Many occasions lend themselves to preaching a short, concise message. Communion mediations, Christmas Eve messages, etc., are all perfect opportunities for a brief sermon. This collection of homilies are perfect for you to use as you create your own homily to use within your own context.
All Sermons $5.99 each.
Christmas Eve Homily - 1
by Vermon Pierre
Tonight, heard Christmas story through various Scripture passages. And then respond and reflect on Christmas story in couple of different ways. Lots of themes to explore in all heard. But one in particular. First passage, birth of Jesus is birth of Immanuel, ''God with us.'' You see, in coming of Jesus, find out that God is personal God. He is God with us. Means two things want briefly highlight tonight. First means God has come to us in person. For ancient Jew, this unimaginable - God is personal God, willing come to us ''in person.'' For them, God holy, pure, mighty, awesome, glorious. Comes before his people in blazing fire and...
Christmas Eve Homily - 2
by Vermon Pierre
Tonight, starting with prophecies from Old Testament prophets and ending with writings from early founders of church, we heard story of Jesus, the Son of God who come to earth, born as human being. Lots of things in what read worth thinking about. But for tonight, for just short time want focus in on what apostle John says about this in chapter 1 of the Gospel of John. Pull out some thoughts from v.4 and then v.14 to help remind us the impact of Jesus coming into our world. Start with v.4. Listen to this description of Jesus coming into world. John describes as light coming into darkness. “The light shines in the darkness, and...
Christmas Eve Homily - 3
by Vermon Pierre
It's one of big mysteries from my childhood. Every year, on Christmas Eve, my parents take me and my sister to Christmas Eve service at our church. When we left, no Christmas lights were on. No presents under tree. Nothing in stockings. Go to the service and come back in about an hour and a half. And when got back, Christmas tree lit up, stockings full of gifts, under the tree would be all these presents. It was really cool. And really frustrating for me as a teenager because couldn't figure out how they did it! My sister was several years younger, so of course for her, she thought, ''Wow. Maybe Santa Claus is real?'' (Hey Melissa...
Christmas Eve Homily - 4
by Vermon Pierre
Tonight, for next 10-15 minutes or so, like talk about the ''politics'' of Christmas. Now, some of you might have just swore under your breath, thinking, ''Oh no. Just want for Christmas, some guy ranting about war against Christmas. Who invited me to this service anyway?!'' Others of you started smiling on inside, thinking, ''Yes yes! Go get those Christmas haters!''Well, sad to say, going disappoint both groups. Because yes, know most of time, someone talking about politics of Christmas has in mind conservative or liberal angle. But that's not what have in mind. What have in mind is actually more radical. More unsettling to our...
Christmas Eve Homily - 5
by Vermon Pierre
Through various readings tonight reminded of what it is we celebrate during Christmas season. It’s the birth of a Savior for a self-destructive humanity. The birth of redeeming light in midst of deep darkness. The birth of new life for a decaying and dying world. Just several ways of describing what occurred with the birth of Christ, the Son of God, into our world. When consider all of these things, realize that what talking about is most unique and greatest gift ever been given or ever will be given in history of the universe. Verse in Bible captures this well, want to reflect on for a few moments tonight. 2 Corinthians 8:9 - For you know the grace...
Christmas Eve Homily - 6
by Vermon Pierre
Really is true. Birth of child life-changing experience. Struck by several things. Danger (there is pain, effort). Vulnerability. Fragility. Neediness. Mention so as impress upon us this amazing truth - when Bible says birth of Jesus means ''God with us,'' means God coming into danger, vulnerability, pain and suffering, neediness. God came be ''with us'' at huge risk. Why? So might save us. I. Just consider name, Jesus. Jesus pronounced Yeshua in Hebrew, means ''the Lord saves'' or ''O Lord, save.'' Make point clearer, angel in dream to Joseph, ''You shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins....
Christmas Eve Homily - 7
by Vermon Pierre
Main plot of Bible: Started in OT, prophecy from ancient Jewish prophet Isaiah. Promise of ruler - Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, etc..Then NT, humble birth of child named Jesus. Born in manager. Seems ordinary, but not. This is one promised back in OT. Angels appear to shepherds praising God for birth of child, calling him a Savior. Wise men come after spotting star in the east to worship him. Finished with thoughts from apostles John and Paul about significance of coming of Christ into our world. Focus in on Paul’s thoughts. Paul begins with these words: “But when fullness of time, God sent forth his Son” Something...
Christmas Eve Homily - 8
by Vermon Pierre
Childbirth to me is very very strange event. Things tearing, stretching, pulling. Goo and blood and other strange slippery fluids coming out everywhere. Very strange. And also somewhat unpredictable. Bit of uncertainty behind any childbirth, even today with all our medical advances and technology. We can’t predict exactly when pregnant woman will begin contractions. Can’t predict exactly what will happen during childbirth. But we have come long way compared to 1st century. Childbirth back in 1st century wasn’t just uncertain, it was also very risky. Infant mortality rate extremely high, especially among peasants....
Come to the Table: A Communion Meditation
by Joe Alain
Themes: The Lord's Supper is not only an expression of worship for believers, but by its very nature it is evangelistic. In the Supper the work of Christ is held up as an invitation for people to trust in the Lord. For believers, the Lord's Supper is an occasion for spiritual renewal and refocusing of kingdom priorities.Introduction: It's hard for us 2000 years plus removed from Jesus on earth to realize just how powerful His words and actions were when he took some unleavened bread used for the Jewish Passover and distributed it to his disciples, gave thanks and said, ''This is my body given for you; do this in...
