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Sermon Series:

Profiles of the Protestant Reformation

by Joe Alain

“Profiles of the Protestant Reformation” is a four-part series of messages that features key Reformation leaders and their contributions to the Protestant Reformation along with Scriptures that treat the great biblical teachings that are the legacy of the Reformation. In each of the four sermons, a brief biographical sketch of the Protestant Reformer being featured is provided as a bulletin insert. Likewise, in each sermon, some biographical information is weaved into various sermon texts that either were favorites of the person being considered or that expand upon prominent Reformation teachings. This series was originally presented in the four weeks leading up to and concluding on Reformation Sunday. However, the series could easily begin on Reformation Sunday too. The sermons could even be shared individually as “stand alone” sermons over the course of several years of Reformation Sundays, a practice that I have done myself.

Showing items 1 - 4 of 4 total.

  • John Calvin, for the Glory of God (1 of 4)
    Joe Alain
  • Menno Simons, the Radical Reformation (2 of 4)
    Joe Alain
  • Ulrich Zwingli, Bold Soldier of Jesus Christ (3 of 4)
    Joe Alain
  • Reformation Sunday: Martin Luther, Here I Stand (4 of 4)
    Joe Alain