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Sermon Series:

The Great Escape

by Joey Rodgers

In this series of messages, I will be looking at things in our lives which have the ability to take us hostage and steal away our intimacy with God including things like anxiety, ambition, entitlement, religion, shame, and appearance.
Message 1 - Ambushed by Anxiety
Anxiety is a great challenge in our current culture taking people hostage and stripping them of life. In this message we will learn how to be set free from anxiety. 
Message 2 - Assaulted by Ambition
Ambition can be a blessing or a curse - it all depends on what we are driven to do to succeed. In this message we will look at possessing the kind of ambition that honors God and serves His kingdom and righteousness.
Message 3 - Mugged by the Mirror
Contrary to popular opinion, our appearance is not everything. In this message, we will look at how to be responsible to carrying for our "temples" without being taken hostage by the pressures of our culture.
Message 4 - Accosted by Anger
In this age of rage we must learn how to cool or jets and live peaceable lives that honor God and protect our witness and integrity.
Message 5 - Robbed by Religion
Faith and religion are not one in the same. This message looks at how to have an intimate relationship with God without being taken hostage by the church.
Message 6 - Shiv-ed by Shame
Guilt and shame appears to be having its way in the lives of people everywhere. In this message we will look at how to deal with shame so that we can look at ourselves in the mirror with joy.
Message 7 - Enslaved by Entitlement
While entitlement has always been a part of the human condition, it is having its way in American culture today. In this message we will look at how to reel in this sinister attitude so that we live a healthy life of gratitude.
Message 8 - Pickpocketed by the Past
The past can either serve as a stumbling block to hold us back or as a stepping stone to move us forward. The key to moving on is learning to forgive one's self and to forgiving others.
Showing items 1 - 8 of 8 total.

  • Ambushed by Anxiety (1 of 8)
    Joey Rodgers
  • Assaulted by Ambition (2 of 8)
    Joey Rodgers
  • Mugged by the Mirror (3 of 8)
    Joey Rodgers
  • Accosted by Anger (4 of 8)
    Joey Rodgers
  • Robbed by Religion (5 of 8)
    Joey Rodgers
  • Shiv-ed by Shame (6 of 8)
    Joey Rodgers
  • Enslaved by Entitlement (7 of 8)
    Joey Rodgers
  • Pickpocketed by the Past (8 of 8)
    Joey Rodgers