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Sermon Series:


by Joey Rodgers

In this series, we are answering five prominent questions people ask on a regular basis.

Week 1 - How can I know God exists?

This message considers the four most prominent non-biblical arguments for the existence of God.

Week 2 - How can I be sure Jesus is the only way to God?

With so many opinions and options, how can we know which way is the right way to God? This message considers the credibility that Jesus is the way, truth, and life as He declared in John 14:6.  

Week 3 - Is it a sin to doubt?

Too often people see doubt as a sin and it is debilitating to their faith. But what if doubt was like temptation - not a sin, but if not handled properly could lead to sin. This message takes an honest look at doubt and what doubt can do to strengthen one's faith when handled correctly.

Week 4 - What is God's plan for the end?

While there are many views of Christ's return, this message explains a pre-tribulation, pre-millennial view of Christ's return.

Week 5 - How can I know God's will for my life?

God is not playing hide-n-go seek with His will, yet far too often, we tend to live in God's permissive will rather than in His perfect will. This message explains the truths of God's will and then offers six key steps to discovering and living God's will.

Showing items 1 - 5 of 5 total.

  • Curious - Does God Exist? (1 of 5)
    Joey Rodgers
  • Curious - Is Jesus the Only Way? (2 of 5)
    Joey Rodgers
  • Curious – Is it a Sin to Doubt (3 of 5)
    Joey Rodgers
  • Curious – What’s God’s Plan for the End? (4 of 5)
    Joey Rodgers
  • Curious - How Can I Know God's Will (5 of 5)
    Joey Rodgers