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by Stan Coffey

Scripture: JOHN 10:27
This content is part of a series.

Assurance (9 of 14)
Stan Coffey
John 10:27
June 30, 2002

We're going to continue in our series "Unshakable Truth for Uncertain Times". This is lesson nine of the series. We'll be getting back into prophecy about the time school starts and we'll be getting into, not the book that's out this summer, but the previous book that came out this year. We'll continue to follow the LaHaye series and as those books are available to us to give away we'll be getting back into that. These are some wonderful truths that will help us in uncertain times. They are unshakable truths because they are God's truth. We're living in a day when more and more, people are being taught that there are no moral absolutes, that everything is flexible, everything is situational, there are no absolute rights and wrongs but there are many shades of gray. So, these are truths that never change. These are truths that are unshakable by anything that happens in your life, by anything the devil can do, by anything that can happen in our world. These are unshakable truths. We're talking about assurance. Last week we looked at the passage that tells us we are sealed by the Spirit until the day of redemption, signifying His ownership of us, His protection over us, signifying that the day we accepted Jesus we were sealed by the Spirit and then the Spirit became the earnest of our inheritance in heaven. The reason we know that we are going to heaven is because God's Spirit lives in our heart. Today we're going to continue that thought.

Look at Romans 8:35 on your outline. "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?" Really when you talk about losing salvation you are talking about being separated from the love and mercy of Christ, because that's what salvation is. "Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword. As it is written, 'For thy sake we are ki ...

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