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Sermon Series:

The Illusion of Strength

by Craig Smith

The Illusion of Strength


The story of Samson – Judges 13-18


Week 1 – Failure and Faithfulness, Judges 16:1-22


-Trusting in the wrong thing is a recipe for trouble. As we continue through the story of Samson in Judges 16, today we're talking about making sure your trust is in the right place.


Week 2– When Rights Go Wrong, Judges 15


-From the playground to the office, we all struggle when life doesn't feel fair. What should we do when it seems like our rights have been violated? Craig leads us through a powerful story from the life of Samson that helps us see God’s surprising (and very counter-cultural!) response to this age-old question.


Week 3 – The Source of our Weakness, Judges 14


-Last week, as we kicked off The Illusion of Strength series on the life of Samson, we saw that the source of our strength is our connection to God. In Judges chapter 14, we're going to see five common mistakes we all tend to make that waste the strength God gives us and, ultimately, cut us off from our source of strength.


Week 4 – The Source of our Strength, Judges 13


-This week's message starts a five-week series covering the life of Samson. Samson is most remembered for his strength, but appearances can often be deceiving. Undermining Samson’s great physical strength were a number of profound weaknesses we all wrestle with. As we study Judges 13-18, we'll uncover the only path to true strength.

Showing items 1 - 4 of 4 total.

  • The Source of Our Strength (1 of 4)
    Craig Smith
  • The Source of Our Weakness (2 of 4)
    Craig Smith
  • When Rights Go Wrong (3 of 4)
    Craig Smith
  • Failure and Faithfulness (4 of 4)
    Craig Smith