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Sermon Series:

Just Do Something - How to Find God's Will

by Steve Jones

Finding God’s will is a confusing and frustrating experience for many believers.  Christians hear that “God has a plan for your life,” or “God has a special someone picked out for you,” or “God has a special assignment for you to carry out.”  Then they spend their time trying to discern what these mysterious plans and people are and how to discover them. They don’t hear any “still small voices.”  They don’t have a “burning in the bosom” or a “liver shiver.”  God’s not showing up in their dreams.  All the while, many are paralyzed by the thought that they might make a choice or take an action that is OUTSIDE the WILL OF GOD.  In the end, they might wind up not doing much of anything.  This sermon series is designed to be a liberating approach to finding the will of God.  
Showing items 1 - 4 of 4 total.

  • The Three Wills of God (1 of 4)
    Steve Jones
  • Does God Have a Specific Plan for You? (2 of 4)
    Steve Jones
  • The Way of Wisdom (3 of 4)
    Steve Jones
  • Led by the Spirit (4 of 4)
    Steve Jones