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Sermon Series:

All Things New

by Brad Whitt

What a great series on helping those in our church develop disciplines and habits that will draw them closer to God. Listen to how Brad Whitt introduces his series:

What I want to do in this series of messages is look at some of the basic, foundational disciplines of the Christian life and show you from God's Word how to make a new, fresh start with God in these areas. Now, one thing that you've got to understand from the very beginning of this series on new beginnings is this. These are the basics; these are the fundamentals if you will, of the Christian life. I know that may disappoint some of you, but every now and then, I think that even those of us who've been saved for a long time could use a refresher course on the basic disciplines of the Christian life.

That's what we're going to do. We're going to look first at what are known as a the inward disciplines - Bible study and Prayer - and I'm going to show you how to get into your Bible and let your Bible get into you. Then we're going to learn how to develop and enjoy a powerful prayer life, how to pray and connect with God. After looking at the inward disciplines, we're going to look at the outward disciplines - Service and Witnessing - and we'll see how serving and telling others about the great God we love and know from our prayer and Bible study will enrich our lives and encourage all of those around us. Then finally we'll look at what are known as the corporate disciplines, those disciplines that take place as we gather together in this place as a community of believers. We'll learn that it really is better to give than to receive, but when we give what God has told us to give, we receive the blessings and abundance of God far beyond anything we could ask for or even imagine. And we'll also learn that worship is best when it is experienced and expressed together. So, that's what we're going to be doing over the next several weeks and I hope that you'll make a special effort to be here each and every week as we look forward to making a new beginning with God - together.
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