The Wedding Ceremony
by Jeff Strite
We have come together today to exchange pledges of love and faithfulness in the sight of God. This is an outward expression of your love for each other and your desire to please God in your commitment. Jesus Christ reminded us that in the beginning, the Creator made us male and female, and said ''For this cause, a man shall leave his father and mother and shall cleave to his wife; and the two shall become one flesh. God loved us - and He created us to love others. Our lives find completion only as we love and are loved in return. Together, we can become what we could never be separately. Marriage is of God. Lurlene Landis...
Funeral of a Soldier (4 of 5)
by Jim Perdue
On behalf of the family, I want to take a moment to welcome you to our service today. We are here today to celebrate the life of Sgt.________. _________ was born in ______________ on August 13 in ______ and he was killed in the line of duty, serving his country and protecting our freedom on June 2, _____. Death is not the end; rather it is only the beginning of eternity. The passing of a loved one is often unexpected and always difficult. But my prayer is that the peace of God would be real in your heart and life today. Paul wrote in Philippians that ''the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension will guard your...
Wedding Homily: Sacred Marriage
by Marion Clark
The Lord God said, ''It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.'' Now the Lord God had formed out of the ground all the beasts of the field and all the birds of the air. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds of the air and all the beasts of the field. But for Adam no suitable helper was found. So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man's ribs and closed up the place with flesh. Then the Lord...
Wedding Homily
by Marion Clark
C and W, thirty years ago W's parents stood in front of me to be united in marriage. This passage was read then. I cannot remember the homily, but we will trust it was good. It is actually not a passage about marriage. The apostle Paul was writing to a church that had become conceited and divided, and so he penned these words to remind them what really matters in a church family. Now, thirty years older and nearly forty years into marriage, I see easily the application to marriage. Those first three verses of ''ifs'': if I can do impressive, even sacrificial things in life, no matter what they are, they come to nothing if I lack love. This...
Wedding Homily: What the Lord Requires
by Marion Clark
For none of us lives to himself, and none of us dies to himself. 8 If we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord. So then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord's. 9 For to this end Christ died and lived again, that he might be Lord both of the dead and of the living. E and K, you have chosen two passages that fit well together, and which provide a solid foundation upon which to build your marriage. Let's go through, beginning with the passage, Romans 14:7-9. For none of us lives to himself, and none of us dies to himself. Immediately a statement is made that marks the follower of Christ. If there is a value which our...
Costly Love
by Marion Clark
JandF, some of your guests may be scratching their heads at your choice of Scripture. One doesn't normally think of Lamentations for a wedding ceremony, unless it is the bride's father! But the portion you have chosen is very fitting as one begins marriage. Let's go through it. 19 Remember my affliction and my wanderings, the wormwood and the gall! 20 My soul continually remembers it and is bowed down within me. These are words that we who are older are more likely to identify with. As we grow older, we tend to look back at the sorrows of life and regret some of the things we have done. For sin is inevitable, and we in our human...
Funeral Homily
by Marion Clark
It is common for Christians to turn to the psalms in times of sorrow, if only because we find in them the very real emotions of others who knew God and trusted him, and yet nevertheless were not afraid to be honest with their God. And so Psalm 61 begins: “Hear my cry, O God, listen to my prayer.” This is the petitions of someone who felt very needy, and someone who had such a relationship with his God that he could be so direct and bold in his petition. In this case, he feels that he is at the end of the earth, or the metaphor we commonly use – at the end of his rope. He is faint. He can’t handle whatever it is he is going through....
Funeral Service for an Unchurched Man
by Rex Yancey
I met Walter in 1992 at the Sav/Rex Drug store. We were part of the breakfast gang. We did not solve the world's problems. However, we probably created some. We played many rounds of golf together. Sometimes we would go to different golf courses and play. One time several of us went to Hattiesburg to meet some of my Quitman friends. I think we had two teams consisting of four each. One of the golfers from Quitman asked Walter what he did. Walter told him. He said, ''What are you doing playing with the preacher? When I got ready to trade my car for a Yukon in 2005, Walter came to the dealership and bought my car. He brought a grocery sack of 100-dollar bills and told the financial...
Marriage 101
by James Merritt
1. Let me begin by making a statement that all of you either do know or should know. That is, the institution of marriage is in big trouble in America. The number of Americans getting married has dropped to a 40 year low, and ''I do'' has been replaced with ''I won't'' or ''I no longer will.'' 2. A study by Rutgers University National Marriage Project found that Americans have not given up on marriage as an ideal, but there has been a catastrophic drop since 1960 in the number of couples who actually walk down the aisle and get married. (1) 3. Just consider the following: Over the last four decades Americans have become less likely to marry, and fewer of those who do marry have marriages they consider...
Marriage Ceremony
by Brian Fletcher
Invocation Family and friends, we are gathered here in the presence of God, to worship God as we celebrate the marriage of this Man and this Woman. Marriage was instituted by God, blessed by our Lord Jesus Christ, upheld by his apostles, and is to be honored by all people through all time. Jesus affirms the words in Genesis when he says, ''a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.'' Today you leave your families and begin a new family. Let's remember that God has established marriage for the welfare and happiness of mankind and as a picture of the way...
Homily on Annual Meeting Sunday
by Bob Wickizer
"The next day Jesus decided to go to Galilee. He found Philip and said to him, "Follow me." Later Philip tells his friend Nathanael that they have found the prophet predicted in scripture. Philip tells Nathanael "Come and see." On first glance this story seems to be little more than a simple story about the call of Philip and Nathanael, but like so much of the Bible, there is much more going on here. First of all is Jesus' deliberate decision to go to Galilee. Galilee was a backwater. For the urbane and sophisticated Jews of Jerusalem and Rome, Galilee was hillbilly country. People from Galilee spoke with a distinct accent that was instantly recognized...