in 2006
by Stan Coffey
Wherever you go on the mission fields of this world to the pastorates of this world you will find one common problem - it is a phenomenon that touches the lives of camp workers, business people, presidents of schools and teachers, pastors and staff members. What is it? It is the problem of delegation. It occurs when leaders try to do too much on their own, when they neglect to bring others into their job to help them shoulder the load. This is a problem that carries with it serious spiritual overtones. When you are overworked, drained and exhausted because you have not delegated your workload as you should, irritation sets in. And...
Maintaining Momentum
by Frank Damazio
Church growth is wonderful as it begins in the local church. But the key to long-lasting growth is maintaining spiritual momentum. A recent survey showed that out of 5,000 pastors, less than one-half wanted to plan and implement church growth. Rather than growth, their priorities were set on maintenance. These pastors felt that making the existing church members comfortable was of higher importance than growth. I. BIBLICAL BASIS FOR GROWTH A. EXAMPLE FROM ACTS 1. Acts 6:1: The disciples multiplied daily 2. Acts 6:2: A multitude of disciples 3. Acts 6:7: The word of God increased and the number of the disciples...
The Need for Shepherds, Pastors and Elders (5 of 6)
by Jason Dees
Valleydale / Iron City it is so good to be back with you. Since I saw you last on June 28th I have been in Canada, Turkey, and Moldova and as much as I love seeing what God is doing all over the world, I love to come back home to the church that I have been called to serve, and so it is great to be with you today. Last Sunday I know you had the great joy of hearing from Matt Robinson, who is one of the great stories and great joys of our pastoral internship program. Matt was in our first group of pastoral interns or pastoral residents and he showed so much promise as a pastor and leader that we brought him on staff last year...
Great Church Members Are Growing Church Members (3 of 10)
by Ken Trivette
Let me begin by asking you a question? Rather, I want you to ask yourself a question. What kind of Church would my Church be if every member were just like me? Would my Church be a great Church or would it be something besides great? The reality is that our Church is what we are as members. No Church will ever be anything more than what its members are. 2. Someone has described the Tate family who often belong to our churches? There is old man Dic Tate who wants to run everything, while Uncle Ro Tate tries to change everything. Their sister Agi Tate stirs up plenty of trouble, with help from her husband, Irri Tate...
Let the Church Be the Church (1 of 7)
by Ernest Easley
Now join me tonight in Colossians chapter 1. We are beginning a new series of messages tonight that I believe will not only set our course throughout 2003, but for the years to come. And my, how we need a course set! And not only us, but every New Testament church! But here's the tragedy: most churches don't know where they are going! Most churches across America are like sailboats without a rudder, they are just drifting aimlessly along with no direction and no purpose. Without a rudder for growth, without direction for growth, without priorities for growth, without a plan for growth, churches stagnate! Among...
How to Love Your Pastor
by Rex Yancey
It is a joy to be a part of this pastor installation service. I enjoyed my ministry here and did my best to prepare you for this special time. I had the opportunity to know several pastor's at Belleview Baptist Church in Memphis. I remember Ramsey Pollard who followed Dr. R. G. Lee. He told one pastor several years ago, ''After 47 years in the ministry, it is harder to be a pastor today than at any time in my life.'' Keep in mind that after his ten year ministry, Adrian Rogers served there more than twenty years, and now Steve Gains has been there for several years. The ministry has long been filled with hardships, but never...
Overcoming Sin (6 of 10)
by Eddie Snipes
The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, ''Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!''Jesus did not merely come to suppress sin, but to make an end of it. Sin was defeated in Christ, and any who are in Christ have been freed from sin. Romans 6:7 concludes that since we were buried with Christ and have died to our old life when we were born again, ''He who has died has been freed from sin.'' The church does not believe this biblical truth, even though it is consistently taught throughout the New Testament. Let's also bring in Hebrews 9:26 He then would have had to suffer...
Evidence of Growth
by Lenny Ports
I don’t know about your life, but I think I am accurate when I say that many of us have had grandmothers or great aunts or other relatives that when we visited them growing up that they would say, ‘‘Oh how much you have grown!’’ Or they pinch your cheek and say to your parents, ‘‘he has gotten so big!’’ For me most of my growth back then was sideways rather than vertically! The issue is that grandma hadn’t seen you in several months or years and when she sees you she remembers how little you were the last time she saw you so she can’t help but be excited about it. I had an aunt named ‘‘Tante Dora.’’ Tante is Aunt in German and...
