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Our sermon ideas on Son of Man will help you preach a powerful message. Prepare your messages on Son of Man with sermon outlines or an entire sermon series.


by Jim Perdue

If you had to describe yourself in one simple phrase what would you say? I might say, ''I'm a follower of Christ, a husband, father, and pastor.'' But what if it had to be shorter? Let's say, three words. If you had to describe yourself in three words do you think you could do it? The best I came up with was, ''Hi, I'm Jim.'' I'll be honest; it's a tough task. Jesus described Himself in many ways, but His favorite reference to Himself in the gospels is found in three simple words: ''Son of Man.''* The title, ''Son of Man'' is used in the NT 43 times as a distinctive title of the Savior. This was, in fact, Jesus' favorite way to reference Himself in the gospels....

by Jonathan McLeod

''I saw in the night visions, and behold, with the clouds of heaven there came one like a son of man, and he came to the Ancient of Days and was presented before him'' (v. 13). THE END IS COMING Some people have said that Donald Trump becoming President is a sign of the apocalypse. People have all sorts of ideas about how the world might end (nuclear war, zombies, aliens). It's true that one day this world as we know it will come to an end. But it won't be zombies that will bring the world to an end. God is in control, and he will be the one who will put an end to this world as we know it. The book of Daniel can be broken into two parts...

by Stan Coffey

INTRODUCTION: Authorship - Luke, was a physician who came under the influence of Paul just as Mark came under the influence of Peter. His medical knowledge is reflected in many expressions used both in his gospel and in the Book of Acts which also came from his pen. It has been suggested that Luke might well have undertaken his medical studies at the University of Tarsus. Attached to that university was a school of philosophy and literature and it could have been possible that Luke and Paul were contemporary students. It may have been that in Tarsus they began their lifelong friendship. There is a striking similarity...

by Josh Malone

Nationally this is being called ''Back to Church Sunday.'' (over 21k churches) A lot of folks that grew up in church, no longer go. Some people here the word church and they get skeptical. Some people have been hurt by people in a church or been exposed to a bad church situation. So if you are here this morning as a guest I want you to hear this pastor say this morning. This is not a perfect church. We have no perfect people. But we are very glad you are here. This church is about Jesus. About worshipping, living in community together, and living out Jesus' mission for us here on this earth. Today I want to talk about Jesus. On Back...

by James Merritt

1. You probably know that the world's best selling book, of all time, is the Bible. But here are some things about the Bible you may not know. Did you know that the Bible contains 66 books? Did you know that these 66 books contain 1,189 chapters? Did you know that these 1,189 chapters contain 41,173 verses? Did you know that these 41,173 verses contain 774,746 words? Now I am sure that you did not know that (if you say you did, I wonder what other lies you tell). 2. But did you also know that every book and every chapter and every verse and every word was written to answer one question? It is the question the Lord Jesus asked...

by Scott Maze

Happy Easter to you! For a moment, I want you to consider your eyesight. Only I want to consider for a moment that your ability to see may have blinded you. Why? The advantage blind people have is they know they can't see. I'm talking to a majority of people who have their physical sight and yet they cannot see. The kind of seeing I'm talking about this morning is not the Seeing Eye chart type of seeing. Do you realize that two people can see the cross and the empty tomb... and yet only one person can truly see? Who is Jesus Christ? That's the question I will try to answer over the next few moments. My aim is not for you to be neutral about Him...

by Josh Malone

Christmas- this is a pretty elaborate celebration for a birthday? Right? Now, I know it's been commercialized, etc. I get that people celebrate Christmas that don't think twice about Jesus. But for Christians this has been a time of year historically where we celebrate the birth of Christ. So we give presents, we have trees, we eat... it's a big party. And its easy to go through Christmas, give and receive, have fun and enjoy family and not even think about Jesus. It really is. I'm not here to chide you today about how you celebrate Christmas though... here is my concern... that many people go through life and don't give real pause to stop...

by Kerry Shook

Let's give a warm welcome to our television audience worldwide and let them know that you are glad they are joining us. We are in a series that I am calling God Cubed as we're exploring the trinity. The Bible says that God is one God revealed in three distinct persons, God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. It's sort of like this watermelon here which I've already thumped to make sure it's ripe. It looks really good. Look at that. You have the outer layer or the rind. Then you have the red juicy part that we love to eat. Then you have the seeds. Three distinct pieces, but they are all one watermelon. That's the way it is...

