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Sermon Series:

Christmas at the Movies

by Joe Alain

Over the past few years during the Christmas season we have looked at the Christmas story as told through Matthew’s Eyes, through Luke’s Eyes, and we’ve seen some of what the Prophets have said in the Old Testament about the coming of the Messiah. This year, we’re going to the movies, especially the “classic” movies. Watching Christmas movies has become just as much a Christmas tradition in America as going to see Christmas lights and shopping. So each week during the four Sundays of Advent we will take a look at some of the great Christmas movies of all time (my subjective opinion of course) and uncover the biblical truths that can help us discern the meaning of Scripture and Christmas today.


Series Note: The Christmas movies I featured are true favorites and they resonate with most people. For each sermon in the series I included a video clip at some point in the sermon (noted in each sermon). Since I did not announce beforehand what movies I would be featuring, this created a good bit of excitement each week. Each of the video clips I used were readily available online.


Showing items 1 - 4 of 4 total.

  • Miracle on 34th Street (1 of 4)
    Joe Alain
  • It's a Wonderful Life (2 of 4)
    Joe Alain
  • A Christmas Carol (3 of 4)
    Joe Alain
  • A Charlie Brown Christmas (4 of 4)
    Joe Alain