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Sermon Series:

I Am

by Ernest Easley

If you are searching for the real Jesus and on a quest to know Him, then a great place to start is the gospel according to John. In fact, that’s why the Spirit of God led John to record his 21 chapters!  Here’s what he tells us in chapter 20.30-31, “And truly Jesus did many other signs in the presence of His disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name.”

Here is a book to help us discover Jesus and come into a relationship with Him giving us life abundant and life eternal! And to help us get there, John records seven signs or miracles of Jesus to show us that He truly was the Son of God!

When you read how He turned water into wine, you walk away saying, “Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God!”
When you read how He healed the nobleman’s son, you walk away saying, “Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God!”
Or when He fed the 5000, walked on water, healed the man born blind or raised Lazarus from the dead: you reach the same conclusion: “Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God and that believing you may have life in His name.”

Now in addition to these seven signs that show us who He is are seven statements, the seven I AM statements of Jesus, that show us what He does. And today we are beginning a new series of messages under the heading I AM, as we discover what Jesus does and what He wants to do in our lives as we “have life in His name.”

So take God’s word and turn with me to John 6 where we find the first of the seven I AM statements of Jesus.   Now before we read the first I AM statement of Jesus, you need to know this:

“I AM changes who I am.”

Showing items 1 - 11 of 11 total.

  • The Bread of Life (1 of 11)
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  • The Light of the World - Part 1 (2 of 11)
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  • The Light of the World - Part 2 (3 of 11)
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  • The Light of the World - Part 3 (4 of 11)
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  • The Door (5 of 11)
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  • The Good Shepherd (6 of 11)
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  • The Resurrection and the Life - Part 1 (7 of 11)
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  • The Resurrection and the Life - Part 2 (8 of 11)
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  • The Way, the Truth and the Life (9 of 11)
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  • The True Vine - Part 1 (10 of 11)
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  • The True Vine - Part 2 (11 of 11)
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