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Sermon Series:

Open Handed Series

by Jeff Ecklund

Who doesn’t want to be more generous in their life? We’ve all felt the tug of the Holy Spirit to step out in faith and believe that God will meet us in our giving. Sometimes, we are so strapped financially and in our time, that it seems impossible to have faith that we could ever give of ourselves on a consistent basis. Fear of not having enough to take care of ourselves and our families creeps in. But God wants us to be just like Him in our giving of time, talent and treasure. This 3 part “Open Handed Series” breaks into bite sized pieces what it means to be “Radically Generous” as God is, faithful stewarding of money in “The Return” and understanding how to break out of cycles of mental, spiritual and physical lack by “Breaking a Poverty Mindset”. Changing for a lifetime is not easy but the journey can start here!
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