TITLE: Nearly the entire Old Testament wasoriginally written in Hebrew, and Genesis is no exception. The original Hebrewtitle of Genesis is bereshit, which means ''in beginning'' (see 1:1a). This is anappropriate title, for the book of beginnings. But our English Bibles do notfollow the Hebrew title; we follow the Greek title.
The Hebrew Old Testament was eventuallytranslated into Greek (about 250 years before the time of Christ). The Greektranslators then gave their own title, ''Genesis'' to the first book of their OldTestament text. The Greek word geneseos means ''origin, source, generation, orbeginning.'' Geneseos is a translation of the Hebrew word toledot(''generations,'' 2:4). This title is also quite appropriate because Genesis isindeed a history of origins, births, genealogies, and generations.
AUTHOR: Although Genesis does not directly nameits author; Jesus and the writers of Scripture clearly believed that Moses wasthe author of the Pentateuch (the first five books of the Bible, also called''the Law''; see Exod 17:14; Deut 31:24; 1 Kgs 2:3; Ezra 6:18; Neh 13:1; Dan9:11-13; Mal 4:4; Mark 12:26; Luke 16:29; John 1:17; 5:44-47; 7:19, 23; Acts26:22; Rom 10:5; 2 Cor 3:15, etc.). Luke reminds us that Moses was trained inthe ''wisdom of the Egyptians'' (Acts 7:22). In God's sovereignty, Moses had beenprepared to integrate and understand all the available records, manuscripts,and oral narratives with which he penned the Pentateuch. There was no moreprepared or qualified man to take on this immense task of writing Israel'shistory.
DATE/SETTING: Genesis spans more time than anyother book in the Bible. In fact, it covers more than all 65 books of the Bibleput together (approximately 2400 years). The total duration is from the time ofcreation (?) to the time when the Israelites arrived in Egypt and grew into anation (about 1800 B.C.). The date of Genesis is sometime after the Exodusduring the 15th century B.C.
The setting of Genesis divides neatly into threegeographical areas: (1) The Fertile Crescent, 1-11; (2) Israel, 12-36; and (3)Egypt, 37-50. The setting of the first eleven chapters changes rapidly and itspans more than 2000 years and 1500 miles. The middle section of Genesis spansabout 200 years and moves from the Fertile Crescent to the land of Canaan. Thefinal setting in Genesis is found in Egypt where God transports the ''seventysouls.''
AUDIENCE: Since the book announces that allpeoples of the earth will be blessed through Abraham (12:3), it seems fair toconclude that all people can benefit from the Genesis account.
PURPOSE: To reveal how the sin of man is met bythe intervention and redemption of God.
THEME: God's choice of a nation through whom Hewould bless all nations.
KEY WORDS: beginning(s) and blessing(s).
KEY PHRASE: ''...and in you all the nations of theearth be blessed'' (six times).
KEY VERSES: Genesis 1:1: ''In the beginning Godcreated the heavens and the earth.''
Genesis 3:15: ''And I will put enmity between youand the woman, and between your seed and her seed; He shall bruise you on thehead, and you shall bruise him on the heel.''
Genesis 12:1-3: ''Now the Lord said to Abram, 'Goforth from your country, and from your relatives and from your father's house,to the land which I will show you; and I will make you a great nation, and Iwill bless you, and make your name great; and so you shall be a blessing; and Iwill bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse. And inyou all the families of the earth shall be blessed.'''
KEY NOTE: Genesis is quoted from over 200 timesin the New Testament. In fact chapters 1-11 is quoted more than 100 times inthe New Testament. It's not just mentioned but you'll find it being quoted wordfor word over 165 in the New Testament.
KEY LESSON: God created us for blessings andchose us to be a blessing to the world.
CHRIST IN GENESIS: Genesis moves from general tospecific in its Messianic prophecies: Christ is the Seed of woman (3:15), fromthe line of Seth (4:25), the son of Shem (9:27), the descendant of Abraham(12:3), of Isaac (21:12), of Jacob (25:23), and of the tribe of Judah (49:10).
Christ is also seen in people and events that serve astypes (a ''type'' is a historical fact that illustrates a spiritual truth). Adamis ''a type of Him who is to come'' (Rom 5:14). Both entered the world through aspecial act of God as sinless men. Adam is the head of the old creation; Christis the Head of the new creation. Abel's acceptable offering of a bloodsacrifice points to Christ, and there is a parallel in his murder by Cain.Melchizedek (''righteous king'') is ''made like the Son of God'' (Heb 7:3). He isthe King of Salem (''peace'') who brings forth bread and wine and is the priestof the Most High God. Joseph is also a type of Christ. Joseph and Christ areboth objects of special love by their Fathers, both are hated by theirbrethren, both are rejected as rulers over their brethren, both are conspiredagainst and sold for silver, both are condemned though innocent, and both areraised from humiliation to glory by the power of God.
STRUCTURE: The literary structure of Genesis isclear and is built around eleven separate units, each headed with the word''generations'' in the phrase ''These are the generations'' or ''The book of thegenerations'':
1. Introductionthe Generations, 1:1-2:3
2. Heavenand Earth, 2:4-4:26
3. Adam,5:1-6:8
4. Noah,6:9-9:29
5. Sonsof Noah, 10:1-11:9
6. Shem,11:10-26
7. Terah,11:27-25:11
8. Ishmael,25:12-18
9. Isaac,25:19-35:29
10. Esau,36:1-37:1
11. Jacob,37:2-50:26.
1. TheOrigin of the Universe: Four Great Events (Genesis 1-11)
1. Creation(Genesis 1-2)
2. Fall(Genesis 3-5)
3. Flood(Genesis 6-9)
4. Confusionof Tongues (Genesis 10-11)
5. TheOrigin of the Hebrew Nation: Four Great Men (Genesis 12-50)