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Sermon Series:

What Does It Mean to Be Human

by Jason Dees

Today, we find ourselves in a time of rapid cultural change. Things that used to be seen as good are now seen as evil, and things that used to be seen as clearly wrong are now celebrated. It is an intellectual crisis, and people are either scratching their heads, or they just feel the pressure of the cultural narrative to believe something that may or may not be good, or right, or true.  All of this leads to the question: what does it mean to be human? This is a 5-week series looking at basic human actions, desires and identifiers - things like religion, work, sex, friendship and more. 
What does the Bible say about these things? What does culture say about these things? Which one is true?  Learn more through "What Does it Mean to Be Human?"
Showing items 1 - 4 of 4 total.

  • Identity (1 of 4)
    Jason Dees
  • Sex (2 of 4)
    Jason Dees
  • Friendship (3 of 4)
    Jason Dees
  • Religion (4 of 4)
    Jason Dees