by Jerry Vines
Scripture: JUDE 14, JUDE 15, JUDE 16
This content is part of a series.
Judgment Ahead For Apostates (4 of 7)
Series: Apostate Files
Jerry Vines
Jude 14-16
We are in the book of Jude, the next to the last book of the Bible. We're taking our time looking at these as I'm calling it, The Apostate Files. In this book of Jude the Lord gives us a full length portrait of apostates and their apostate activity in the end time.
In days of apostasy strong preaching is needed. Because we are living in days of apostasy is not a reason NOT to preach the straight truths of the Bible, it is a reason rather to preach those truths. The apostle Paul, in II Timothy 4:2-4 talks about the last days and he says, "Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season:, reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables." Paul says in days of apostasy, preach the word. Those days will be days when people will have itching ears. They will want to hear messages that are pleasing. They will want to hear messages that are ear-tickling, but Paul says preach messages that are spine-tingling. Preach the Word. In days of apostasy strong preaching is needed like the preaching of Jude.
Enoch is an Old Testament character mentioned in the book of Jude, verse 14. What do you know about Enoch? Probably you remember the account in Genesis 5 which tells us about this man, Enoch. He was as Jude tells us the seventh from Adam. The Old Testament tells us that this man, Enoch, lived in days of apostasy. Enoch lived right before the days of the flood. He was in that age, that period of time just before God judged the world in Old Testament times with a flood that covered the earth and in those days Enoch was a man who dared to live for God. In days of pollution, in days of corruption, in days whe ...
Series: Apostate Files
Jerry Vines
Jude 14-16
We are in the book of Jude, the next to the last book of the Bible. We're taking our time looking at these as I'm calling it, The Apostate Files. In this book of Jude the Lord gives us a full length portrait of apostates and their apostate activity in the end time.
In days of apostasy strong preaching is needed. Because we are living in days of apostasy is not a reason NOT to preach the straight truths of the Bible, it is a reason rather to preach those truths. The apostle Paul, in II Timothy 4:2-4 talks about the last days and he says, "Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season:, reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables." Paul says in days of apostasy, preach the word. Those days will be days when people will have itching ears. They will want to hear messages that are pleasing. They will want to hear messages that are ear-tickling, but Paul says preach messages that are spine-tingling. Preach the Word. In days of apostasy strong preaching is needed like the preaching of Jude.
Enoch is an Old Testament character mentioned in the book of Jude, verse 14. What do you know about Enoch? Probably you remember the account in Genesis 5 which tells us about this man, Enoch. He was as Jude tells us the seventh from Adam. The Old Testament tells us that this man, Enoch, lived in days of apostasy. Enoch lived right before the days of the flood. He was in that age, that period of time just before God judged the world in Old Testament times with a flood that covered the earth and in those days Enoch was a man who dared to live for God. In days of pollution, in days of corruption, in days whe ...
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