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Sermon Series:

The Greatest Story Ever Told

by Jason Dees

We all love a good story. It is just part of who we are and how God has shaped us. He made our mind and spirit and heart to respond to story because He, the author of all that is, was drafting a story from which all the great themes of narratives come — innocence, betrayal, suffering, redemption, sacrificial love, and restoration, to name but a few. Join us for a Biblical theology series that traces these grand themes from creation to redemption as we all have the chance to hear once again God’s story – the greatest story ever told.

Showing items 1 - 3 of 3 total.

  • The Hope (1 of 3)
    Jason Dees
  • The Promise (2 of 3)
    Jason Dees
  • The King (3 of 3)
    Jason Dees