Karma and Christ (2 of 5)
Series: Stupid Things Even Christians Believe
Jeff Strite
Galatians 6:7-10
OPEN: This month we're exploring ''stupid things even Christians believe'', and this morning we're going to be examining a theology that is seemingly common to every religion on earth.
So many people, in so many religions, believe this particular theology because it seems to make so much sense to them. And it seemingly makes so much sense, that even many faithful Christians can be drawn into it.
This false theology can be summed up by the proverb:
''What goes around comes around''.
Or another way of saying it is: ''You get what you deserve.''
One of the common manifestations of this false thinking is the Buddhist concept of ''Karma''.
Karma essentially teaches that all people do bad things. Those bad deeds cause suffering and no one wants to suffer. So, in order to undo the damage from those bad deeds, people need to do ''good deeds'' to balance out the damage of the bad deeds in their lives.
Visualize it like a scales.
On one side of the scales are your bad deeds and on the other side are your good deeds. If your good deeds outweigh your bad deeds, you have good Karma and you will be blessed. If your bad deeds outweigh the good you'll have bad Karma… and you will be cursed.
Now the thing about ''Karma'' is that it actually sounds Biblical.
In Galatians 6:7 we're told
''Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.''
Yeah. What goes around… come around.
Sounds like Karma to me!
But there is a difference in mindset between Karma and Christ, and that's what we're going to explore this morning.
To the Karma mindset, one can usually tell when another person's karma is good.
If life is treating them right, if they have good health, if they have a good job and lot so of money: they've got ''good karma''. With good karma they avoid suffering and experience blessings.
However if life is gone south on someone… if ...
Series: Stupid Things Even Christians Believe
Jeff Strite
Galatians 6:7-10
OPEN: This month we're exploring ''stupid things even Christians believe'', and this morning we're going to be examining a theology that is seemingly common to every religion on earth.
So many people, in so many religions, believe this particular theology because it seems to make so much sense to them. And it seemingly makes so much sense, that even many faithful Christians can be drawn into it.
This false theology can be summed up by the proverb:
''What goes around comes around''.
Or another way of saying it is: ''You get what you deserve.''
One of the common manifestations of this false thinking is the Buddhist concept of ''Karma''.
Karma essentially teaches that all people do bad things. Those bad deeds cause suffering and no one wants to suffer. So, in order to undo the damage from those bad deeds, people need to do ''good deeds'' to balance out the damage of the bad deeds in their lives.
Visualize it like a scales.
On one side of the scales are your bad deeds and on the other side are your good deeds. If your good deeds outweigh your bad deeds, you have good Karma and you will be blessed. If your bad deeds outweigh the good you'll have bad Karma… and you will be cursed.
Now the thing about ''Karma'' is that it actually sounds Biblical.
In Galatians 6:7 we're told
''Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.''
Yeah. What goes around… come around.
Sounds like Karma to me!
But there is a difference in mindset between Karma and Christ, and that's what we're going to explore this morning.
To the Karma mindset, one can usually tell when another person's karma is good.
If life is treating them right, if they have good health, if they have a good job and lot so of money: they've got ''good karma''. With good karma they avoid suffering and experience blessings.
However if life is gone south on someone… if ...
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