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Sermon Series:

God and the Rest of the Week

by J.D. Greear

Family, work, and life itself often cause us to reduce both our personal and corporate time spent with God to a few hours on a Sunday morning. Most of the ministry of Jesus, however, took place in the workplace, in the home, on the street, or on a journey. “God and the Rest of the Week” seeks to challenge us all with ways in which our relationship with God can be prioritized in our homes and in our workplaces. Finally, this series focuses on our busyness and how our go-go attitudes not only choke our relationship with God, but also our relationships with others.
Showing items 1 - 3 of 3 total.

  • Ready to Launch (1 of 3)
    J.D. Greear
  • Work as Worship (2 of 3)
    J.D. Greear
  • A Soul Destroying Busyness (3 of 3)
    J.D. Greear