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Sermon Series:

Praying for a Miracle: Finding the Faith to Believe the Impossible

by Kerry Shook

Here's what Pastor Kerry Shook says about this series on miracles, "We're going on a journey with Jesus over the next 40 days. We're taking the whole church on this adventure that we're calling Praying for a Miracle, and I really believe that this could be the most important series that I've ever done. So what we're going to do is for the next five weeks, I'll be teaching on miracles and how to experience a miracle in your life, and I believe with all my heart over the next 40 days we're going to see miracles in relationships, in families, in marriages, in hearts and lives, and we're going to see people knock on the door and the door being open to find the very thing you need most in your life right now."
Showing items 1 - 4 of 4 total.

  • Doorway to a Miracle (1 of 4)
    Kerry Shook
  • The Ocean of Healing (2 of 4)
    Kerry Shook
  • Lessons in Miracles (3 of 4)
    Kerry Shook
  • Prayer Walking until the Walls Fall (4 of 4)
    Kerry Shook