The Secret of Growth
by Dr. Ed Young
I've been on vacation these weeks. I haven't preached in so long, I told one of my boys that I may preach like Paul. And sometime he just preached all night. My son said, ''Yeah, but one fellow went to sleep in the window and fell out of the window and was killed.'' I said, ''Yeah, but Paul went out and raised him from the dead and put him back in the window and kept on preaching.'' My son said, ''When you can do that, you can preach all night, too, Daddy.'' If you'd open your Bibles - not to the scripture mentioned, though that's one of the scriptures that's very important - to II Corinthians instead, Chapter 3...
A Church Growth Strategy (16 of 17)
by Robert Dawson
Church growth has been a buzz word for quite some time in evangelical and church circles. Everyone wants the church to grow. They especially want their church to grow. Every time I turn around there is another book, blog, study or conference being promoted to help churches grow. There are endless perspectives on how to grow a church. You have people who are promoters and disciples of one methodology or the other. They tell us if you want your church to grow then you need to be doing this or that. I am not disparaging the church growth movement. A lot of things they promote and teach and studies they publish are very...
A Formula for Growth
by Robert Walker
Summer is my favorite time of the year. I fire up the Old John Deere and mow the grass. For those of you who like to mow grass I would introduce you to bamboo grass it is found in Vietnam and grows only sixteen inches per day, it grows to 120' in height- the size of an 11 story building. If you have your Saturday free why don't you plant this grass? If you are tired of painting your house you could plant some grass that is found in Uganda. It grows forty-five feet in two years. Just let it grow and nobody will ever see your house. If you are interested in trees in your yard I would give to you a seed that is less than the size of an acorn less...
Growth Group Manual
by Rick Ferguson
Fellowship:Growth groups allow believers to meet with fellow believers of similar age and life experiences on a regular basis. Growth group meetings are intentionally relaxed, with limited structure in order to allow for maximum spontaneity and sensitivity to the ever changing needs of the group. Growth group meetings involve food, laughter and fellowship. One of the primary goals of growth groups is to help believers meet other believers and develop enduring friendships and intimate relationships. Discipleship:Growth group ministry also is designed to nurture personal spiritual growth. Time and attention is given in growth...
Growth in Giving (4 of 4)
by Zach Terry
So far in our series on Generous we have seen: There are two ways to view life, with a Generous Eye or with a Stingy Eye. We said God wants His children to have a Generous eye toward life. Secondly, we talked about the Priority of Putting God first in our Generosity. Third, we looked at the enemy of Generosity - greed and how to overcome it. Last week, Pastor Ricky taught us about the Principle of Stewardship - how we really down, ''own'' things, but we are God's steward.Today we are landing the series by talking about, ''Growth in Giving''. TEXT: Psalm 92:12 (ESV) 12 The righteous flourish like the palm tree and...
The Blueprint for the Church (3 of 4)
by Jeff Strite
In the state of Indiana, if you're going to build a house, or an office building, or a church building, the first thing you've got to have is... a blueprint. If you don't have a blueprint, they won't let you build. Now you might ask - why do they call it a blueprint? Well, back in the 1800s, there was a man named John Hershel. He was a scientist with interests in astronomy, mathematics, chemistry and several other branches of science. For example, he was responsible for naming several moons throughout our solar system, he studied color blindness, and translated the Iliad (as in ''The Iliad and the Odyssey'') from...
Shepherd and Lead the Church
by Brian Fletcher
Taking on leadership is not easy. Sometimes we want to do it but sometimes we don't. We may not feel adequate, or we may not be interested in the people we've been called to lead. But the truth is, as leaders of a church we are called to shepherd and lead God's people. And this is not only a significant responsibility but also a great honor. In this passage we read about Peter ''exhorting'' the elders and leaders of the churches in the dispersion to take up the mantle of leadership and shepherd the people in their churches. But Peter also makes sure they know that there is a godly ''attitude'' that goes...
The Church's Greatest Problem
by Richard Bradley
At the core of things the average 21st. century church can have a lot of problems. But then the local church has always had a lot of problems because no matter how saved we are we are still people of flesh. There are a lot of people out there looking for a perfect church but there are none because churches are populated by imperfect people. It won't always be that way. In heaven all that will change. If I could rank the top problems of the average church today facilities and money would be nowhere near the top. With God's help those needs can be overcome and yet money and facilities are the two major assets...