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Our sermon ideas on the Assurance of Salvation will help you preach a powerful message. Prepare your messages on the Assurance of Salvation with sermon outlines or an entire sermon series.


by Steve Jones

A teacher wrote on the sentence on her blackboard "I ain't had no fun all Summer". Then she faced her class and said "Class what can I do to correct this?" Jimmy raised his hand and said "Get a boyfriend?" I want to draw your attention to certain parts of speech in today's sermon. Walter Scott caught the imagination of the Western Reserve in latter 1820's by explaining the plan of salvation with his famous "five-finger exercise": Faith, repentance, baptism, remission of sins and eternal life. Under his preaching thousands were led to Christ and immersed into him. However, not all of these "fingers" are related to salvation in the...

by Daniel Rodgers

We come back to the question, "How can I know that I am saved forever?" I have listed just a few of the many verses in Scripture that speak of eternal life. Please make special note of the word eternal. If the Lord did not mean eternal, then it makes since He would have used a different word. He was very careful about the words He chose to place in Scripture. God wants you to know that when you place your faith in the finished work of the cross, when you receive Jesus as your Savior, you can know for certain that you will one day go to heaven. You have His Word on it! 2. John 20:31, "But these are written, that...

by Ernest Easley

Do you know the name Fanny Crosby? She was a blind woman who discovered that insight often times is better than sight! Back in 1873, Fanny Crosby's friend, Phoebe Knapp, composed a melody and played it over to her two or three times on the piano. She then asked what it said. She said: ''Blessed Assurance, Jesus is mine! O What a foretaste of glory divine! Heir of salvation, purchase of God, Born of His spirit, washed in His blood.'' And how we've enjoyed singing that great ole hymn since it first appeared in print in 1873: ''Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine!'' Now it's one thing to sing it; it's another thing to have it! Do...

by Stan Coffey

We are living in a world that desperately needs peace. Dr. Billy Graham has said that no matter where he goes, in any part of the world, there are always five great needs that he finds in any congregation, whether it is overseas or here in America, whether it is in the South or in the North, in whatever region of our country that he may travel. He said there's always people with a sense of emptiness, some with a sense loneliness, others with a sense of hopelessness, and those with a sense of fear. And then there are those who lack peace. Dr. Graham said that one of the things that he always finds touches the heart of people is...

by Rick Ferguson

I want to begin today by asking you to answer two very simple, basic, eternally significant diagnostic questions....Question 1... "If you were to die today, do you know for sure you would go to heaven to live forever with the Lord"? - How would you answer that question today? - Are you absolutely sure, and totally secure in your relationship with God, so much so that you have perfect confidence in your eternal future? (a) Can I tell you how most people respond to that question....? - Most people say, "Well, I certainly hope I will go to heaven when I die, but I don't think anyone can know for sure!" (b) Would you be...

by James Merritt

When I was a boy there used to be a television show on called "Sergeant Preston of the Yukon." He was a Royal Canadian Mountie who was always rounding up criminals and solving crimes. He had a dog named King who was his faithful sidekick and companion. 2. At the end of every show Sergeant Preston would always get his man, and he would kneel down beside King and pat him on the head and say, "King, this case is closed." 3. In the first eight chapters of the book of Romans, Paul presents his case for salvation, and then in verse 8 he closes the case once and for all. If I were stranded on a desert island...

by Michael White

God is love. That's pretty much the fundamental premise of Christianity. If God was not love, then God would not be God...But I wonder- Do you ever doubt or question God's love? We tend to evaluate another's love for us- based on how they treat us. Perhaps you feel that you have not been treated well- by God. Maybe you've asked yourself questions like this- I know that God loves me but why is he allowing my marriage to suffer? I know that God loves me so why doesn't he heal me of this health Issue? Or I've prayed and prayed and prayed for that lost family member. If God is so loving why doesn't he honor my request and save...

by Adrian Rogers

I told you I wanted to give you 7 reasons that a born again child of God could never again be a lost soul, n going to do it in 20 minutes or less. I promise you that. You can set your watches and it'll be done tonight because I just want to take the remainder of the time and just share with you. And so you're going to have to listen in a hurry. But I want to give you these reasons, you can jot them down. Now when I am talking about the security of the believer I'm not talking about being a church member. I am talking about someone who has been saved, someone who has been born again, somebody who has become a partaker...

by Ken Trivette

Easter Sunday is a special day for me for it was on an Easter Sunday in 1972 that I was saved. The day that we celebrate the fact that Jesus "rose again" is the day I was "born again." A number of years ago (1910), Mordecai Ham was preaching in Gonzales, Texas. The popular hymn, "Saved, Saved!" was born during the meeting. Large crowds attended the services. Ham was preaching on the subject, "Christ Our Refuge." In the service was a man who had killed four men. He listened to Ham explain that Christ is a refuge for sinners of any kind and stripe and the "Cities of Refuge," described in the Old Testament, are a type...

