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by Stan Coffey

Scripture: JOHN 21:1-25
This content is part of a series.

40 Days after the Resurrection (6 of 10)
Series: 40 Days to Change Your Life
Stan Coffey
John 21

I want you to turn to John 21 tonight as we continue to study how God worked in the lives of his people during periods of 40 days. The gospel of John chapter 21. You know, the Bible says that Jesus spent 40 days after his resurrection from the dead on this earth. Most of that time he spent with his disciples before he went back to heaven. There were 40 days between the resurrection of Christ and the ascension of Christ. Then after the ascension of Christ there were ten more days to Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit was sent by God to baptize the church into the body of Jesus. What do you imagine happened to the disciples during that 40 days of time after Jesus rose from the dead? Well, the Bible talks about five different appearances of Christ to His disciples. The Bible says that one time Jesus appeared to 500 of his disciples on one occasion, at one time. That 500 of them saw him at one time. But here in John 21, it's one of the most moving accounts of one of Jesus' post resurrection appearances.

I would have to sum it up by saying during those 40 days following Jesus' resurrection, that Jesus, first of all, convinced his disciples he was alive. Secondly, Jesus comforted his disciples about his resurrection. He comforted them, that they had a future. Thirdly, Jesus commissioned his disciples to go out and preach the gospel to the entire world. So I would say that this passage tonight has to do with Jesus comforting, convincing, and commissioning his disciples, particularly Simon Peter. So here in the 21st chapter Jesus had victoriously and gloriously risen from the dead. Now, there was a short period of time between his resurrection and his appearance to the disciples in Galilee. Jesus had instructed them to go and wait for Him in Galilee and he said, ''Tell Peter, and the disciples that I will meet them in Galilee.'' He wanted especially Peter to know that he ...

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