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by William Wyne

Scripture: Isaiah 46:3-4

God Who Is Able
William Wyne
Isaiah 46:3-4

Isaiah 46:3-4 ''Listen to me, you descendants of Jacob, all the remnant of the people of Israel, you whom I have upheld since your birth, and have carried since you were born.4 Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.

Henry Moorhouse was a 19th century English Evangelist who lived in Manchester, England. Moorhouse grew up to be a reckless, rough, and rowdy young man; he spent many nights in jail for his behavior. However, one night as he was passing by a tent, he heard a great noise going on and there was music (he heard horns, a piano, and an organ). He thought it was one of his kinds of events, and given the sound of what was happening, he even thought it could be a fracas or a fight; and since he was always seeking one, this appeared to be worth investigating.

He went into the tent to join what he assumed was his kind of action. But it was a church service; the Spirit had descended on the lips of the preacher with a great presence, and the power of worship was with the people, and the praise was strong and fervent. For some reason he stayed and ended up being converted to Christ. And the record is from that date forward, he continued to be a fighter. But his fight was different, and the enemy was always the same. He now was always in a battle with the Devil trying to win souls for Christ.

One day Moorhouse returned home from a busy two weeks of revival; he had experienced some ministry frustration and he was having some ministry burdens. He was overwhelmed with the challenges of life, and apparently his spirit needed a kind reminder of the God who can.

His daughter Minnie whose legs were paralyzed, and was bound to a wheelchair met him at the door to greet him. There were some packages on the porch that Moorhouse brought in with him to take upstairs to his wife.

His daughter greeted him ...

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