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Sermon Series:

The Faith of a Child

by Dave Gustavsen

The Faith of a Child

Jesus had a countercultural view of children. In a culture that said children should be “seen and not heard,” Jesus welcomed children with open arms…and he taught us to both welcome them and learn from them. This fall, let’s turn our eyes toward the children. For six weeks, we’ll humble ourselves to learn from the example of children throughout the Bible. And through it all,  we’ll allow God to redefine what it means to be truly great in his kingdom.

               Let the Children Come                                    Matthew 18:1-5, 19:13-15

               Childlike Listening                                          1 Samuel 3 (Young Samuel at the Tabernacle)

               Childlike Courage                                           1 Samuel 16-17 (Young David vs. Goliath)*

               Childlike Boldness                                          Esther 1-10 (Young Esther in Persia)*

               Childlike Purity                                               Daniel 1 (Young Daniel in Babylon)

               Childlike Curiosity                                          Luke 2:41-52 (Young Jesus in the Temple)


*These two messages are not included, because they were not preached by Pastor Dave

Showing items 1 - 4 of 4 total.

  • Let The Children Come (1 of 4)
    Dave Gustavsen
  • Childlike Listening (2 of 4)
    Dave Gustavsen
  • Childlike Purity (3 of 4)
    Dave Gustavsen
  • Childlike Curiosity (4 of 4)
    Dave Gustavsen