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Sermon Series:

Marriage Matters

by Craig Smith

Marriage Matters


A series about why marriage matters and how to build a marriage you’ll love.


Week 1 – Marriage Matters, Genesis 2:18-24

  • Have you heard of a “match made in heaven?” It may sound cheesy, but turns out it’s not that far off. Marriage was God’s idea and our marriages matter to God. A great marriage not only gives life to each person, but has the power to impact families, neighborhoods, churches, and communities. This weekend, Craig kicked off this two-week series to see why marriage matters and how to build a marriage you’ll love.

Week 2 – Making Marriage Matter, Matthew 19:1-6

  • Today we're talking about how to make marriage matter. How to move your marriage from wherever it is – good but could be better, or struggling and in need of improvement – further down the road towards what God wants it to be. Craig and Coletta Smith will share some important lessons they've learned along the way in almost 30 years of marriage.

  • Marriage Matters (1 of 2)
    Craig Smith
  • Making Marriage Matter (2 of 2)
    Craig Smith