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Sermon Series:

Genesis: Act 2

by Jason Dees

This is the second series of three sermon series on the book of Genesis. Each series consists of 4 sermons for a total of 12 sermons. The book of Genesis is incredibly foundational for understanding the rest of the Bible and for understanding all of life. This second series or Act 2 of Genesis really centers around one main character, Abraham.  It can’t be overstated how important Abraham is, or Abram as he was originally known, to understanding the Bible and the importance he plays in God’s story. This series could also be called “A New Hope”, because after the fall when all seems lost, God calls Abraham and tells him that he will bless him and make him the father of a great nation. There are 4 sermons in the series entitled Call, Covenant, Signs and Sacrifice. 
Showing items 1 - 4 of 4 total.

  • Call (1 of 4)
    Jason Dees
  • Covenant (2 of 4)
    Jason Dees
  • Signs (3 of 4)
    Jason Dees
  • Sacrifice (4 of 4)
    Jason Dees