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by Dave Gustavsen

Scripture: Acts 2:42-47
This content is part of a series.

Filled With Awe (3 of 16)
Series: Acts
Dave Gustavsen
Acts 2:42-47

Open to Acts 2. We're taking a few months to study the whole book of Acts, which is the story of what happened when a group of people took the resurrection and the ongoing ''aliveness'' of Jesus Christ seriously. So it's a historical book that was written in the first century, and it was written by a medical doctor named Luke-the same Luke who wrote the Gospel of Luke. And we're going to cover Acts in 20 weeks, but we're splitting it up into three mini-series called ''Identity,'' ''Power,'' and ''Mission.'' So this is week 3 of the Identity series.

So let's do a quick review: Remember, just before Jesus left this earth, he gathered his disciples together, and he gave them this charge of continuing the mission that he had started-which included the words of the gospel and the works of the gospel, right? You've got to have both. And he said, ''You're going to start that right here in Jerusalem, and then push out to Judea and Samaria, and then push out even further to the ends of the earth.'' So if we're really following Christ, and really on mission for him, we're always thinking about those who are not yet reached, right? We're always looking outward. So that was the mission he gave us.

But, he said, ''Don't do anything until you receive the gift my Father promised.'' Which is…what? The Holy Spirit. And sure enough, ten days after Jesus ascended into heaven, all the believers were gathered together-it was the Jewish holiday of Pentecost-and they heard this sound like rushing wind and they saw this thing like fire, and all the believers in Christ were filled with the Holy Spirit and they miraculously started speaking different languages…and some of the onlookers thought they were drunk! But Peter stood up, and he said, ''Actually, this is what was predicted by the Hebrew prophets hundreds of years ago! And the reason it's happening now is that Jesus showed up and he started his mission, an ...

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