by Ken Trivette

Over the past eight weeks we have been asking the question, "Who is Jesus?" It is the same question that was asked in John 12:34 when the people asked, "Who is this Son of man?" In our last message we saw the Lord Jesus as the ascended Son of God. We saw Him going back to heaven. For the next couple of weeks I want us to see Him in heaven and consider what He is doing at the present. Today I want us to see Him as the interceding Son of God. The divine Son of God, the virgin-born Son of God, the sinless Son of God, the miracle working Son of God, the crucified Son of God, the resurrected and ascended...

by Jason Dees

It has always intrigued me that our country kind of stops for this day, on TV there are a lot of shows about Jesus, or shows with biblical things, and friends of mine that really have nothing to do with church, or Christianity on Easter kind of get interested in the things of God, so why is this? Well it may be that people just get into the hype of the day, but I think that for most people it is actually a lot bigger than that. I think people are so interested in Easter because deep down everyone wants a story like this to be true. Has there really been a resurrection? Can we really be saved from death? Because if there has been a resurrection and...

by Marvin D. Patterson

We are looking again tonight at the first epistle that the big fisherman, Simon Peter, wrote to those Christians who were scattered all over the Roman Empire, and were suffering for the cause of Christ. Peter wrote to them to bring instruction and comfort, for some had even been killed because of their stand for the Lord. So Peter explains that there is a purpose in our suffering. We have seen in this first chapter that God has elected us according to His foreknowledge to be saved by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ! We have also learned that we have a wonderful inheritance in heaven, and that God will keep us saved...

by Adrian Rogers

We're reading Romans chapter ten. The book of Romans has been called the constitution of Christianity and if you had to be shipwrecked on an island with the bible I don't think you could de better than the book of Romans, Romans chapter ten, brethren, my hearts desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they might be saved. For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God but not according to knowledge for they being ignorant of God's righteousness and going about to establish their own righteousness have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness...

by J.D. Greear

We are starting a new series today called START in which we are going to look at the six most essential things you need to master to thrive in the Christian life. This is going to be a great series to bring someone to—as we are going to talk about the basics of what Christians believe—why we believe them, and why they are so important. And let me tell you something I’m really excited about: Our descipleship team has produced a six-week study called START that goes along with this. This study is going to do two things: (1) Each study is going to take you deeper into these things, showing you how to make them a permanent...

by Ken Trivette

Being saved is the starting point not the stopping place. Salvation is where we get in, but there is the matter of going on. Jude describes it as a building process. Jude says, ''But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith.'' Salvation is the foundation, but there is a structure that is to be built on that foundation. The writer of Hebrews had the same thought in mind in Hebrews 6:1: ''Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God.'' Once we have got in we are to go on. As Jude says...

by Adrian Rogers

Take your Bibles today, and find 1 John Chapter 5. And we're going to begin reading in Verse 5. 1 John, Chapter 5. We're beginning in Verse 5. I want to talk to you today on this subject, ''A Know So Salvation.'' ''A Know So Salvation.'' 1 John, Chapter 5, Verse 5. ''Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God? This is He that came by water and blood, even Jesus Christ; not by water only, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit that beareth witness, because the Spirit is truth. There are three that bear record in Heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one...

by Stan Coffey

Is there anything greater than knowing that your sins are forgiven, than knowing that Christ dwells in your heart, than knowing that you are right with God and that His Holy Spirit bears witness with your spirit, that you are a child of God? Is there anything better than that? There is something better than knowing you are saved. There is something better than knowing that your sins are forgiven. There is something better than knowing that God's Spirit dwells in your heart, and it is this, knowing that you're saved, knowing your sins are forgiven, knowing that the Holy Spirit dwells in your heart and that you can never lose it...

by Rick Ferguson

Many people in our day seem to have their own personal opinion concerning the way a man gets saved. I've talked to literally scores of people who have thought on the subject of heaven and how one gets there and have developed their own ste y for getting to heaven. Ex. Pickney Cole recently asked me if I agreed with Jerry Falwell that there is only one way to heaven. He said, "I can't believe Jews and others who don't prescribe to his way are going to go to hell." Ex. Bob Lee said, "I believe a man has to do the best he can, try to get along with God and when our-time comes I believe He will accept us...

by Jesse Hendley

The Saviour meets each person in a different way. It is faith in Him that saves. As I go up and down the land in revival meetings, again and again people come to me with that greatest of all worries, "Am I saved or not?" Read I John 5:13 carefully, if you have ever doubted your own salvation, or if you are an unsaved soul: "These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God." John Writes To Believers The books of the Bible were written for a purpose. First John was written to tell people how they...

by Jesse Hendley

Friends, today we are going to consider eight wonder- ful, glorious truths from God that will make our hearts sing for joy! Turn with me, please to Second Timothy 1:12. Here we read, "I know Whom I have be- lieved and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day." In this short verse are eight glorious facts: 1. Certainty. "I know." 2. The Person. "Whom." That Person is Christ. 3. Trust. "I have believed." 4. Complete Confidence. "I am persuaded." 5. Christ's Ability to Keep. "He is able." He is the Strong One. 6. He is the Keeper of my soul! "Able to KEEP." Oh, what a rest...