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Sermon Series:

One Thing

by James Merritt

Most New Year's Resolutions fail, often because we don't know the best way to achieve the goal we hope to accomplish. James Merritt talks about the Biblical way of keeping that New Year's "Resolution". It can often be as simple as just "One Thing". By focusing on one goal, and concentrating your efforts, that Resolution can turn into a Revolution!

Have you ever been worried about something? We often worry about a lot of things. Jesus tells us do not be anxious about your life. Worry was an issue for the people who heard those words spoken firsthand, over 2000 years ago. In First Thing, James Merritt examines what Jesus has to say about worry. By applying God's Word, we can evaluate the reasons we worry, and even eliminate the causes. When we focus on God, and His rule over our lives, we can learn to overcome worry!

One Thing is a 2 part sermon series by James Merritt on making New Years resolutions.
Showing items 1 - 2 of 2 total.

  • One Thing (1 of 2)
    James Merritt
  • First Thing (2 of 2)
    James Merritt