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Sermon Series:

All In

by J.D. Greear

Following the life and example of both Jesus and Hezekiah, this sermon series considers the very foundation of what it means to be followers of Christ. The love and sacrifice of Jesus was so great, so monumental. Are we, in a similar way, willing to lay everything down, going all in with our relationships with Christ? Hezekiah was an obedient man who went all in and, consequently, saw revival and preservation in his days. Finally, however, this series warns against the consequence of pride, as the end of Hezekiah’s days were ridden with selfishness and abandonment. The blessings of God come with a choice: Will you use your success and favor to give glory to God or will you harbor it all for yourself?
Showing items 1 - 3 of 3 total.

  • The Love of Christ Controls Us (1 of 3)
    J.D. Greear
  • Stand in the Gap (2 of 3)
    J.D. Greear
  • The Power of Prayer and the Problem of Pride (3 of 3)
    J.D. Greear