by Miles Seaborn

INTRO. The question our sermon asks this morning is a current one and it has been since man began. I'm sure you remember the story of the rich Texas who died and requested to be buried in a solid gold Cadillac filled with 100-dollar bills. They dug a deep hole, etc. placed him in the care behind the driver's seat. Two fellows after the service began to shovel dirt. One said to the other, ''Man, now that's what I call really living!'' What is life all about, anyway? When did all this begin and where does it lead to? We need some landmarks to guide us - to remember that all of this is God's! It could be even a speck of dust. ILL. of young...

by Josh Malone

Last week we began a new series in Mark. We were introduced last week to Jesus, the Son of God. We saw the man who is Jesus, Jesus message, and His mission. Ultimately we learned last week that the Son of God has come and identified with us and calls us to follow Him and find our ultimate identity in Him. Jesus isn't looking for curious onlookers, Jesus is looking for fully devoted followers. People who leave all behind to go after Him. Mark calls Jesus the Son of God. This means He is telling us that Jesus is God. If someone is the Son of God it makes sense that they can do supernatural things right? Like heal. But the interesting thing...

by Miles Seaborn

INTRO. Long will I remember the coming of Bung (Brother Sukarno) to the city of Cebu in the Philippines. He was to stay just a few short blocks from our home. Trees were whitewashed, flowers painted, trash collected, the city was his during his stay, beautiful young Filipinos were on hand to entertain him. We stood by the road with the crowds to see him. Just before his car appeared, a great truck carrying precious water so hard to get in that great city swept by and water the street so that the dust would be settled when he drove by - a graphic illustration of the preparation made for royal people - great buildings were built...

by Jim Perdue

Introduction/Attention This is our third and final week in Matthew 1. We've been in a Christmas series entitled, Right Christmas. And we've spent some time studying this most interesting biblical text. Through this, I hope you've seen the value of the Word of God. And that when the Bible says that ''all Scripture is God-breathed'' that it really means ''all Scripture.'' I want to do something this morning that I don't normally do. I'm going to ask you to stand if you're able, and we will read the entire text of Matthew 1. READ 1-25 *When most people think about Jesus - about who He is - what do they think? In other words, what do most people believe...

by Jerry Watts

The 'what does it take' question was a big question for me as a kid. What does it take to be a man, what 'does it take' to be a Scout, or what does it take to be a football player, are all questions which the boys in my hometown faced. Whether male or female, all face this or similar questions. Sadly, everybody seems to have an answer for these questions, but few of these answers offer any wisdom because, most of the time, what is offered is man's wisdom. Today, let's frame this question of eternal consequence, "What does it take to follow Jesus?" From Jesus, this is the sequence of events in a person's life: In Matthew...

by Jerry Vines

In this passage of Scripture, the Lord Jesus says about John the Baptist that he was the greatest man, born of women, up until that particular time. When you study the conclusion of the life of John the Baptist is certainly does not seem to be the conclusion of a successful ministry. In fact, it seems to be quite a sad ending to the ministry of John. John had been quite a preacher. He had had quite a ministry. He was courageous, fiery, and confrontational. He concludes his ministry in a prison. For about a year he had been in a prison five miles east of the Dead Sea. The place where he was really not prison as we would consider one today....

by Christopher Harbin

It is often all too easy to fail to understand what is right before our eyes. We quickly grow accustomed to what we have been seeing without understanding that what we face might be more than we have expected. We can easily be blinded by our expectations and pat answers. Jesus had been healing and teaching the people and the crowds began to press and follow him. It became necessary for Jesus to escape the crowds at times in order to teach the disciples he had chosen. In this story of Matthew, the crowds forced Jesus to cross Lake Galilee to escape, but the crowds met him there on the other side of the lake as well. He began teaching...

by Stan Coffey

Today we are looking at a lesson entitled ''The Devotion Of The Cross''. I don't know anything more inspirational than the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Paul said, ''I determine to know nothing among you say Jesus Christ and Him crucified.'' The cross is a central message of all the Bible. And we have traced from the birth of Jesus through the Book of Matthew His life. And we have seen Him with His face focused in one direction, from the time of His birth until the chapter where we find our selves today, He is focused toward the cross, because that is the reason that He came into the world. Jesus has given prophecy about the time He is...