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by Stan Coffey

Scripture: JOHN 20:18-24
This content is part of a series.

40 Days After The Resurrection (7 of 10)
Stan Coffey
John 20:18-24
October 30, 2002

In this passage of scripture you find the disciples of Jesus hiding. The disciples of Jesus still not convinced that Jesus has risen from the dead. They have received the news from Mary that Jesus has risen, that Jesus is alive, and yet they're still not totally convinced. If you'll look at verse 18, Mary comes with the news to the disciples. Chapter 20:18 - "Mary Magdalene came and told the disciples that she had seen the Lord, and that he had spoken these things unto her. Then the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut." That's the first day of the week. It is Sunday evening. The Lord arose on Sunday morning. Early Sunday morning the women had come to the tomb and found the stone rolled away from the door. They had seen the presence of the angels. Mary Magdalene had actually seen the Lord. At first she didn't know it was the Lord. Her eyes were swollen from crying. Tears were in her eyes. Then she came to know it was the Lord. She knew with out a doubt that it was Jesus who had risen from the dead. He instructed her to go back to the disciples and tell them that he was alive.

So in verse 18 she came to speak to the disciples. Now it's Sunday night. The same day at evening, being the first day of the week. "....when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus and stood in the midst." Now, notice the place. It is a place where the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled. Most Bible scholars believe that this is that upper room. The same upper room where the disciples met with Jesus at the Last Supper. That this upper room was a place that was very special, that it was a place which was probably the home of John Mark. A place where a devoted disciple of Jesus had given a little room for Jesus and his disciples to meet to ...

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