Psalms 40
Jerry Vines
Psalms #1
I’m beginning a brand new series of study and I’m going to do seven messages
from the book of Psalms around the theme, Where Psalms Are Written. I’ll explain why
I’m calling it that a little bit later.
In chapter 40 notice the little subscription right under the 40. It says to the chief
musician, a psalm of David. I’m sure that you probably know that the book of Psalms was
the hymnbook of the Jewish people. You picked up a hymnbook in the rack in front of
you and Mr. Brooks told you to turn to a certain number and we sang some songs out of
that book. That’s our hymnbook. In the Old Testament days, in the days of Israel, in
those days the book of Psalms was the hymnbook of the Jewish people. There are 150 of
them and when you read through them you will discover that almost half of these psalms
are attributed to David. We have spent a good time studying the life of David and we
know a good deal about him. The fact that David wrote almost half the psalms dispels the
idea that some people have that music is for sissies. I want to remind you that David was
one of the bravest, most courageous warriors in the history of military activity. This great
warrior, David, was also a great song writer. He is one of the greatest composer, one of
the greatest musicians, of all time.
When you look at the life of David you will find that in the books of I and II
Samuel you have David’s life given to you from a historical perspective. It kind of gives
you the chronology and the historical events that took place in the life of David. But
when you come to many of the psalms of David you will find the life of David from an
emotional and a spiritual perspective. Samuel gives the story from the outside. The book
of psalms gives us the story on the inside. As you read these psalms of David you will find
that he wrote many of these ps ...
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